MaplePrimes Questions


I am trying to get Maple to help me solve an integral equation.  I tried the solve command, which I suspected wouldn't work.  I was right, but I do not know how else to approach the problem.  Here is what I did:


solve(int(f(t), t = 1 .. x) = 5*x^2+7*x-3, f(t))


Of course this produced an error.  Any suggestions?  Thank you.

Hi everybody,
I would like to speed up my program because it is very slow for large input data
this program calculate arithmetic coding for input data

# calculate frequency table 
local k;
global cp:
for k to N do
if (input[k]=x) then cp:=cp+1 fi


My maple 11.02 appears to have some problem of lunching...

I can start Classical Worksheet though, but not Maple 11...


error:  cannot creat the java virtual mechine


I have tried to re-install Maple after uninstalling ,however it dose not help..


someone has any suggestion?


Thanks in advance

I hope to reimplement an expensive algorithm in Maple over windows. The suggestion I got is to write it in C and call it inside Maple. However, the algorithm itself is quite complicated and the linux version uses saclib2.1 library which provides many useful implementations of numerical routines. 

I therefore wonder if Maple provides its own C or C++ math libraries, so that I don't need to implement everything by myself?


How do I ask maple to differentiate y^2+(x-c)^2=c^2 w.r.t.  x ?


it's defnitely not implicitdiff

I think I knew this before...then I just cant remember...


Thanks in advance.

> c:=-4:
> FM1:=DEplot(diff(y(x),x)=-c/x^2,y(x),x=-10..10,y=-10..10,color=red):
> FM2:=DEplot(diff(y(x),x)=x^2/c,y(x),x=-10..10,y=-10..10,color=green):
> display(FM1,FM2);


how can I join the direction fileds together?

i mean just like plooting the solutions of the ODEs..


I want to do with "linestyle"..tried, but dosent seem to work...

Just wondering what the easiest way is to extract data from an excel spread sheet so that it can be used as data in a maple worksheet.  For that matter, what other database programs can I use with maple?





Is Maple (student version) appropriate for typing non-professional documents containing trigonometric graphs and 2D shapes?

I would like to plot functions like sin(x)  with the horizontal axis labeled in multiples of pi, and draw polygons with angles labeled.

I'd like to copy and paste the following from Maple 9.5 into a Windows 2000 text:

lim x-->0  .


The trouble is,in Maple you can't write x-->0 as a subscript to the word "lim". That is how you HAVE to write if you're writing a maths thesis. Can someone please tell me how I can overcome this problem? Thanks



We are looking to use TA.  Our Uni common authentication system uses Apache/Kerberos.  Is there a way of getting TA to use the Apache-supplied authenticated username?  

The documentation seems to suggest the only options are TA's internal user/pw system (where I saw something that suggests the p/words are held in plain text(!)) or an LDAP server.

Grateful, as always,  for any insight.


   The equation like that:


when i used solve command in Maple, the result is :


  this result is not what i want, i need exactly solution. 

 Can anyone help me?

 Thanks very much for your help!!


Hi, I am trying to generate 20*10000 random numbers with Logistic distributions and a 20*20 correlation matrix, but I don't know how to do so. Could someone help me on this topic?

Hi All,

Could someone please tell me how to create a simple input/output table from an equation such as y=x^2 + 2 or lead me to a task from which I can cut and paste and change parameters.

Thanks in advance.


Hi, using a solution of u that I have already calculated from an ode (by the method of multiple scales), how would I plot a phase portrait of u' against u??  All help is greatly appreciated.  Many thanks in advance.

Hi, I'm new to maple and to the site.


How do I find and / or graph a double or triple intral over a implicit function?

for example I want to find the volume         / /  x^2  dA                over the ellipse x^2 + y^2 - xy < 2.

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