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MaplePrimes Posts are for sharing your experiences, techniques and opinions about Maple, MapleSim and related products, as well as general interests in math and computing.

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  • Hi, Colleagues, I need to use two colors for positive and negative values of a plotted function and I am trying to use a piecewise switch. My atempt was something like plot(sin(x), x=0..13, color=(x->piecewise(sin(x)
    This blog entry evolved from my reply to Moira Chas's post. I want to thank her for initiating such an interesting topic. Usually Mandelbrot set is drawn in Maple using plot3d command. That also can be done using densityplot. In the example below I use mandelbrot from John Oprea's worksheet,
    mandelbrot := proc(x, y) 
    local c, z, m; 
    c := evalf(x+y*I); z := c; 
    for m to 50 while abs(z) < 2 do z := z^2+c od; 
    m end;
    plots[densityplot](mandelbrot,-2 .. 0.7, -1.35 .. 1.35,
    Hi, Colleagues, I need strongly reduce Maple generated graphs for a journal publication. How could I make the axes and tickmarks thicker? Thanks, Evgeni
    SOS! I need to find how to plot y=f(x) if x and y are columns of 2D matrix. Thanks, Evgeni
    Is it possible to solve integration with derivatives and unknown functions inside the integral... I am trying to solve the integral > int((diff(a(x),x,x))*(diff(u[1](x),x,x,x,x))*u[2](x)+((u[1](x))*(u[2](x)))*b(x),x=0..L); where u[1](x), u[2](x), a(x), and b(x) are unknown functions of x, and it keeps giving me back the integral... Is it possible...
    When entering 2D Math I occasionally like to make a character non-italic and Bold. The help files explain how to do this several different ways. The changes do appear on the screen before and after the worksheet is saved. When the worksheet is closed and opened again, the format changes are gone. It would appear that typesetting rules are taking over so what the help pages say under the topic '2D Math' is not what happens in practice. Bug? Feature? Workaround?
    FYI, Maplesoft just announced the Japanese language edition of Maple 10. Maple has had a Japanese version since Maple V Release 5 (circ. 1998 I believe).
    The help page ?UndocumentedNames lists a few of the undocumented procedures in Maple. For example: inner - computes the inner product (dot product) of two lists MorrBrilCull - subroutine used by ifactor evalgf1 - used by `mod/Gcd` etc.
    I just tried to download a copy of a worksheet from a MaplePrimes posting. The file has a .mw extension and does contain a Maple worksheet. However, when I clicked on "download the worksheet" (or words to that effect) I saw the raw worksheet file displayed in my browser - I would prefer to have the worksheet open in Maple (or allow me to save it to my local disk). The HTML code that provided the link to the worksheet was created automatically by the "convert worksheet" utility available within MaplePrimes ( My conjecture is that the MaplePrimes server is not sending out .mw files with a MIME type that allows my browser to recognize it as a Maple worksheet. I believe the correct MIME type is application/maple.
    Similarly to Binary Arithmetic, Octal Arithmetic can be done using following module,
    Silvexil announced in his blog a Binary Arithmetic package. Here is my version of it.
    It seems that the posting timestamp is an hour off: my last post appeared to have been posted an hour earlier than it was.
    Hi to all. My first post. I'm new to Mapleprimes, but have been involved with Maple for a few years. I would like to have a generalized genetic algorithm optimization tool that I could use to explore various engineering system optimization problems. I'm not aware of anything "out there" in this area. Is anyone aware of such a tool (open source or commercial)? Sherrell @ Oak Ridge National Lab
    Is there a trial version for Maple 10.0 if so from where I can download it.
    Here is the simplest program for obtaining the set of prime numbers less than or equal to n,
    It is not Eratosthenes Sieve though. The program ES below implements the Eratosthenes Sieve,
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