MaplePrimes Questions

How to remove the ln(e) in the fianl answer shown in the picture, ( must be Maple 15), thanks


I want to solve system of PDE equations by maple and i dont know how can i write it codes that can solve them for me. Can you create the code for the equation

Thank you

_EnvHorizontalName = 'x':
_EnvVerticalName = 'y':
point(A, [-2, 7]):
point(B, [-5, -2]):
point(C, [8, -2]):
triangle(ABC, [A, B, C]):
display([draw[A(color = black, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 6), 
               B(color = black, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 6), 
               C(color = black, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 6), 
               ABC(color = blue)], 
         textplot([[coordinates(A)[], "A"], 
              [coordinates(B)[], "B"], 
              [coordinates(C)[], "C"]],
              align = [above, right])], 
              axes = none);
Would you explain to me why this error ? Thank you.
Error, (in plots:-display) expecting plot structures but received: [geometry:-draw[A(color = black, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 6), B(color = black, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 6), C(color = black, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 6), ABC(color = blue)]]

Edits: In fact it is a set partition problem.


I have the following subsets: 


I want to divide the set into 2 groups such that each group has exactly 3 elements. We want to generate all solutions. Note that we treat ({"a", "b", "c"}|{"d", "e", "f"}) and ({"d", "e", "f"}|{"a", "b", "c"}) as the same solution.

So first I used the choose function to generate all 3-subsets and then filtered for duplicate solutions.

l:=[ListTools:-Categorize((x,y)-> is(x =`minus`(s, y)),M)]:

{"a", "b", "c"}, {"a", "b", "d"}, {"a", "b", "e"}, {"a", "b", "f"}, {"a", "c", "d"}, {"a", "c", "e"}, {"a", "c", "f"}, {"a", "d", "e"}, {"a", "d", "f"}, {"a", "e", "f"}

But I feel like the solution is a bit inefficient. In fact, we only need half of all 3-subsets. I wonder if we can only keep one representative member of the same  solutions when generating the 3-subsets.

 In fact, the problem can be generalized as follows: given a list of n elements, divide it into m groups and generate all solutions. Similarly,  the same solution is generated only once. 

Why there is an error? Is any part missing in the if statement?


rel := w+(1/2)*sqrt(960*c^6*gamma^2*k^2-336*c^4*gamma^2*k^4+64*c^2*gamma^2*k^6-4*gamma^2*k^8+576*alpha*c^6*gamma*k-288*alpha*c^4*gamma*k^3-16*alpha*c^2*gamma*k^5+8*alpha*gamma*k^7-144*alpha^2*c^4*k^2-48*alpha^2*c^2*k^4-4*alpha^2*k^6+128*c^4*gamma*k^2-40*c^2*gamma*k^4+4*gamma*k^6+48*alpha*c^4*k-16*alpha*c^2*k^3-4*alpha*k^5+4*c^2*k^2-k^4)



crit_points := solve(diff(rel, k) = 0, k); rel_at_crit := subs(k = crit_points, rel)

"#` determine the maxima and minima by checking the sign of the second derivative at the critical points`  for i from 1 to nops(crit_points) do    if (eval(diff(diff(rel, k), k), k = crit_points[i]) > 0) then      print("Minimum at k = ", crit_points[i], " with value ", rel_at_crit[i]);    else if (eval(diff(diff(rel, k), k), k = crit_points[i]) < 0) then      print("Maximum at k = ", crit_points[i], " with value ", rel_at_crit[i]);    else      print("Saddle point at k = ", crit_points[i], " with value ", rel_at_crit[i]);    end if;  end do; "

Error, invalid if statement termination

"#` determine the maxima and minima by checking the sign of the second derivative at the critical points`  for i from 1 to nops(crit_points) do    if (eval(diff(diff(rel, k), k), k = crit_points[i]) > 0) then   print("Minimum at k = ", crit_points[i], " with value ", rel_at_crit[i]);    else if (eval(diff(diff(rel, k), k), k = crit_points[i]) < 0) then   print("Maximum at k = ", crit_points[i], " with value ", rel_at_crit[i]);    else   print("Saddle point at k = ", crit_points[i], " with value ", rel_at_crit[i]);    end if;  end do; "




I input this codes:



This is not the output I expected.  I would like to obtain an expression similar to the one below.

\frac{4 n-1}{9}-\frac{7}{16}n

How can I achieve this, as Maple seems to have processed it internally.

Does maple over-understand the expression.

Good day,

1. Please I need your greatest help. Can anyone please help me to run the examples on the attached papers on Maple software?

 2. Also help me to plot the graphs along with the exact solution

 3. If possible with tables

 I tried but did not get the results as expected. I shall be very grateful if I can get assistance from you

