MaplePrimes Questions

i got the solution of a ODE system (dsn), the results are time dependent variable theta[i](t),and its deriavtives diff(theta[i](t),t). and i have one set of expressions, which are explicit form of theta[i](t),and diff(theta[i](t),t), such as ss[1]:=fx[1]=sin(theta[1](t))*3+cos(theta[1](t))*diff(theta[2](t),t). I want to put the solution i got into the explicit expression of fx[i], and then polt them, how can I do it? i use eval(ss[1],dsn)but it does not work. here is the code: > restart: interface(warnlevel=0): with(SolveTools):with( plots ): with( plottools ): with( DEtools ): with( PDEtools ): g:=9.81: x[0][2]:=0: y[0][2]:=0: #initialization function of each beam,in this function, we should give 3 variables, n=the number of this #beam, la=the length of this beam, ma=the mass of this beam beams:=proc(n,la,ma) global l,m,x,y: l[n]:=la: #length of beam n m[n]:=ma: #mass of beam n #initialize the positions of each beam x[n][2]:=0: #the x position of the end point of each beam y[n][2]:=0: #the x position of the end point of each beam x[n][1]:=0: #the y position of the center point of each beam y[n][1]:=0: #the y position of the center point of each beam end proc; #define the forces that applied on the end of beam n Force:=proc(n,fm,fn) global fx,fy: fx[n]:=fm: fy[n]:=fn: end proc:
when i do this loop for i from 0 to 10 do f(i) mod 11; end do; it only outputs the last value, ie f(10) mod 11 i want it to output all of them, what is going on here?
Hello, contourplot can be given a list of contours levels or a integer specifying the number of evenly spaced contour levels it should plot. In the second case, or even in the default case, is there a way to know what these contour levels are? The legend only shows Curve1, Curve2, ... but to which contour levels do these curves correspond? -- Thanks in advance, Franky.
Hello, I was wondering just how evaluation to n levels works as compared to the default eval statement (Maple 10). As an example, consider this: a := 1; whattype(''a''); // uneval whattype(eval(''a'')); // symbol whattype(eval(eval(''a''))); // integer The same information can be retrieved by adding a number to eval, indicating the level. as in: a := 1; whattype(eval(''a'',1)); // uneval whattype(eval(''a'',2)); // symbol whattype(eval(''a'',3)); // integer So I would expect the same behavior for the following example: whattype(''sin(2.0)''); // uneval whattype(eval(''sin(2.0)'')); // function
Hi, I think I will go crazy if I have to type
maple("printf(MathML:-ExportPresentation( ... ))");
one more time. It would be great to have an abbreviate version of this like
or something. Or how about a function available in the question bank editor to translate short LaTeX phrases into mathml? This would solve a huge number of my Maple T.A. issues. Anyway, along these lines, what I'd really like to do right now is ask my students about double integrals and display something like $\int\int_R f(x,y)\ dA$ Any suggestions? Can I use mathml() to display symbols like the integral?
Given an algebraic expression p(x,y) is possible to factorize assuming that some terms are involved?. For example if I have poly1 and I expand it, I obtain a poly2 (with several terms).. now, if I factor(poly3) I dont recover the exact expression poly1. But at least in this case, it would be possible to factorize (or collect) poly3 asumming that in numerator and denominator we have the term(x+y)?. Thanks in advance, JJacques. poly1:= ((1-x-y)^2+ (2+x+y)^3)/((1+x+y)^2+ (4-x-y)^2); poly2:= expand(%); poly3:=factor(%);
Hi, I cannot understand why IS fails below. Am I doing something wrong?. Maybe I generated a new variable when I wrote 2*L/(1-x-y).. Thanks a lot for reading this message, > restart; > assume(L=1/2); > assume(x>0,y>0); > additionally(x+y <> is(x <>"true" > is(2*L/(1-x-y)<>"FAILS" JJacques,
can i use maple to solve 15 nonlinear equations in 15 unknowns in the following form: T1^2 + 5(T1T2) + 6(T1T3)+ 8 (T1T4) + 7 (T1T5) + ....... -5 (T1T15) = 0 T2^2 + 3(T2T1) + 6(T2T3) -3 (T2T4) + 5 (T2T5) + ....... -3 (T2T15) - (T1T3) = 0 where T1 + T2 + T3 + T4 + ... + T15 =1
does somebody know how to tell maple to produce "a nicer" latex output? For example in workspace I get a nice fraction > y:=1/(1-x); y:=1/(1-x); but the latex command returns > latex(y); \left( 1-x \right) ^{-1} I would like it to be something like \frac{1}{1-x}. My idea is that if maple knows how to print this as a fraction in the workspace, then the latex command could also behave like that. Any idea? Thanks in advance Jan
Hello Maple experts. How could I generate a way to obtain the lists (Ws) for an arbitrary m (integer +)? (Below I ilustrate for m=1,2 and 3). Probably it is needed to use "apply" and "map".. but I don't see how to do it. #If m:=1, I want to generate the #following list: >W1:= [seq([B(j1)], j1=0..1)]; # the output --> [[B(0)], [B(1)]] #If m:=2, I want to generate the #following list: >W2:= [seq(seq([B(j1,j2)],j1=0..1),j2=0..1)]; #output-> [[B(0, 0)], [B(1, 0)], [B(0, 1)], [B(1, 1)]] #If m:=3, I want to generate the #following list: >W3:= [seq(seq(seq([B(j1,j2,j3)], j1=0..1),j2=0..1),j3=0..1)];
Out of curiosity, can those of you who voted "Other" in the current Greatest Mathematician poll share with us who you would have like to have seen? There are 8 of you who voted "Other". T4.
I have a procedure that will run fine in Maple 8 but gives an error when it is run in Maple 9.5. The error is a "cannot solve error". Are there any known issues that may lead to this type of problem? Thanks.
Is there an automatic command (or maybe it is needed a procedure) to rewrite (n+2 -k) * (n+1-k) as (n+2)*(n+1)k^0- (2n+3)*k^1 + k^2 ? Any suggestion will be very useful. Thanks in advance JJaques.
I am looking for the JavaDoc of com.maplesoft.openmaple.* -- is it available somewhere? It looks like the API allows me to do DAG-based calls to Maple, but parts of that API appear undocumented :-( I am working with some people in Ireland who would prefer to pass Maple DAGs rather than strings, and it sure looks like the API allows it, but it isn't fully documented. Help!
Dear all: To point: It is possible to build a variable where I can have control of 4 groups of index around the variable, how i show above. G_INDEX1 G_INDEX2 VARIABLE G_INDEX3 G_INDEX4 I apreciate very much your help. best regards JADO
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