MaplePrimes Posts

MaplePrimes Posts are for sharing your experiences, techniques and opinions about Maple, MapleSim and related products, as well as general interests in math and computing.

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  • According to the information on message formatting, all posts are formatted using HTML tags. This will prove problematic for people posting snippets of Maple input, which is likely to happen often. For example: ========================================================= > p := piecewise(x
    This post is primarily a test of attaching pictures and documents within the environment. If this works, you should see a photo of the view from our rental apartment during my family's recent holiday in Tuscany, and you should be able to access a Maple document via the attachment. Any problems in viewing or detaching, contact me. Any questions on the apartment, see
    The XML icon for the site's RSS feed appears on the left-hand side of the screen, and the feed works when I add it manually as a Live Bookmark in Mozilla Firefox. So the site is certainly capable of RSS feeds. However, I think the convention is that sites with RSS should also advertise this fact by adding metadata to the page header, which MaplePrimes doesn't yet do. An example of this metadata is: <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS 2.0" href="" /> <link rel="alternate" type="text/xml" title="RSS .92" href="" />
    I'm not sure what the snail-mail addresses are going to be used for. In any case, if they're going to be requested, it would be helpful to include a field for province/state information there. We currently have just "City" and "Country". As it is, there isn't enough information to create a mailing address from what's provided. (There's actually a Waterloo, Quebec, as I'm reminded of every time I go to site.)
    Might it make better sense to have the 'Home' and 'About' site navigation tabs in the top right of the page to be reversed?
    It would be nice if the site could remember the login information, so that we don't have to log in every time.
    In some applications it is necessary to map an angle to a range of 0 to 360 degrees. Adding 360 degrees to an angle, or subtracting 360 from an angle does not change actually change the angle. One way to do this would be to add (or subtract) enough multiples of 360 degrees until the angle falls between 0 and 360. For example, given an angle of 400 you would subtract 360 to get an angle of 40 degrees. In Maple, this is easily accomplished by the following function.

    Frem := (x,y) -> x - y*floor(x/y);

    Yesterday, I was in a Maplesoft management meeting where we concluded that the launch of MaplePrimes was to become the number one (or maybe two) priority for the company. So here it is ...

    Vladimir Popov and Ekaterina Leleka

    Solitary waves, or solitons were first described by Scott Russell, who noted the phenomenon while riding alongside a canal in 1834. He described a peculiar wave in the canal wave a single well-organized heap that propagated, seemingly without dissipation, for several miles. As a naval designer, Scott recognized that there were important things to be learned from these unusual waves.

    The rules for using MaplePrimes are simple: Respect each other and behave. Use common sense and your time on MaplePrimes will be fun and productive.

    1. MaplePrimes does not allow obscene, racist, homophobic, or sexually explicit language. We reserve the right to remove postings that defame or insult anyone, as well as posts that are abusive or hateful. Any harassing posts or postings that might be construed as stalking will be deleted and made available to the proper law-enforcement officials. We also reserve the right to move or remove posts that are off the subject or not in the appropriate language.

    MaplePrimes is a free service provided to users by Maplesoft, A division of Waterloo Maple Inc. By posting on MaplePrimes, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions. If you do not wish to be bound by these terms, then please do not use MaplePrimes.

    You understand that all messages appearing here are the sole responsibility of those persons posting the message. This means that you, and not Waterloo Maple Inc., are entirely responsible for all information and material that you post on MaplePrimes. Waterloo Maple Inc. does not control the content of any messages posted on MaplePrimes and does not guarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality of anything on MaplePrimes or any products or services that may appear here. You understand that by using MaplePrimes, you may be exposed to content that is offensive, indecent or objectionable. Under no circumstances will Waterloo Maple Inc. be liable for any errors or omissions in any postings or for any loss or damages of any kind incurred as a result of the use of any information contained in MaplePrimes.

    Here is an example to illustrate the problem.
     > y := SQRT(4);
                                       y := SQRT(4)
    To get the square root function, you must use the name "sqrt", because Maple is case sensitive. Other examples of this are:
    • use "Pi" rather than "pi" to get 3.141etc
    • use "exp(1)" rather than "e" to get 2.718etc
    • use "I" rather than "i" to get the square root of minus 1
    Also note that, for example, "Int" and "int" are both Maple commands, but work differently.

    Here are some examples to illustrate syntax errors.
     > fsolve((1-x)/x^2),x);
     `)` unexpected
    In this case, I made a typing error; there is an extra right parenthesis after the "2". Removing it fixes the problem.
     > fsolve((1-x)/x^2,x);
     > y : = sqrt(4);
     `=` unexpected
    In this case, the problem is that the ":=" has a blank separating the ":" and the "=".
     > y := sqrt(4);
                                          y := 2
     > by:=3;
     `:=` unexpected
    In this case, the problem is that the variable name "by" is a word

    Here are some examples illustrating this problem
     > x:=3;
       ...various other calculations, during which you forget that you
          gave x a value
     > solve(2*x=1,x);
     Error, (in solve) invalid arguments
     > plot(2*x,x=-1..1);  No complaint is written out, but the plot is
                           just the line y=6.
    Here x already equals 3, so it doesn't make sense to use it in an assertion like "2*x=1", and plotting "2*x" is just plotting "6". Just as the above section shows an example of having too many indeterminates, this example shows what happens when there are too

    Here are two correct ways to define functions.
     > f:=2-x;           One way is by assigning a formula to a name.
     > plot(f,x=-1..1);  If you use this method you can refer to f,
     > solve(f=0,x);     BUT referring to "f(x)" yields nonsense.
     > f(x);      WRONG      
                                         2 - x(x)
     > f:=x->x^2;          Another way is by using an arrow. 
     > f(x);               If you use this method you can refer to f(x),
     > f(1);               BUT referring to just "f" only yields "f",
     > plot(f(x),x=-1..1); not the function.
     > solve(f(x)=0,x);
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