MaplePrimes Questions

is there any way of creating a polynomial in maple from a list of coefficients (i could write my own function, but this is annoying, no?). specifically i would want an inverse to the PolynomialTools:-CoefficientList function, f([1, 2, 3]) would yield me 1 + 2*x + 3*x^2. i cant understand the apparent lack of such an elementary function, i must be missing someting? thanks


I have two questions...
Firstly when plotting a graph in Maple using plots[display]({A1,A2,A3}), is there anyway to switch the horizontal and vertical axes such that f(z) is on the horizontal axis and z along the vertical?

Secondly, I'm trying to plot a sum at various times t,

:= Sum(A[n]*Phi[n](z)*exp(-lambda[n]*t), n = 1 .. 10)

I several peaks from emission spectra which I am trying to fit wit a Gaussian distribution. 

y = y_0 + A*exp[-{(x-x_0)/(width)}^2


The problem I am running into is I am getting fits which are wrong.  Maple returns:

fit_658 := 1.+1.*exp(.50000000000000*(z-1.)^2)

The correct answer is:


Also, I am interested in finding the deviation in the parameters which are found.

I know how to solve a problem in Maple, but can't translate into Maple TA. I'm teaching elementary statistics, and want students to estimate a median using a cumulative frequency distribution.

In Maple, I randomly generate some intervals and frequencies. Then I define the CFD by giving the end points and the cumulative frequency, like;
(1) XY:= Array([[x0,cf0],[x1,cf1],[x2,cf2],[x3,cf3],[x4,cf4]]);

I would like to do something like a derivative with respect to a vector or really anything involving a vector (not of a known length or known values) going in and a vector coming out:


diff( Transpose(x) * A * x, x)

Is this possible?


It's just that it is very different if you do x*(x+1) if x is a vector or if x is a scalar.  Does this make sense?

Any tips would be great!





I have another question. I would like to construct a code, demonstrating the loss of information when sending codewords.  Usually, one assumes that each entry of the codeword has a chance equal to p  (like p=0.17) of being incorrectly sent.  How can I have such a random element in my code?  


Thank you,


The question is,

A particle in hyperbolic motion starts from the origin at t = 0.  Find the time t[0] such that if a photon is emitted from the origin after t[0], it will never catch up with the particle.

Anyone familiar with this text, or who has gone through it formally please help.

Starting to get  really agitated, and don't know where else to turn to.


very respectfully,

(forgive the ranting).


I have a 2D and a 3D plot which are close together and I would like them to have a similar look. However, when I set the caption with:

caption=["whatever text I want here", font=[HELVETICA,BOLD,12]]

I get what appears to be different fonts on the two plots.

Any suggestions as to whether I am doing something wrong please?

(And does Maple not allow me to use any font I want?)

Many thanks


I downloaded John Fredsted's Gravitation code from the Maple application center, and now I'm trying to get it to be a package.

However, I'm having trouble doing this.

Can anyone help me get to the point where I can access this application as any other manufacturer produced package using the with command ?




I was discusing Maple and Matlab with one of my friend.

He said that in Matlab he can do




that's easy in matlab to do so

i use

> ptlist:=NULL:
> for n to 12 do
> ptlist:=ptlist,[n,sin(n)]:
> od:
> plot([ptlist]);

do to so


is there any easy way to do that in maple?

like creat a sequence from 1 to 12? ( besides seq(n,n=1..12))





dsolve( {diff(x(t),t)=sqrt(x(t)), x(0)=0}, x(t));

use the theorem to test the ODE ,the solutions are unique

however maple gives me a unique solution?




I'm currently trying to write a matrix question. My problem is that the answer can take to forms. I can use a maple graded question to exect both answers but am having trouble when it comes to using a 'matrix; type question. It there a way to get the matrix question to accep the both answers or has it got to be done with a maple graded question.



ps below is the text file it needs to saved and then uploaded.




Hello, I would like to create paragraphs and titles shown in black, inserted in my maple worksheet ( I use maple 10), should I change the standard mode?

I was hoping to fit a cylinder to some data points in 3d space and find the equation of the long axis of the cylinder.

Sample data (actual data much larger matrix):

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