MaplePrimes Questions

Hi. I'm a very new Maple user, but I don't think that this qualifies as a Newbie question. Has anybody had problems when trying to write directly to a PS file from within the Maple GUI on OS 10.4.3 for Mac? Consider the following: currentdir(kernelopts(homedir)): plotsetup(ps,plotoutput=""): plot(sin(x),x=0..2*Pi); Running this code from the command-line works as expected, but running this from the GUI interface usually returns: Error, Error in device driver: plot terminated The strange thing is that about 10% of the time, the above code actually will work from the GUI. I cannot produce failure or success consistently in the GUI. I have tried this on both a G4 and a G5. Am I the only user who has had this problem?
I try to deduce distribution fonction from a parametrized set of points with Maple. At this stage I have a dataset define through a relationship like y=f(x), and I want to obtain the distribution of y points, given that x in [-A,A]. The theoretic formula is : F[Y](z) = P(y<z). i.e. F[Y](z) = Int(delta[f(x)< z],x=-A..A); and I use the piecewise Maple function to implement it ( Int(piecewise(f(x)< z,1,0),x=-A..A) ), but for Maple : Int(piecewise(f(x)< z,1,0),x=-A..A) = piecewise(Int(f(x)< z, x=-A..A),1,0)) which is totally different !
I was able to create a stand-alone application from a M-file with MatLab 6.0 R12. Is it possible to do the same with Maple 9.5? I mean, can I take a Maple worksheet and convert it into a executable file which can be run on a PC that does not have Maple 9.5 installed? I would like to know since it is easier for me to create GUI applications with Maple 9.5 than with MatLab.
Using the following integrand


I get -0 for Int( %, xi= -99.496042185589..infinity): evalf(%,14);

which certainly is false. But if I cut off at a reasonable upper bound
(say exp(...) <= 1E-16) I get what I expect (up to rounding errors).

I consider that as a bug and wonder whether it is in the NAG library
or through Maple calling it - any explanation?

Edited to add: `Mapl
I was wondering if some one had the knowledge as to why the plot3d command will not work for the dirichlet elliptical wave equation, at fixed time t, yet maple is able to evaluate this function at specific values for theta and r. (the coord system for the 3d plot should work with "ellcylindrical" but does not)

the modes of the function look like (for Cosine-Elliptic)


j=0, 1, 2...n where q is a 'zero' value of MathieuCE(j,q,I*1) 0<theta<2*Pi, 0<r<1, t>=0

the error stated is "Plotting error, MESH must be a list of lists of vertices, or an hfarray"
I would like to split a polynomial into even and odd terms. Has this capability been provided in a package? PolynomialTools seems the obvious choice, but doesn't do this. Here's one approach
SplitPolynomialEvenOdd := proc(poly::polynom(anything,v), v)
description "return the even and odd parts of a polynomial in v";
local p;
    p := collect(poly,v);
    if p::`+` then
        return selectremove(t -> degree(t,v)::even, p);
    elif degree(p,v)::even then
        return (p,0);
        return (0,p);
    end if;
end proc:

SplitPolynomialEvenOdd(x^2 + 3*x + 1, x);
i want to know that is ther any procedure or builtin functin which return the exponent of a variable.For example if i have a variabl x^2 result will be 2.and also i want to know the procedure by which if i have two lists of variables we can compare there type of variables and cobine the coefficients of same variables.For example >s:=[v1,2*x^2*y,v2,1*x*y^2,v0,3*x^3]; >p:=[a*x^3,b*x*y^2,c*x^2*y]; i want to get result v1,2+c ,v2,1+b, v0,3+a how can i get this result any body help me
I have a system of matrix equations and would like to solve it for a certain vector, but without stating anything else but the names of the matrices and vectors involved. This is to be used for further studies in a numerical matlab model where the matrices and vectors are specified. Example: Let A, B and C be regular matrices where: A*B=C Solving for B we get: B=inv(A)*C How can I make maple do this for me without specifying the elements in A, B, and C.
I have maple10 and I'm noticing something that's confusing. I recently played with a couple options from the tools menu, namely (tools -> options) then under the display tab the I played with the input display choices, and under the interface tab I played with the "Default format for new worksheets choices". However for this question I have the input display on 2-D math notation and I'm using worksheet mode as the default for new worksheets. I'm not sure if I applied those choices globally or applied them to the session. I have the italics choice button chosen on the formatting row and also clicked the choice "math" next to a drop down menu full of other lists.
I Need to Generate Primitive and Irreducible Polynomials in Galois Extension Field GF(2^32). How do I do it? Any Pointers to any code / theory is welcome. Thanks
I want to 'revert' the product rule from differentiation: I want to collect terms like f(x)*diff(g(x),x)+g(x)*diff(f(x),x) into diff(f(x)*g(x),x)
I want to combine terms in a differentiation: combine(Diff(f(x)+g(x),x)-Diff(g(x),x)) It does not work!
Hello, I have a question regarding the floating-point evaluation of certain expressions. In the helppage for float we read the following: "The presence of a floating-point number in an expression generally implies that the computation will use floating-point evaluation. The floating-point evaluator, evalf, can be used to force computation to take place in the floating-point domain." So, this explains the following behavior: > 0.1+1/3; 0.4333333333 But what is the difference with the following expression: > 0.1 + Pi; 0.1 + Pi This contradicts what is in the float helppage; both Pi and 1/3 are exact mathematical quantities, yet 0.1 is a float, so one would expect a floating-point behavior to be happening. Maybe this behavior is explained somewhere else?
I'm having problems using Compiler:-Compile() on the following procedure: findallroots:=proc(eqs,x,rng::range(numeric)) local roots,pts,i; roots:={fsolve}(eqs,x,rng,'avoid'={x=lhs(rng),x=rhs(rng)}); if roots={} or not roots::set(numeric) then NULL else pts:=sort([op(rng),op(roots)]); op(roots),seq(procname(eqs,x,pts[i-1]..pts[i]),i=2..nops(pts)) end if; Error, (in IssueError) only named functions are supported If you could help me with what this error is referring to and what I could do to over come it that would be most appreciated. Thank you for your help
I enter the symbol for Pi in Maple 10 but the program doesn't recognize it. Is this a bug in Maple?
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