MaplePrimes Questions

Hello, again,
basically, I have an implicit relation for lambda:

> eq1 := (sqrt(lambda*alpha)+alpha)*BesselJ(alpha, 2*sqrt(lambda*alpha))/(2*sqrt(lambda*alpha)) = BesselJ(1+alpha, 2*sqrt(lambda*alpha))/alpha;

So solutions of lambda, for a particular alpha are given at the intersections of the two functions:

> plot({subs(alpha = 2, (sqrt(lambda*alpha)+alpha)*BesselJ(alpha, 2*sqrt(lambda*alpha))/(2*sqrt(lambda*alpha))), subs(alpha = 2, BesselJ(1+alpha, 2*sqrt(lambda*alpha))/alpha)}, lambda = 0 .. 50, -1 .. 1, color = [red, blue])

Anyone out there know where the FEM library is that is mentioned in the Finite Elememt Method worksheet from the Applications Center, author Fedderik van der Bos, 2000?  The introduction lists several procedures that are stored in the FEM library which are loaded via the with(FEM) command.

Thank you for your assistance.

The amount 180.00 is what percent greater than 135.00?

Obtain Hamilton's equations of motion for a plane pendulum of length l with mass poin m whose radius of suspension rotates uniformly on the circumference of a vertical circle of radius a.  Describe physically the nature of the canonical momentum and the Hamiltonian.





I know this is a mathematics forum, but I think that there are many faculty members and others here directly or indirectly affiliated with physics.

Again from Goldstein's, "Classical Mechanics" Chapter 8, The Hamilton Equations Of Motion.

The question is:

Write the problem of central force motion of two mass points in Hamiltonian formulation, eliminating the cyclic variables, and reducing the problem to quadratures.



Show that if lambda[i] are the eigenvalues of a square matrix, then if the reciprocal matrix exists it has the eigenvalues (lambda[i])^(-1).

By "reciprocal matrix" I assume he means inverse.


I found a used copy of Probability and Statistics Explorations with Maple by Karian and Tanis. I'd like to work through it, but the supplements come in Maple 6,7 and 8 versions and I use Maple 11. Can I load the supplement?

The version 8 one comes as a "package", stat.all, but I don't know what to do with it. The version 6 one comes as two files, a help file, *.hdb, which seems to load, and a stat.src file. I put the  src file in a directory which I added to libname, but I can't use "with" to call it.

Thanks in advance

Hi guys

Is it relatively simple to create a maplet which allows a user to fill in the entries of a matrix, and then to take the elements of that matrix and put it through a procedure. So to clariffy say i make a window appear with 4 empty boxes, this would correspond to the entries of a matrix.

I need to do the integral of a certain function by using

a) Rectangles method

- Would it be sum(f,x=a..b,n) ?

b)Trapezoid method ( I can not use trapezoid() )

c)Simpson's method ( I can not use simpson() )

I know how to do them without Maple, but with Maple I have no idea.

Hi everyone,

i plotted a graph last time, and Maple showed a very clear graph. But when i Opened my file on the next day agian and re-enter t to my input. Maple gave me a string of number instead of graph. Even to teacher's guide as well, sometime Maple gives nicely graph, but mostly a string of number. Can anyone give me solution ? Thx a lot


My graph:


Dear all,

I'm looking for your help on

How to solve my problem in withhere file

How to plot the solution

How to convert the solution in matlab or in C code

View 4968_My on MapleNet or Download 4968_My
View file details

Thank you for your great support !

I am trying to solve this ode numerically in Maple 11.


ode1 := (diff(y(x), x))^2+4*c*(diff(y(x), x))+4*c^2*y(x)/(1-x^2);


dsn3 := dsolve({ics, ode1}, numeric);


But I get the following error:


Error, (in DEtools/convertsys) unable to convert to an explicit first-order system


What does this error mean?  The function y(x) is valid on {0,1}



HI to everybody, I have to manipulate a system of partial differential equation,one by can I do? I have in particolat to derive a lot of time my differential equations(shallow water equations),and then to group, to substitute and at the and I need time derivative in function of spatial derivative. How is the best choice for working? I think to define for example:

pde := diff(q(x, y, t), t) +(g*D-u^2)*(diff(h(x, y, t), x))-2*u*(diff(q(x, y, t), x))=0


How can I get the powers of "y" for all terms in eq1:

eq1:=A*(k+1)*y^n+(k+2)*y^(n+1)+12*y^n+k*y^6 +... other terms

where A,k, = consts, n::posint

,for example, as a list  [n,n+1,n,6,....]

Thanks in advance - jerzy 

hi everone,

i m new user . My dad just got for me MAPLE 11 last week. So interested! But when i do sloving equtaion 2*cos(x) - exp(x)= 0 interval -3..3. Maple only give me 1 solution instead of 2 solutions . I wonder if i my imput date is wrong. Can anyone help me, thx!

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