MaplePrimes Questions

I want infinite series expansion of incomplete upper gamma function.

I clicked on the author's page link and was redirected to front page instead. Does this link work? Why does it not work for me?

How to define constants - MaplePrimes

I'm trying to use CodeTools[Profile] to investigate my memory leak and the effect or lack there of of 'forget' to improve it.

I copied my code from an example:

 [Allow, Build, Coverage, GetProfileTable, Ignore, IsProfiled, 

   LoadProfiles, Merge, PrintProfiles, Profile, Remove, 

   SaveProfiles, Select, SortBy, UnProfile]

Profile([PickAngles(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)]);
Error, (in CodeTools:-Profiling:-Profile) unexpected argument(s)

The 'unexpected argument' is the 'result' from 'PickAngles'. I've tried with and w/o the '[]' but it does the same thing failing to recognize that 'PickAngles' is a procedure.

The example I used is here: procedure.

I did what to make of the subscript Profiles in the example so I used '[Profiles]' and that worked or seemed to.

Dear Users!

I hope you are doing well. In the attached file I want to convert the system of ODEs (attained the system against the value of M) into matrix form and need the matrices A, B and vector b. Remember the order of A, B and b vary as M vary. I am waiting for your kind response. Please take care and thanks

I can import maple, but I get an error when importing namespace/symbols:

import maple.namespace as mpl

The below is not properly rendering in my browser. You probably have to open the worksheet

De Morgan's law from


iff(not (P or Q), `and`(not P, not Q))

not (P or Q) implies not (P or Q)


iff(not (P and Q), `or`(not P, not Q))

not (P and Q) implies not (P and Q)




Edit: Asking differently: Which symbol from the palettes can be used for equivalence (in a logic context)?

Edit2: Title changed. Original title: Why does Maple replace the equivalence symbol by an implication symbol



I have a linear system with varibles trying to plot 3d the solutions x, y, z

here is my code:

please any comment might help.




a12:=-0.5*((1+theta)^3+(1-theta)^3):a13:=-0.5*(N+M*cos(phi))*((1+theta)^3-(1-theta)^3): a21:=M*sin(phi): a22:=(-(1+2*N)+0.5*M*cos(phi))*((1+theta)^3+(1-theta)^3): a23:=-(Omega+0.5*((1+theta)^3-(1-theta)^3)*M*sin(phi)): a31:=0.25*((1+theta)^3-(1-theta)^3): a32:=Omega: a33:=-0.5-(N+0.25)*((1+theta)^3+(1-theta)^3): b1:=-0.5*a31: b2:=0: b3:=0.25+((1+theta)^3+(1-theta)^3)/8:

Error, unable to match delimiters

  sdotx + a12sdoty + a13sdotzequalsb1commaa21sdotx + a22sdoty + 

  a23sdotzequalsb2commaa31sdotx + a32sdoty + a33sdotzequalsb3lsqb


  Typesetting:-merror("unable to match delimiters")))

plot3d(x, theta = .1 .. 5, phi = 0 .. 2*Pi, axes = boxed);
plot3d(y, theta = .1 .. 5, phi = 0 .. 2*Pi, axes = boxed); plot3d(z, theta = .1 .. 5, phi = 0 .. 2*Pi, axes = boxed);

I would like solving systems of congruences like the following one:

154x+69y = 0 mod 7^3

13x+716y = 0 mod 13^3

23x+3059y = 0 mod 23^3

I need the minimal non-trivial solution. I know that the solution of the system above is x=1103, y=26390.

How could I find the solution with Maple?



I'm having problems with my maple not saving. I get no error message and no windows pop up.
The error occurred after the summer holidays in Maple 2022. I use Windows 11, everything is up to date. Have no Anti-virus programs.

  I have tried the following after I discovered the error:
- To install Maple 2023
- Uninstall and delete all maple folders, then reinstall Maple 2023
- Pressed Ctrl + s
- Press "Save as..."
- Pressed on the floppy disk/save icon
- Restarted computer and updated windows
- Run Maple as administrator

The only thing I can be allowed to do is:
- Ctrl + p
- Print to PDF/printer

Really hope you can help!

Dear power users, I am making the switch from Mathcad towards Maple and would like to know what is the most efficient alternative in Maple for a solve block. I have attached a work document to illustrate better my Any help is highly appreciated.

Say I have ,

sol1 := C*vout*vin/(Iout*L*k^2)

and I want to simplify this expression by replacing  with .

Then I need to simplify it further by noting that , and that , so that the answer is only in terms of , , and .

I tried eval(sol1, vin/Iout = omega*Lm) initially to step through the first substitution, but that just returned the same expression.

Thank you.

I don't know where my last exchange with @mz6687  has been moved (not to the initial question for what I see).
Nevertheless here is the reply I was sending to @mz6687  which ended with the message "Page not found".

Could the one who moved the question meanwhile be so kind as to attach this reply?

If one writes Pi or Catalan, the output is Pi or Catalan, and writing evalf(Pi) or evalf(Catalan) we get approximations.

I would like to define other constants behaving in the same way. How to do it?

How to export Maplet file to .exe file to run independently without installing Maple software?

I can't figure how to simplify

 V:= V1*R2/(s*C*R1*R2+R1_R2)


V = V1 *R2/(R1+R2)/(C*R1*R2*s/(R1+R2)+1)

with Maple

Basically, divide numerator and denominator by the s^0 coefficient.

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