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  • This year marks the 150th anniversary of the death of Karl Friedrich Gauss, one of the most important mathematicians of all time. To mark this occasion, the Georg-August-Universität, the town of Göttingen and the Göttingen Gauss Association have declared 2005 Gaussjahr (Gauss year). I stumbled onto this interesting bit of news as I did some research on the city of Göttingen, Germany. A colleague of mine suggested this city as a candidate entry for Singular Planet. Göttingen is not only famous for Gauss but also for Hilbert, Heisenberg , and 44 Nobel laureates.
    Version 10 of Maple contains the ImageTools package that contains some basic image operations. In this example we will use Maple to construct an edge detector.
    hi, all, how can I plot a vertical line? for example x=5, starting from y=0 to y=10. thanks!
    London Ontario is home to the University of Western Ontario. Western is one of Canada's oldest universities and it was founded in 1878. Within its beautiful campus you can find the Ontario Research Centre for Computer Algebra where research into many symbolic algebra topics takes place. The researchers at ORCCA also help to develop Maple.
    Singular Planet is an attempt to compile a great travel guide with your help. Technically not a Wiki but using the system's "collaborative book" facility, we can immediately begin building something that I've personally always wanted to see ... hopefully you share some of my interests as well.
    Click below to see all of the places that have been documented in Italy
    Florence has so many great works of art that it can be overwhelming after a while. For the average visitor who might spend a day or two in this wonderful city, you can easily spend the entire time at the primary art galleries and see nothing else. So there we were in Florence in May, family of 4 including 2 small children looking at the 3 hour line to get into the Uffizi gallery (the big one in Florence). At one point, we decided it would not be worth it. Someday, we'll return and see the famous artworks (perhaps during February or some other light month).
    Click below to find all of the places that have been documented about Canada.
    University of Waterloo The most significant destination would be the University of Waterloo, the birthplace of Maple as well as many other significant inventions including the the famous programming languages WATFOR and WATFIV, the WATCOM series of software, and the first electronic version of the Oxford English Dictionary. It is also known for the largest Faculty of Math in the world -- over 3000 undergrad majors in math. There are equal numbers of engineers and scientists as well. It also pioneered the co-op education program in Canada and is one of the largest programs of its type in the world.
    A collaborative travel guide for the mathematical tourist: A passion for math, science, and technology is a common denominator for most of us in the Primes community. We are also global in scope with representation from all corners of our planet. In addition, many of us have vocations that take us to other lands or welcome like-minded visitors from far away places.
    This is a preview of your Maple worksheet converted to HTML. To post it to MaplePrimes, please copy the below code and paste it into a posting field. Make sure to choose the Worksheet HTML input format.
    The Maple worksheet HTML converter has been replaced with the MaplePrimes File Mananger. The File Manager improves the quality of the HTML that is created and also makes it much easier to use the output within your posts on MaplePrimes.
    I have this recurring editor issue where the cursor advances to the next line after entering an assignment operator (:=) or a type definition operator (::). I'm guessing the Maple code implementation is attempting some sort of code formatting and wants to advance the cursor one space beyond the operator. The only problem is that the space doesn't exist, so the cursor is ultimately advanced to the existing token in the buffer stream which in my case is a line feed; i.e., the next line.

    The editor appears to be in 'Insert' mode since I can't overwrite characters while the cursor is positioned in the middle of a string.
    Last week, Maplesoft exhibited at NI Week in Austin, Texas, the primary conference for the National Instruments (NI) user community. They are best known for their data acquisition and testing hardware. More recently, through their software product LabVIEW, they have been becoming significant in the general modeling and simulation space.
    The topic of Wiki has popped up in several postings including in response to my question In the "How do we grow this site?". I think we're generally agreed that this would be a good thing to do. My real question is what and how are we going to do this.
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