MaplePrimes Questions

I am using Maple 10 to do write labs for Physics class and every time insert a MS Excel into Maple it puts the bracket on the left side, is there anyway to take the bracket out? How do I make plots come up in their own window?
Hi, friends. Could you please have a look on this Integral and let me know any suggestion for solving? J:=int(exp(-I*a*x)/cosh(k*x),x=0..theta); where a, k and theta are real constants. cheers Sayed

This is a program discribing the dynamic behavior of a N pendelum system. When I tried to comparae the result of different initial conditions, I found that every time i run it, the graph will be different.

I know that double pendelum system is a typical chaotic system, is this the reason why i have different result for each time?

Here I attach the file, but plz rename it to ***.mws file before run, b/c i wrote it in maple classic worksheet.

> restart:
with(SolveTools):with( plots ): with( plottools ):
with( DEtools ): with( PDEtools ):
#initialization function of each beam,in this function, we should give 3 variables, n=the number of this #beam, la=the length of this beam, ma=the  mass of this beam,q=the initial angle of the beam,and qt=the initial angle velocity of the beam
global l,m,x,y,theta,icq,icqt:
l[n]:=la:           #length of  beam n
m[n]:=ma:           #mass of beam n
#initialize the positions of each beam
x[n][2]:=0:        #the x position of the end point of each beam
y[n][2]:=0:        #the x position of the end point of each beam
x[n][1]:=0:        #the y position of the center point of each beam
y[n][1]:=0:        #the y position of the center point of each beam
end proc;
#define the forces that applied on the end of  beam n
global fx,fy:
end proc;

I'm having difficulties in using the Heaviside function in Maple. My heaviside function is (t-tau), and I'm having trouble integrating tau from zero to t. After integration, the expression still shows an integral. Is it because when tau = t, the heaviside becomes zero? Any and all help is appreciated. Attached is the actual sheet. The 2nd to last and last steps are the steps or concern.... **** This problem has been overcome *****
How do use an equation to create a list/array?

e.g y=x*5+1

for x from 0 to 1 in increments of 0.1

answer should look similar to:

Dear Maple user(s), I have the next problem, hopefully you can help me: I have two Diff. Eqea. 1) diff(w,x,x) = -a*diff(w,y,y) 2) diff(w,x,x,x) = (a-2)*diff(w,x,y,y) a=constant Now, I need to know: w=f(x,y) How do I solve this in Maple, do I maybe need more conditions to solve this? Regard, Michel
Has anyone been able to use the statopts option in the Bootstrap command which is in the Statistics package in Maple 10? Note the following sequence of commands > with(Statistics) > Bootstrap('Mean', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], replications = 6, output = array) print(Matrix(1, 6, {(1, 1) = 2., (1, 2) = 3.39999999999999990, (1, 3) = 2.20000000000000016, (1, 4) = 2.79999999999999982, (1, 5) = 3.60000000000000008, (1, 6) = 2.20000000000000016})); [2., 3.39999999999999990, 2.20000000000000016, 2.79999999999999982, 3.60000000000000008, 2.20000000000000016] According to the documentation which is attached as a PDF file it appears that this command should work.
Does any body know if there is a function like interp1 available in Maple or at least what is the easiest way of establishing a look-up function in Maple. I have a n*2 matrix of data (x, and f(x) in each column) and I would want to interpolate data from this matrix. This is actually one of the applications of interp1 function in MATLAB...
I'm trying to get the Apollonius geometry function to work with a set of circles, and it's giving me some trouble. I suspect I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know what. I'm using Maple 10.02 on Windows XP. When I do the following, everything works great: with(geometry): circle(test1,[point(t1p,0,0),1]): circle(test2,[point(t2p,2,0),1]): circle(test3,[point(t3p,0,3),1]): tapp := Apollonius(test1,test2,test3); tapp := [Ap1_of_test1_test2_test3, Ap2_of_test1_test2_test3, Ap3_of_test1_test2_test3, Ap4_of_test1_test2_test3] However, when I change the test3 circle to be tangent to test1, I get this error:
Hello, currently I am trying to find out about the java(CN,a,b,c,d,...) function named in the Maple TA help. I just knocked together a small class which implements the named public function public String eval(String[ ] args); I tried to figure out the right place for my class. So I created a *.jar file containing it. I put it inside the "java" directory contained in the Maple TA install dir. But this does not work. :-( Right now I am wondering where to put this class and/or jar-file?! Has anybody used this function and is able to help me out? I would be really thankful for a hint because that function promises to be very useful...
Hello dear Maple users! I have the following problem that I am trying to solve with maple. I have a set of data points (i made these up for now, the real set has more points) x:=( 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ) y:=( 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ) z:=( 3,1,3,2,4,7,7,9 ) Now, I know how to surface fit this and get maple to formulate an equation for z=f(x,y) with the following statement: w:=(Statistics:-Fit(a + b*x + c*y + d*x^2 + e*x*y+f*y^2,
Hi Maple's experts, I would like to draw inequalities in R^3. Is there a similar command (to "inequal") for more than two unknown variables?. Thanks in advance, JJ
Hi. There is a command called genvecs in mathcad and i wonder if there is something similar in maple. Or can somebody tell me how to make the same in maple. Regards M
has someone a sheet about percolation theory ? I put a very simple one on my blog: percolation
Can maple do this ? and how .... I know you can do the graph, but I need to know if maple can do my problem. ex: Y(t+1) + Y(t) = (-1)^t and y(0) = 2
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