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  • Once again Maple has screwed things up in a new version. The material in my book, Differential Geometry and its Applications, on unduloids using elliptic functions doesn't give the correct pictures in Maple 10. Maple 9.5 worked fine. Also, something has been done to the simplification routines. In Maple 9.5, the metric and second fundamental form for unduloids are simplified to a point where they can be easily identified. In Maple 10, all that you get is a huge mess. At the Maple Workshop in 2002, I asked about these issues that have cropped up before (the worst being the transition from the wonderful Maple 4 to the horrendous Maple 5).
    Thanks to genus3 and his personal Web site for offering (via his membership profile) links some excellent online collections of digitized historical monographs by many of the great mathematicians. Collections are from Cornell and University of Göttingen. The latter also links to collections of historical monographs in on-mathematical topics.
    Click below to see the places that have been documented in Germany

    This recommendation was provided by Dr. Jürgen Gerhard, a colleague of mine at Maplesoft and coauthor of the book Modern Computer Algebra. He felt that Göttingen was definitely a center for German mathematics and science and well worth the visit if you are mathematically inclined. The city is located virtually in the geographic center of the country (in the state of Lower Saxony...

    Click below to see all of the places that have been documented in Ireland

    I've never been to Ireland, but this was the first thing that popped into my head when I heard of "mathematical tourism":

    As the story goes (recounted here among other places), on October 16, 1843, the Irish mathematician William Rowan Hamilton was walking along the Royal Canal in Dublin with his wife, when he invented the basic relation defining the quaternions. (He had previously been thinking about ways of extending the complex numbers to higher dimensions.) Supposedly, he was so excited by this that he carved i=j=k=ijk=-1 into nearby Brougham Bridge, which must have been one of the most spectacularly opaque pieces of graffiti in history. Unfortunately, there is no trace of such a carving now, but there is a plaque commemorating Hamilton's idea.

    William Rowan Hamilton Plaque - - 347941

    Licence: JP [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

    According to the article, since 1989 mathematicians from the National University of Ireland, Maynooth have organized a pilgrimage from Dunsink Observatory to the bridge on the anniversary of Hamilton's discovery. So if you're ever in Dublin in October, you assuredly have someplace to go.

    (But be sure not to commute there! :))

    Hi. My name is Yu-Hong Wang and I work in the Graphical User Interface (GUI) group at Maplesoft. I'd like to generate some chatter about GUI's role in Maple 10. First some background about myself: I'm a CS grad who's been with the company in some form or another for nigh five years now.

    I'm mainly a Mac guy. My affair with the fairer platform began thirteen years ago, and I've been developing on the Mac for close to ten years. I can still remember the days of Codewarrior, MPW, and Macsbug. Anyone care to A9F4? So by now, I hope that I've convinced you that I'm very much a fan of the Mac user experience.

    This year marks the 150th anniversary of the death of Karl Friedrich Gauss, one of the most important mathematicians of all time. To mark this occasion, the Georg-August-Universität, the town of Göttingen and the Göttingen Gauss Association have declared 2005 Gaussjahr (Gauss year). I stumbled onto this interesting bit of news as I did some research on the city of Göttingen, Germany. A colleague of mine suggested this city as a candidate entry for Singular Planet. Göttingen is not only famous for Gauss but also for Hilbert, Heisenberg , and 44 Nobel laureates.
    Version 10 of Maple contains the ImageTools package that contains some basic image operations. In this example we will use Maple to construct an edge detector.
    hi, all, how can I plot a vertical line? for example x=5, starting from y=0 to y=10. thanks!
    London Ontario is home to the University of Western Ontario. Western is one of Canada's oldest universities and it was founded in 1878. Within its beautiful campus you can find the Ontario Research Centre for Computer Algebra where research into many symbolic algebra topics takes place. The researchers at ORCCA also help to develop Maple.
    Singular Planet is an attempt to compile a great travel guide with your help. Technically not a Wiki but using the system's "collaborative book" facility, we can immediately begin building something that I've personally always wanted to see ... hopefully you share some of my interests as well.
    Click below to see all of the places that have been documented in Italy
    Florence has so many great works of art that it can be overwhelming after a while. For the average visitor who might spend a day or two in this wonderful city, you can easily spend the entire time at the primary art galleries and see nothing else. So there we were in Florence in May, family of 4 including 2 small children looking at the 3 hour line to get into the Uffizi gallery (the big one in Florence). At one point, we decided it would not be worth it. Someday, we'll return and see the famous artworks (perhaps during February or some other light month).
    Click below to find all of the places that have been documented about Canada.
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