MaplePrimes Questions

I would like to simplify (automatically...) a sum containing constant terms, as in the trivial one:

Sum((A*x[i]+B)^2, i = 1 .. n) = A^2*(sum(x[i]^2, i = 1 .. n))+2*A*B*(sum(x[i], i = 1 .. n))+n*B^2

I can reach this result easily enough by:

- Using the "student" package

- Then expressing the sum underits inert form (Sum(...))

- Expanding it

- Taking its value.

Now the "student" package is "deprecated".... How can I do this without it?


I get to the point  error (in dsolve), required an indication of the dependent variables in the given system. i do not know what this means..

What i did is type in y''+4y'+5y=0

than i entered the initial conditions y(pi/2)=1/2 and y'(pi/2)=-2

than i dsolved 1 and 2 and recieved that error, what am i doing wrong, i am brand new to maple and would almost rather do it by hand

1. y''+4y'+5y=0  IV= y(pi/2)=1/2 and y'(pi/2)=-2  I can get to the dsolve and than I run into errors.

2.y''+2ty'+3y=0,  t=0 is an ordinary point of the equation and how is it possible to find a power series solution?

3. Is it possible to solve a problem like this is maple?

A mass weighing 32lbs stretches a spring 2 ft, the mass is initially relesed from a point 1 foot above equilibrium position with an upward velocity of 2ft/s/

 A. Find amplitude and period of motion

I'm considering buying Maple but I need to know something...


Does the functionality Maple provides (like the equation editor) allow for writing out math as quickly and effeciently as doing it on paper? I ask because I have a rather unique disability that has left me without the ability to write, making it difficult to learn math. I'd like to find software that will allow me to write math on the PC like you might see on paper.


let me show a little problem i've found in physics package (if it really is the problem in package), and especially in Bra, Ket, and in product operators



lets calculate a product of a projector and a Ket:


in this case the result would be obviosly Ket(Psi,1) and it's true.

Let's modify it now:


I'm trying to create a series of if commands which will return a value based on some initial conditions.  I have 5 equations, x1, x2, x3, x4 and x5, which contain functions containing parameters m and n.


If the initial condition is "yes", then x1, x2 and x3 could be used, if no, then only x4 and x5 can be used. 


For the "yes" case, if m = 0, then only x2 can be used, and likewise, if n=0, only x3 applies.  Should m > 0, n > 0, then x1 applies.

I want to obtain an asymptotic formula (n->infinity) for

sum(2/k,  k=1..n).

Direct method does not work. Probably it is needed some transformation (maybe theory) before it. Could you help me?


alright, heres my newest task that should be easy that has given me nothing but problems.... I have a function, sFunction, that takes in something between 0 and 15 (*only* integers) and spits out a single value. I would like to create a matrix of the output's bits. Since my numbers are 4 bit, that means it should be 4 wide and 16 high. To get the bits I'm planning on BitAnd-ing them with a power of 2 to isolate it. I keep getting "too many levels of recursion" errors on all my attempts.

Hi, all

   I got qeustion about how to 3D plot a function with different values of on parameter.

For example, a  function

y = 2x /(x-m)

m is parameter.

I want to plot the different function curve of y in 3D when m has different values as such m=1, m=5,m=10....

say, y1 = 2x/(x-1)

       y2 = 2x/(x-5)

     y3 = 2x/(x-10)

btw,  I know how to plot 3D,  but I just want to plot the function at several specific m values.

Hello, If you have an aperiodic function that attains a maximum at some later time say tau, what command in maple would allow you to find it? Mathematica, as far as I know, is only limited to specifying where you think the greatest maximum might be and the only alternative to automate this would only find the first maximum not the greatest maximum.

Well I had been using MapleTA for a long time now, and I'm really satisfied with the product itself and the e-Learning idea.

So i would like to use a MapleTA question in plain html, not in Blackboard neither in Moodle (that would be great at my college), but in plain html.


Imagine a web version of an Algebra book in wich it's shown how to invert matrix (something everyone must know when finish high school but nobody remembers in the first week of college), and at the botom there is a random problem when you can try to do it.

Any chance this is possible? I dont like having to 'browse' every time and my matrices arnt even that big. Thanks

Hi, i want to find the roots of a polynomial and replace pepetitive (long) expressions in it by using alias.


-1/6*(108+12*177^(1/2))^(1/3)+4/(108+12*177^(1/2))^(1/3), 1/12*(108+12*177^(1/2))^(1/3)-2/(108+12*177^(1/2))^(1/3)+1/2*I*3^(1/2)*(-1/6*(108+12*177^(1/2))^(1/3)-4/(108+12*177^(1/2))^(1/3)), 1/12*(108+12*177^(1/2))^(1/3)-2/(108+12*177^(1/2))^(1/3)-1/2*I*3^(1/2)*(-1/6*(108+12*177^(1/2))^(1/3)-4/(108+12*177^(1/2))^(1/3))

This looks nasty, so i want to replace (108+12*177^(1/2))^(1/3)



I've written a simple LPSolve test program. But it seems to fail to give me the correct answer that satisfy the constraints. Here is the code:


cnsts := {x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 >= 1, x1+x2+x3+x11+x6 >= 1, x7+x9+x10+x4+x5 >=1, x7+x9+x10+x4+x5 >= 1, x7+x9+x10+x11+x6 >=1, x8 + x9 + x10+x4+x5 >=1, x8+x9+x10+x11+x6 >=1};

obj := x1+x2+x3+x4+x5+x6+x7+x8+x9+x10+x11;     

LPSolve(obj,cnsts,assume = {nonnegative});


Given a cubic, x^3 - c*x +16=0, I need to find values of c so that the real parts of the complex roots are negative.  Any suggestions?

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