MaplePrimes Questions

Hello everybody, In the following code I wish to print a 6*N table. When I let the array run from 1..5 everything works fine. However I wish to run it from 0..5 as shown below. Once I do so the output looks completely messed up. Whats the matter with starting the array from 0? > mu := 'mu': > mu := array(0 .. 5, 1 .. N): > for n to N do > for S from 0 to 5 do > mu[S, n] := lambda[n]*baseleadtime[S] > end do; > end do; > print(mu); THX in advance.. Fred
It would be great if someone could give me a lead on this: I have 3 sets: A={1,3,4,8}, B={5,6,9}, C={2,0,7}. Is there a command in Maple that can produce all possible combinations of all numbers involved in 3 sets so that I could get the following result: [A1,B1,C1], [A2,B1,C1], [A3,B1,C1], [A4,B1,C1], [A1,B2,C1] etc I have tried the following but the result is: > comb(({1, 3, 4, 8}, {5, 6, 9}, {0, 2, 7}), 3); print(comb({1, 3, 4, 8}, {5, 6, 9}, {0, 2, 7}, 3)); comb({1, 3, 4, 8}, {5, 6, 9}, {0, 2, 7}, 3) thanks...
Hello I am trying to plot the same function over several different values for comparison. My problem is that whenever a plot is drawn, the axis is rescaled to fit the contents, for example in the following code > restart; > ReZ:=sin(omega); ReZ := sin(omega) > ImZ:=cos(omega); ImZ := cos(omega) > plot([ReZ,ImZ,omega=0..0.5]); > plot([ReZ,ImZ,omega=0..1]); The axis values differ, but the plots look exactly the same, which makes it very hard to compare them. I haven't been able to find a way to define the axis ranges i need so any suggestions would be appreciated
is there a reason this doesn't solve? (1/m)(int(b*t*(t[o]-t), t = 0 .. T)) it just spits out (int(b*t*(t[o]-t), t = 0 .. T))/m which isn't helpful...
I hope someone can help me. I am using Maple 10 to make a model of some of my research on fruitfly dorsal-ventral formation. I am far from a math and maple expert, so i hope someone in here can help me. I have plottet my data with pointplot3d and need a function i can fit to to my data. Have tried with one time-frame at a time, using fit[leastsquares], but don't get a good result. Have a lot of "noise" on my measurements, that probably wont give a good result, I therefore need a full 3d fit. The data seen from (y,z)-axis is increasing "shark-fin" pattern: .............................................xxxxxxxxx
I hope someone can help me. I am using Maple 10 to make a model of some of my research on fruitfly dorsal-ventral formation. I am far from a math and maple expert, so i hope someone in here can help me. I have plottet my data with pointplot3d and need a function i can fit to to my data. Have tried with one time-frame at a time, using fit[leastsquares], but don't get a good result. Have a lot of "noise" on my measurements, that probably wont give a good result, I therefore need a full 3d fit. The data seen from (y,z)-axis is increasing "shark-fin" pattern: ....................................xxxxxxxxx
hi all, i have an equation like this: a = Lambda[d]/(Lambda[d] + Lambda[in]); P(0, 0) = 1/(k + (Lambda[in] / Mu[in]) * (k - 1) + (Lambda[in] / Mu[m]) * (k - 1) + a* ((1 - a^(n - k)) / (1 - a)) + (Lambda[in] / Mu[in])* a * ((1 - a^(n - k)) / (1 - a)) + (Lambda[in] / Mu[M]) * a * (( 1 - a^(n - k)) / (1 - a)) + (Lambda[d] / Mu[D]) * a^(n - k)) Availability (A) = P(0,0)*(k + (a * (1-a^(n-k)))) i want to find the optimal Lambda[in] which max the A.. is there any non-numeric solution way and plot A-Lambda[in] graph?
I have benn assigned to do this: Set up a Double Loop in Maple with the parameter "A" running from 0 to 2 in steps of 0.02 and "B" running from -1 to 1 in steps of 0.02. Within the double loop, set Xo=A+BI and compute 10 Newton's Method Iterates. Now I don't have a clue how to solve it but I have been trying, It seems to me that I always head to a dead end solution.... By recommendation I have done this but I get stuck; I don't know how to do the double loop from this domains. I'm gonna write it down or if you want you can see it with the link below. > restart
Hi everyone, I'm a newbie at Maple and am building a model for the transmission and reflection of EM waves in layered media. I'm trying to separate something like: R[s] = (-I*sin(q[m]*l/Z[m])*Z[1]*Z[t]-cos(q[m]*l)*Z[1]+cos(q[m]*l)*Z[t]+I*Z[m]*sin(q[m]*l))/(I*sin(q[m]*l/Z[m])*Z[1]*Z[t]+cos(q[m]*l)*Z[1]+cos(q[m]*l)*Z[t]+I*Z[m]*sin(q[m]*l)) into complex and real parts. Re and Im don't seem to work. In fact if I take an equation like: f:= cos(x) + 2*sin(4*x) and run Re or Im on it, it doesn't seem to work. Any assistance would be much appreciated! Thanks,
How can I do an array in maple? Tanks...!!!
his is the eqaution given X=a+bI and my proffessor want this to be inside the double loop. variable a is from 1 to 2 with a interval of .02. the variable b is from -1 to 1 with a interval of .02. this is what it should look like for a from 0 by 0.2e-1 while a
Hi my name is Franklin and I'm student in NYC. Now I'm doing a project assignment from my math professor. He didn't explain to us how to use the maple 10 at all. Now I come here to look for help. How I set up a double loop with the parameter "A" running from 0 to 2 in steps of 0.02 and "B" running from -1 to 1 in steps of 0.02? How I set the Xo=a+bI within the double loop? How I can compute the 10 Newton's method iterates? For me it is difficult but maybe for you guys this will be easy since you all are experts in it.... Best Regards, Franklin
Hello, Is it possible to use the densityplot function with imaginary values? I've tried with numerous functions, and all it ever seems to output is a solid black field. Any help/suggestions/links to resources would be -greatly- appreciated! Thanks! Joe H.
I need to solve following ODE: ODE:= y(f)*(diff(y(f), f, f))+50.0*f -50.0*f^2= 0 Subject to boundary conditions: BC:= (D(y))(.5) = 0, y(0) = 0 I used BVP method : dsol2 := dsolve({ODE, BC}, numeric, method = bvp[midrich], y(f), range = 0 .. .5) But I got " Error, (in dsolve/numeric/bvp) division by zero" Can someone please tell me what I can do. Thanks,
I need to solve following ODE: ODE:= y(f)*(diff(y(f), f, f))+50.0*f -50.0*f^2= 0 Subject to boundary conditions: BC:= (D(y))(.5) = 0, y(0) = 0 I used BVP method : dsol2 := dsolve({ODE, BC}, numeric, method = bvp[midrich], y(f), range = 0 .. .5) But I got " Error, (in dsolve/numeric/bvp) division by zero" Can someone please tell me what I can do. Thanks,
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