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  • Hi, I have plotted the following chart using maple 10 on windows xp > plot(((x^2)+x-4)/(x-2),x=-4..6,y=-2..10); X being -4, 2 Which command needs to be executed to find the local extremity? Thanks in advance for any help… Robert
    I've posted a worksheet and some code for simplification with side relations. What makes this code interesting is that it properly handles rational expressions, using an algorithm is from my M.Sc. thesis. You can download the code from the Maple Application Center here, or from my personal webpage here. The code requires Maple 10.
    Another hour, another possible problem. Consider the following Maple statements:

    > f := table([index=m]);
    f := table([index = m])
    > g := copy(eval(f));
    g := table([index = m])
    > g[index] := one;
    g[index] := one
    > h := g;
    h := g
    > f[index], h[index];
    m, one
    > g := copy(eval(h));
    g := table([index = one])
    > g[index] := two;
    g[index] := two
    > l := g;
    l := g
    > f[index], h[index], l[index];
    m, two, two

    So, after the first copy, the second table h has value one for index, while f still has value m for index. Yet, after the second copy, not only the third table l has value two for index, but also the second table h now has value two for index, while I have explicitly used copy to make a copy of h. Does this indicate a problem with the copy function?

    a colleague just noticed the following (erroneous) behavior in Maple 10 :

    > a := Psi(2, 2+2*I);
    a := Psi(2, 2 + 2 I)
    > printf("%+.6e\n", Re(a));
    Error, (in fprintf) number expected for floating point format
    > evalb(Im(a) <> 0);

    The behavior is correct in Maple 9.5 :

    > a := Psi(2, 2+2*I);
    a := Psi(2, 2 + 2 I)
    > printf("%+.6e\n", Re(a));
    > evalb(Im(a) <> 0);

    -- Regards,

    Yet another question (after scouring the Maple documentation and coming up empty-handed): The following commands: with(student) intercept(y=sin(x), y=0) Result in this output: {y=0, x=0} How can I return the other intercepts with the x-axis? For instance, the first positive and first negative non-zero intercepts? (i.e. the "first" x-intercepts traveling left and right away from the y-axis?) Thanks as always, Bryan
    Quick question: in maple , sqrt(4) returns 2. Why not plus/minus 2, since -2 is also a valid square root of 4? Thanks! Bryan
    Most experienced Maple users have encountered situations where the "do" and "end" statements are not in the same execution group. For example:
    > for n from 1 to 10 do
    >   n, n^2, 1/n;
    Warning, premature end of input, use <Shift> + <Enter> to avoid this message.
    > end do;       # in a separate execution group
    Error, reserved word `end` unexpected
    I have no objection to the issuing of a warning message when the "do" is executed without a matching "end". My request is that the unmatched "end" (particularly when it appears as the initial (non-empty) string in an execution group) should receive a warning instead of an error.
    anyone has done significant development with these two?
    Additionally to my previous post: First example returns (mathematically) wrong result,
    eval(diff(v(z), z), [v = (x->x*H), z = H])
    Equivalent works fine (just because multiplier "a" leads to implicit conversion of diff to D).
    eval(diff(v(a*z), z), [v = (x->x*H), z = H, a = 1])
    And the most exiting example (I think, that result can't be predicted by Maple developers also ):)))
    eval(diff(v(x, y), x, y), {x = H, y = H})
             (D[1,1](v))(H,H)+2 (D[1,2](v))(H,H)+(D[2,2](v))(H,H)
    Functional analog works, of course, without any errors.

    Create new document (or worksheet) with content below and execute it step by step: > restart; > Eval(diff(v(z),z),z=H)==eval(diff(v(z),z),z=H); Eval(diff(v(z),z),z=H)=diff(v(H),H) > v:=z->z*H; v:=z->z*H > value((1)); H=2H As you can see, result of eval, which in this case is equivalent to subs(z=H,diff(v(z),z)), at the right side of first equation leads to wrong final result :( This...

    Where can I find Maple worksheets for viewing/download with regards to the following fields of application?:- 1) soft independent modelling of class analogy (SIMCA), regularized discriminant analysis (RDA) and discriminant analysis with shrunken covariances (DASCO) for multivariate classification, 2) principal component scores-based multivariate statistical process control (MSPC), 3) modelling of multiplicative terms in analysis of variance (ANOVA), 4) generalized rank annihilation method (GRAM) and iterative target transformation factor analysis (ITTFA) for curve resolution and optional second-order bilinear calibration, and
    ORRCA (Ontario Research Centre for Computer Algebra) is a research group drawing from key members of the University of Waterloo and the University of Western Ontario (London) as well as several other prominent universities. This group includes many of the original pioneers of the Maple technology. They are currently one of the most active and largest research groups in Computer Algebra in the world. This Web site give a good overview of the current directions in Computer Algebra.
    This is regarding an earlier thread about Maple's misleading output of exponentials. Here is a link with a screenshot of what I am talking about: Maple output It seems like no one else is experiencing this problem. Maybe it has something to do with the version of java or OS X I am running, which is OS 10.4.3, Java 1.5, and Maple 10.01.
    Matthias Kawski's site contains a rich collection of Maple worksheets and applications. In addition, there is an extensive collection of info and tools for math and other software.
    Edwin Clark of the University of South Florida compiled this nice list of links to the home pages of key people within the Maple communities. Some of these folks are part of the current research network that feeds Maple development. Others are some of the stars of the user community.
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