MaplePrimes Questions


1) I want to transform a polynomial in variables x_1, ... , x_n into function K^n -> K


given y[10] := x[10]+x[1]^2+x[2]*x[5]+x[3]*x[8]

i want to view y[10] as a function and evaluate it at point (x_1, ..., x_n)


2) Given m such polynomials y[i] I want to define a funktion K^n -> K^m by viewing every y[i] as a coordinate function


f:=(y[1],...,y[m]) every y[i] beeing a polynomial in x_1, ..., x_n


Basically , I was doing some calculation algebracly.

I got some out like " arc(    AAAAAA  , BBBBBB) , arc( CCCCC,  DDDDDDD) "


I wonder what the comma between  A ns B mean?


meaning arc (AAAAA) and acr (BBBB)??


dose that mean I have 4 answer?




I was solving some sin,cos function

I can find the numerical values of the answer


Using fsolve I evaluate a system of 32 vars 32 eqs:


For most vars there is a unique answer, but P is the solution to a trancendental equation. When I specify a range to find s0lutions in, fsolve returns the largest solution default. Unfortunately, I need the smallest nontrivial solution.

Does anyone know a way of retrieving the first solution in the range?

Thanks in advance.



Does anyone know how to plot a solid sphere and not just one with a fixed radius? Lets say I wanna plot { (r,theta,phi) | 1 ≤ r ≤ 3 , 0 ≤ theta ≤ Pi , 0 ≤ phi ≤ Pi } ... would that be posible?

Please help!

Hi guys,

I'm having trouble trying to get this feature to work.  I've defined a function, however, when I try to get execute a VolumeofRevolution command, all I get is the repeated command written in blue. ..

I've attached the worksheet.Download 6440_volume.mws
View file details


Thanks for any help!

Hi there,

I got two ordered lists of data (X and Y coordinates of body).

How I can plot a trajectory Y vs. X via pointplot?

Thank you in advance.

> y1 := x-> piecewise(0<=x<=c, m1*x+b1, c<x<=1, m2*x+b2);

Error, unexpected relational operator

I don't know why it gives me this error, I underline where the cursor goes. Can anyone tell me what is my error?



I want to know how much memory Maple "sees" as available on command line execution. How can I get the information that appears on the classic worksheet as "Bytes" and "Available" with a Maple command?


Short question: why does > type(Not(x::posint),property); show 'true' in Maple 10 (and below), and 'false' in Maple 11? What has changed? -- Regards, Franky

Dear all,

first I use Maple 9.5:


gives back 3 complex roots - in this moment I again know, it isn't bug.

Then I use Maple 11 with the same result.

Next test in Maple 11:

with(RealDomain): solve(x^3-8*x^2+12*x-4,x);

gives back only 2 real roots! Way?

Thanks.  Jan

hey guys.. i have put input this in maple.. but it doesn't seem to solve it..


ode:= D(D(y(t)))- u*(1-(y(t)^2))*D(y(t)) + y(t)=0;
ics:=y(0)=0.2, D(y)(0)=0;
                           y(0) = 0.2, D(y)(0) = 0

Error, (in unknown) invalid input: op expects 1 or 2 arguments, but received 0


The F-distribution (also known as Snedecor's F distribution or the Fisher-Snedecor distribution) depends on two separate degrees of freedom, m and n. It is defined by (Eq. 2 in MathWorld):

In Maple notation:


> fdist:=(x,m,n)->GAMMA((m+n)/2)*(m/n)^(m/2)/GAMMA(m/2)/GAMMA(n/2)*x^(m/2-1)/(1+m*x/n)^((m+n)/2);

In order to calculate the percentage points of the F-distribution we need to find the area under the curve. For example, for known m, n the integral


defines the percentage of points under curve for x, since  

This can be done easily in Maple, if we wish to find, say, 95 % confidence level for m=4, n=3, we (could) do the following:

> Fstat:=proc(perc,m,n) fsolve(int(fdist(u,m,n),u=0..x)-perc,x=0..infinity); end proc:


> Fstat(0.95,4,3);



Is there a Maple built-in function I can use to calculate these values in a more elegant form instead of defining fdist and Fstat?

Is there something similar for the evaluation of the percentage points of the t-Distribution? 

Graph the surfaces  y= x + z and y = 1 - z on the same axes using the domain |x| < or = 1.2 , |z| < or = 1.2 , and observe the curve of intersection of both surfaces. Show that the projection of this curve onto the xz-plane is an ellipse.


So that's that problem. I am so lost on what to do. I know it has to do something with implicitplot3d.



I know that student[middlebox] can graph an approximation of an integral.
For example,
a:=0: b:=16: N:=10:
C:=plot(f(x), x=a..b):
R:=middlebox(f(x), x=a..b, N):

I need to know how to use Maple to do the same plotting for double integrals. Thanks for your help.

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