MaplePrimes Questions

Inside a Proc() that I am writing I cannot do the following:


where b is a number and intercepts is an array of size greater then or equal to b+1.  My confusion is that that same concept works outside of a Proc.. Am I missing something?






I've changed my PC so I've tried to reinstall Maple 11 from XP to Vista (with the Vista installer of Maple). I've got the following issues:

how do u approximate matrix entries to a number of significant figures?


x nadine

I have two sets of scatter data.  Each set has been fit by a different function which is dependent on independent variable N.  The x-axis is 1/N. 

Set 1:

Scatter data is (0.125, -4.72557), (0.08333, -4.53944), (0.0625, -4.48229), (0.05, -4.42733)

where the x-axis is 1/N with N = 8, 12, 16, 20 and the y-axis is a function in terms of N as well: -8.55704612297018*SQRT(1-0.73962210555774*COS(PI()/(N+1)))

Set 2:

Scatter data is (0.125, -1.7312), (0.08333, -1.96658), (0.0625, -2.1274), (0.05, -2.187)

3.) A 5.00 x 10^2g block of metal absorbs 5016 joules of heat when its temperature changes from 20 degrees C to 30 degrees C. Calculate the specific heat of the metal.

I'm using Maple TA with first-year business students.

Hey, I want to look into something about n! I wrote a procedure like: > myfactorial:=proc(N) > local ptlist,k: > uses plots: > ptlist:=NULL: > for k to N do > ptlist:=ptlist,(k,k!): > od: > pointplot([ptlist],color=red); > end: myfactorial(20); works fine myfactorial(50); and more than 50 it says floating point overflow.please shorten axes.. is there a way to make it work? and n! is defined as int(x^n*exp(1)^(-x),x=0..infinity); why the output is Gamma (n+1) insteas of 1? simplify(%/n!); # can give me "1" and how do i get maple to plot

What I mean is, I have a set of variable, and a set of equations. The thing is, there are a lot of variables, and not enough equations to uniquely determine them unless the 'rules' are applied, which are:

1) all xi that exist are integers between 1 and 9, i.e. xi is in {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}

2) if xi exists, then xi<>xi+1 AND xi<>xi+10

In an effort to draw the unit normal of a vector, n, to a curve defined by a radius curve, r, the following command is inputted to Maple but recieves the error also noted below.


Error, (in simpl/abs) abs is not differentiable at 0

 However a plot of the components of the unit vector shows that it is well behaved at 0, i.e. it has values of <-1,0,0>

I'm trying to write a sequence on Maple11 that outputs the determinant of the vandermonde matrix for  a given n in terms of xi, i=1...n. The procedure shud have a single argument n so that it begins VanDet:=proc(n).


xxx nadine

I wonder if maple has a way for multiple inputs to functions.  For example, given:

f := (x,y) → x + y

is there a way to pass in (x,y) = (0,0) AND (1,1) at the same time?   I tried:


But the output doesn't make sense to me.I have wanted this feature as long as I have had maple, but gave up on this possibility.  Now by accident I discovered something quite similar. when checking maple's solution to a system of equations.

what is the verbal representation of function mean


So I was searching the net and such for and idea of how to do this, i found:

The first example is pretty self explanitory, now my question is for more complicated functions is there a maple method to do this quicker, or do i have to do the beat it with a stick method?



Ok, I've got a matrix where the elements are lists of length 3, the first element tells you what sort of entry it is; the important thing to know here is that if the first entry is one then the second entry (and third) is a variable.

Hi, I'm currently using MAPLE 11

I'm trying to multiply series(about 30) matrix[ Matrix name is(F(x[k],y[k],j[k])) by using the product command


product(F(x[k],y[k],j[k]), k=1..10); 

when I use the above command the following. error occurs.

[Error, (in rtable/Product) invalid arguments]

I've figured out the product command only works for real numbers, not matrix

But the problem is ... then what command should I use?


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