MaplePrimes Questions

I have a problem in writing the Maple code of the image below, I don't know why the 3.5 answers are not available?

which one is better?

I was trying to fill a Submit Software Change Request form a couple of times (with an interval of a couple of days) to report a small issue in Maple2023, which happens when I try to open an empty mpl-file. However, each time I received an error message. It looks like it is just broken.

Does anyone know if there is any reliable mechanism to provide feedback on MapleSoft products?

This is strange problem. I have matrix M. when doing latex(M), it works. But when doing latex(simplify(evalf[16](M))) it gives internal Maple error 

Error, (in unknown) invalid input: ^ expects 2 arguments, but received 1

any workaround or ideas why it happens?

Maple 2023.2 on windows 10.




`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2023.2, Windows 10, October 25 2023 Build ID 1753458`


`The "Physics Updates" version in the MapleCloud is 1590. The version installed in this computer is 1585 created 2023, October 29, 6:31 hours Pacific Time, found in the directory C:\Users\Owner\maple\toolbox\2023\Physics Updates\lib\`

expr:=Matrix(3, 3, [[(-a^2-b^2-c^2)^(1/2),b*c/a,-b*c/a],[0,-(a^2+b^2)/(-a^2-b^2-c^2)^(1/2),c*a/b-c^2/(-a^2-b^2-c^2)^(1/2)],[0,0,0]]);

Matrix(3, 3, {(1, 1) = sqrt(-a^2-b^2-c^2), (1, 2) = b*c/a, (1, 3) = -b*c/a, (2, 1) = 0, (2, 2) = -(a^2+b^2)/sqrt(-a^2-b^2-c^2), (2, 3) = c*a/b-c^2/sqrt(-a^2-b^2-c^2), (3, 1) = 0, (3, 2) = 0, (3, 3) = 0})

\sqrt{-a^{2}-b^{2}-c^{2}} & \frac{b c}{a} & -\frac{b c}{a}
 0 & -\frac{a^{2}+b^{2}}{\sqrt{-a^{2}-b^{2}-c^{2}}} & \frac{c a}{b}-\frac{c^{2}}{\sqrt{-a^{2}-b^{2}-c^{2}}}
 0 & 0 & 0


Matrix(3, 3, {(1, 1) = 1.*sqrt(-a^2-b^2-c^2), (1, 2) = b*c/a, (1, 3) = -1.*b*c/a, (2, 1) = 0., (2, 2) = (-1.*a^2-1.*b^2)/sqrt(-a^2-b^2-c^2), (2, 3) = c*a/b-1.*c^2/sqrt(-1.000000000*a^2-1.000000000*b^2-1.000000000*c^2), (3, 1) = 0., (3, 2) = 0., (3, 3) = 0.})

Error, (in unknown) invalid input: ^ expects 2 arguments, but received 1


(will send to Maplesoft)


I want to write an if statement with a matrix R:
such that maple executes command 1 if R is Matrix(4, 4, [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]])

and command 2 if R is not zero.

What is the easiest way to go about this?

Anteriorly, I had done a question that you answered in the forum and it basically it was about the simplification of a equation. I'm posting the print of the screen and the code because the question of today is similarly, but not completely, because there are something that make more complicate the code that I devolved.

Hi := -Delta*S1^2 - J*S1*S2;
R1 := S1*exp(-beta*Hi);
R1 := add(R1, S1 = [--1, 0, 1]);
R2 := exp(-beta*Hi);
R2 := add(R2, S1 = [-1, 0, 1]);
S := R1/R2;
S := convert(S, trig, {J*S2});
S := simplify(S);
S := convert(S, exp, {Delta});

In this case I had to put in evidence the therm exp(Delta beta), where I simplified the expression. Now, we have more 2 variables (+2 and -2) to substitute in the equation. The code is:

Hi := -Delta*S1^2 - J*S1*S2;
R1 := S1*exp(-beta*Hi);
R1 := add(R1, S1 = [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]);
R2 := exp(-beta*Hi);
R2 := add(R2, S1 = [-2, -1, 0, 1, -2]);
S := R1/R2;
S := convert(S, trig, {J*S2});
S := simplify(S);
S := convert(S, exp, {Delta});

In the last line we had the final equation

What should I change in the code for that my exponential function continue in evidence? This is, for my expression  be

(4*sinh(2*J*S2*beta) + 2*sinh(J*S2*beta)*exp(-3*Delta*beta))/(2*cosh(2*J*S2*beta) + 2*cosh(J*S2*beta)*exp(-3*Delta*beta) + exp(-4*Delta*beta))

Hi everybody and Acer 

I have problems with this file I have, where it says “there where problems during the loading process” … Can anyone help med with my file?

i want to find fitted parameter value for G1,G2,G3,tau1,tau2,tau3 and plot stress-strain curve that fit to true_stress_strain curve(experimental data)
and i tried many times and still get error..can anyone please help is my maple file... 

Good day to all of you. 

I am working with a differential equation, got a first approximation setting all the constants equal to 1. But at the time to use the real values there appears the error numeric exception: division by zero.

I'll thanks any advice.

best regards

In the system below, I need to solve the solution algebraically (it is known in advance that from "V3" that a0=1,just open the V3 command).

V := exp(lambda*S) = S^4*a4 + S^3*a3 + S^2*a2 + S*a1 + a0;
V1 := subs(S = 2, V);
V2 := subs(S = 1, V);
V3 := subs(S = 0, V);
V4 := subs(S = -1, V);
V5 := subs(S = -2, V);
fsolve(subs(a0 = 1, {V1, V2, V4, V5}), {a1, a2, a3, a4});

I already know the answers, but I need maple to provide me with the command in the form

a1:=(1/6)*[8*sinh(lambda)-sinh(2*lambda)] and


a3:= ... etc.

What is the best way to do this?

Something to be aware of.  I realized you can't use rand in an equation with other rand's since the calculation affects the other call to it. 

Here is an example:

A simulation of 3 six sided die rolls added together for 50 trials. 

for i from 1 to 50 do
end do:

You'll notice the rand calls have affected the other calls to rand, and has eliminated some possible results.  

[added by moderator, from a Reply by the OP]

The idea was to generate values from 1 to 20 (I just chose 20 as an example) using 6 sided dice, and one that which produces as uniform a distrubution as possible. I appreciate the explanations.  I chose 4 as the smallest number of rolls needed. In the physical world as n approaches large numbers rolling that many becomes increasingly more difficult and time consuming.

So just wondering what the best solution would be for a uniform distribution in a range from 1 to n using only six sided dice?

For plotting with a plot function that has not been upgraded to units I want to remove units from the following




convert(0.5818576570e-6*exp(-0.1827959741e-5*(x^2+y^2)/Units:-Unit(`μm`)^2)/Units:-Unit(`μm`)^2, unit_free)



map(convert, 0.5818576570e-6*exp(-0.1827959741e-5*(x^2+y^2)/Units:-Unit(`μm`)^2)/Units:-Unit(`μm`)^2, unit_free)




Anything else I could try with convert or something better than this

subs(Unit(1/'`μm`'^2) = 1, %)

I cannot conclude form the help page ?convert,unitfree if it should have worked on the expression.

Is the expression (1) non-scalar?

The term unit-free describes a scalar quantity with no (multiplicative) unit attached to it. Conversion to unit-free does not apply directly to any non-scalar Maple object or data structure, which may still have units embedded within it.




I have a Maple document that contains a lot of notes that I have an exam for tomorrow. I opened the document today and it suggests I save a copy of a corrupt document and also it gives me the message "There were problems during the loading process.
Your worksheet may be incomplete." when it finally does load.

Any suggestions for how I could fix this would be greatly greatly appreciated.

Thank you

I have this equation:

and I need to do some manipulation to obtain this:

I manage to get it but my manipulation is too long for my liking. Can someone show me a shorter version. I have linked the Maple document.

Thank you in advance for your help.


I am a Newbie to Maple and can´t figure out why Maple doesn´t compute the derivative explicitly of the following function. The first part of the derivative is "correct" and the second (yellow) part just says "D..". What am I doing wrong? Many thanks for your answers!!


Hi, I'm trying to solve these 2 nonlinear equations in f, g, and x, where x is from 0 to 1 with an increment of 0.1.

I am new to Maple and do not know the basics. Please try and help me. I'd highly appreciate it.

Since this is a nonlinear system, multiple solutions exist, I need to find the first 3 or 5 solutions. Once I solve the system, I would like to plot 2 plots, y-x and z-x.

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