MaplePrimes Questions

Hi all

I have trouble extracting components from of  equation solutions:

p1 := x^2+y;

e:=solve({p1}, {x});

                                         e := {x = sqrt(-y)}, {x = -sqrt(-y)}

next I used rhs() to extract right component of the first solution

x1 := rhs(e[1]);

but I got the error:

It's a simple equation where I'm just getting maple to run through the steps.


solve(eq,P^2);   returns an unexpected error

I wanted to see if maple could solve for P^2, poking here and there seeing what does and doesn't work.  I know I could just type it in, but can Maple do this?  Maybe I'm missing something.

I am using Maple 12 build 347164 for research (as a grad. student) on Windows XP.

I have written a simple block of code to do some calculations repeatedly.  However, everytime I run the code, the amount of memory Maple is using increases (3-4 MB per time).  I am simply running the code again, and the size blossoms.  I have made sure that none of my variables are expanding (e.g., a list that isn't cleared).  This is troublesome because after 30-40 runs Maple is using over 800MB and my computer has only 2GB of RAM.

How do I enter this problem in Maple 12? I have a few like this and need to knwo how to input the equations.

1.)  Find the slope of the tangent line to the curve y=x^3+3x-8 at (2,6)

2.) The tangent line to the circle y=x^3 -6x^2 -34x -9 has slope 2 at two points on the curve. Find the two points.

3.)Find the slope of the curve y=x^5 at x= -2

i have Maple 12 Student edition. when i do a 5th intergration, and eval at Pi, i get a complex answer. how would i get it to display a rational answer ? h := t-> (1+t^3*cos(t))^(1/5); ((D@@5)(h))(Pi); evalf(%); simplify(%); -.1245723200-0.905070854e-1*I D1 := D(h); D2 := D(D1); D3 := D(D2); D4 := D(D3); D5 := D(D4):fsolve(D5(Pi)); -.1245723200-0.9050708540e-1*I thanks
I'm trying to eventually make some 3d plots of some finite fields and different operations on them. Unfortunately I need some way to restrict the input to integers since apparently floor-ing them isnt enough. Heres parts of my worksheet, if it helps: G := GF(2, 8, x^8+x^4+x^3+x+1) `&*` := proc () options operator, arrow; G:-output(G:-`*`(map(G:-input, [args])[])) end proc f[1] := proc (a, b) options operator, arrow; `&*`(floor(a), floor(b)) end proc > plot3d(f[1](a, b), a = 0 .. 255, b = 0 .. 255); %;

How do I create a button that performs multiple actions? For example, I might want to create a button that both differentiates and integrates a function with one click. So far, everything I have tried has resulted in evaluating the last action in the list.



Hello I'm working with some finite fields(2^8) and sometimes instead of viewing/working with a polynomial its easier to work with a number. Its easy to convert from polynomial to number by just letting x=2, but is there a easy and built in way to go the other way? Thanks


I am using Maple 11 and trying to solve numerically the following easy system of 1st order, linear PDEs:

I have a set for which I want to multiply each value by a sequence.

The only way I know how to do this is to convert set->list, apply the sequence, Flatten and convert list->set.

The problem is that Flatten stops working when the list becomes large. Suggestions?

         I need help with this problem !!!!!!!!   My brain is turning to mashed patato's  Thank-You

  In a study on infants, one of the characteristics measured was head circumfrence. The mean head circumference of 15 infants was 34.6 centimeters (cm).

The data in the table represents the ages of the winners of an award for the past five years. Use the data to answer questions (D) and  (E)

39     40


48     48



A problem instructed me to construct a Taylor/Maclaurin series for cot(x) by dividing cos(x) by sin(x).

I did this quotient by putting both summations over each other then cancelling common terms.

I've always had some difficulties with summation, or the rules of the summation symbol and would like to know if that operation was legal.

In this case both summations began from the same starting point for the dummy variable, n.

Whenever this is the case is it correct to say that the quotient of two sums is the sum of the quotient?

very respectfully,

I've been trying to vreate a script which will provide the roots of the Bessel function of the first kind, and it's derivative.


The root of the Bessel itself is fairly straight forward, simply BesselJZero(m,n); however, I can't do the same for the derivative diff(BesselJ(m,n),n).


Any help would be appreicated.

A population has a mean of 75 and a standard deviation equal to 21. Find the mean and standard deviation of a sampling distribution of a sample means with a sample size of 49.  

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