MaplePrimes Questions

Please Help!  The flow gets me like this,Where should i fix this problem.The flow changes for me fluctuate through the series range.What to do to get upflow in f(eta) and downflow in theta(eta)

I want to import a numeric 2800*1 matrix from matlab to maple by following command, but faced error as bellow:

X := ImportMatrix("E:/.../Omega.mat", source = MATLAB);
 ImportMatrix:-ModuleApply called with arguments: E:/.../Omega.mat, datatype = auto, delimiter = (), format = (), mode = (), output = all, ragged = true, skiplines = 0, source = MATLAB, sourceid = all, transpose = false
 #(ImportMatrix:-ModuleApply,36): error
Error, (in ImportMatrix) Array index out of range
 locals defined as: file = E:/.../Omega.mat, src = Matlab, ext = ext, res = res, x = x, isv7 = isv7, del = false

Where is the problem?

How to import?

This is my current code:

with~([NumberTheory, DocumentTools]):
tb := Tabulate([seq]([galois](CyclotomicPolynomial(i, x),x), i = 1 .. 10)):

I hope to export it into SVG file, but this code will report a error information:

Export("aatest.svg", tb)

# this is an example:


A := [[[6, 13], [6, 7], [5, 7], [5, 5], [7, 5], [7, 4], [4, 4], [4, 13]], [[13, 13], [13, 20], [20, 20], [20, 23], [22, 23], [22, 22], [23, 22], [23, 16], [16, 16], [16, 9], [9, 9], [9, 6], [7, 6], [7, 7], [6, 7], [6, 13]], [[13, 23], [20, 23], [20, 20], [13, 20]], [[13, 24], [20, 24], [20, 23], [13, 23]], [[22, 24], [22, 23], [20, 23], [20, 24]], [[24, 24], [24, 22], [23, 22], [23, 23], [22, 23], [22, 24]], [[22, 22], [22, 23], [23, 23], [23, 22]], [[22, 25], [25, 25], [25, 16], [23, 16], [23, 22], [24, 22], [24, 24], [22, 24]], [[25, 6], [16, 6], [16, 9], [23, 9], [23, 16], [25, 16]], [[9, 6], [9, 9], [16, 9], [16, 6]], [[6, 6], [6, 7], [7, 7], [7, 6]], [[6, 20], [13, 20], [13, 13], [6, 13]], [[20, 28], [28, 28], [28, 16], [25, 16], [25, 25], [22, 25], [22, 24], [20, 24]], [[16, 5], [9, 5], [9, 6], [16, 6]], [[7, 5], [7, 6], [9, 6], [9, 5]], [[5, 5], [5, 7], [6, 7], [6, 6], [7, 6], [7, 5]], [[4, 23], [13, 23], [13, 20], [6, 20], [6, 13], [4, 13]], [[23, 9], [16, 9], [16, 16], [23, 16]], [[9, 1], [1, 1], [1, 13], [4, 13], [4, 4], [7, 4], [7, 5], [9, 5]]];

arte := seq(polygonplot([A[i]], color = ColorTools:-Color([rand()/10^12, rand()/10^12, rand()/10^12]), axes = none, style = polygon, view = [1 .. max(A[]), 1 .. max(A[][])]), i = 1 .. nops(A));

Dear all 
For n geater or equal 2, I would like to solve to find an integrer n that such satisfy an inequality. 

I would like to see how large does n have to be for  the following ineqlaity satisfied. 
But, unfortunattely Maple return 
Warning, solutions may have been lost

solve(10^n /factorial(n) <= epsilon, n);

thank you 

printf("%", [[]]);

Yeah, it is incompatible with the Maple syntax. But I don't know why this command actually causes a serious logic error here. Actually, this seems fairly trifling in my view. Can you produce it again? 


printf("%", [[]]);


Download printfIssue.mws

Dear Maplers

Consider the follwoing differential equation

Deq:=(K*( Q*sinh(K)*cosh(Q)-K*cosh(K)*sinh(Q))*(1+s*K^2)

pp := 0.077;
ss := 0; 

ode:= diff(Q(K), K) = eval(subs(Q=Q(K),-(diff(Deq, K))/(diff(Deq, Q))),[p=pp,s=ss]);

I aim to solve this DE numerically. Note that K and Q are complex variable and K varies from 0.1.e-5*I to 20.+1.e-5*I

in addition,


I tried dsolve. but it does not get back correct solutions

sol1 := dsolve({ode,Q(0)=1e-15+1e-15*I}, numeric, method=rkf45, output = listprocedure, abserr = 1.*10^(-6), relerr = 1.*10^(-6), range=0.0+1e-5*I .. 10.0+1e-5*I )

for example sol1(2.0+1e-5*I) return nothing

How can I solve this equation?

after updating to latest Physics package, I find now latex geneated is invalid as it gives compile error.

I looked at old files I have and I see the latex generated before was correct. so something changed in the latex() command to cause this and now none of my files compile when I run my Maple program.

Before, same code used to generate this

 \left(-x^{2}+1\right) \left(y^{\prime}\right)^{2} = 1-y^{2} 

which compiled correctly.

Here is worksheet


`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2022.2, Windows 10, October 23 2022 Build ID 1657361`


`The "Physics Updates" version in the MapleCloud is 1378 and is the same as the version installed in this computer, created 2023, January 29, 12:4 hours Pacific Time.`

      usecolor = false,
      powersoftrigonometricfunctions= mixed, ## computernotation,
      leavespaceafterfunctionname = true,
      cacheresults = false,
      spaceaftersqrt = true,
Typesetting:-Unsuppress('all'); #always do this.
Typesetting:-Settings(prime=x,'typesetprime'=true); #this says to use y'(x) instead of dy/dx    
Typesetting:-Suppress(y(x)); # this says to use y' and not y'(x)

[useimaginaryunit = i, usecolor = false, powersoftrigonometricfunctions = mixed, leavespaceafterfunctionname = true, cacheresults = false, spaceaftersqrt = true, linelength = 10000]

x, false

ode:=(-x^2+1)*diff(y(x),x)^2 = 1-y(x)^2;

(-x^2+1)*(diff(y(x), x))^2 = 1-y(x)^2


\left(-x^{2}+1\right) y^{\prime}^{2} = 1-y^{2}



The error from the latex compiler is 



\left(-x^{2}+1\right) y^{\prime}^{2} = 1-y^{2}


compiled using texlive lualatex command gives

! Double superscript.
<recently read> \mathsup 
l.12 \left(-x^{2}+1\right) y^{\prime}^{2}
                                        = 1-y^{2}

The fix is to keep same latex as before or use an extra {} like this  {y^{\prime}}^{2} 

but I think \left(y^{\prime}\right)^{2} looks better. But y^{\prime}^{2} is definitly wrong latex.


I want to take v_{r} , v_{theta}, and v_{pi} common out of this expression and I want to simplify in a more simplify way. The maple sheet is attached


G[ti] := -(v[r]*`cos&theta;`*`cos&phi;`+v[r]*`cos&theta;`*`sin&phi;`+v[r]*`sin&theta;`)*rho*(-c^2+(1-A)*(v[r]^2+v[theta]^2+v[phi]^2-(v[r]*`cos&theta;`*`cos&phi;`)^2-(v[r]*`cos&theta;`*`sin&phi;`)^2-(v[r]*`sin&theta;`)^2))/(A*c^3)

My Question is is there a command to count up "compute" the number of certain digits in a given number

Hi everyone, I'm studying physics at college and we have to do lab reports. Of course we have to fit data sets. They only taught us how to calculate errors of the parameters of lineaer distributions.

Unforutnately I have to fit points that follow these functions:



First of all, which command do I use to fit for the second function? (Its the formula of abs(Vout/Vin) in function of the frequence in RC circuits)

I know for the first one there's the PowerFit command.

Also, is there a command that returns the errors for the variaous fit parameters? (i.e. a,b,c,d)

Or at least, someone knows the methods and formulas to find them?

Hello guys
I'm having trouble solving a PDE using pdsolve-numerical. Here's a notebook attached.

I'm grateful if anyone can help.




x := 19.073*Unit('m'^4*'kg'^2/('s'^6*'A'^2)); simplify(x); Units:-Simple:-simplify(x); Units:-Standard:-simplify(x); Units:-Natural:-simplify(x); convert(x, units, V^2); # None of the simplify commands do anything. Is there a way to get the last result?

This figure refuses to turn
Fig := proc(t) local a, b, P, Q, N, R, TG, x0, y0, p1, p2, p3, po, tp, sol; a := 11; b := 7; R := sqrt(a^2 + b^2); P := [R*sin(t), R*cos(t)]; x0 := P[1]; y0 := P[2]; TG := (a^2 - x0^2)*(y - y0)^2 + (b^2 - y0^2)*(x - x0)^2 + 2*y0*x0*(x - x0)*(y - y0) = 0; p1 := implicitplot(x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 - 1, x = -11 .. 11, y = -7 .. 7, color = blue); p2 := implicitplot(x^2 + y^2 - a^2 - b^2, x = -15 .. 15, y = -15 .. 15, color = blue); p3 := implicitplot(TG, x = -15 .. 15, y = -15 .. 15, color = red); sol := solve({x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 - 1 = 0, TG}, {x, y}, explicit); Q := [subs(sol[1], x), subs(sol[1], y)]; N := [subs(sol[2], x), subs(sol[2], y)]; po := plot([P, Q, N], style = point, symbolsize = 15, symbol = solidcircle, color = red); tp := textplot([[P[], "P"], [Q[], "Q"], [N[], "N"]], 'align' = {'above', 'left'}); display([p1, p2, p3, po, tp], scaling = constrained); end procnFig := 60;
Figs := seq(Fig(2*Pi*i/nFig), i = 0 .. nFig);
Error, (in Fig) invalid subscript selector
display(Figs, insequence = true);
NULL; Why this error message. Thank you.

Given matrix A, Please help me calculate A^100 by steps, without using Maple or calculators. Thank you so much!

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