MaplePrimes Questions

How do I make  animations of an ellipse? E.g. stretching, rotating, translating in both the x an y direction? I thought it was easy task, but after several hours I still have no solution.


kind regards,

Harry Garst


is there any way that cartesian eqns can be converted to parametric  and vice versa in maple?

den1 := (1/2)*((2+x^2)*sqrt(4+x^2)+2*sqrt(4+x^2)*cos(t*sqrt(4+x^2)*tau/`ℏ`)+sqrt(4+x^2)*(cos(t*x*tau/`ℏ`))(2+(2+x^2)*cos(t*sqrt(4+x^2)*tau/`ℏ`))+x*(4+x^2)*sin(t*x*tau/`ℏ`)*sin(t*sqrt(4+x^2)*tau/`ℏ`))/(4+x^2)^(3/2)


den2 := 4*cos((1/2)*t*x*tau/`ℏ`)^2*sin((1/2)*t*sqrt(4+x^2)*tau/`ℏ`)^2/(4+x^2);


den3 := 4*sin((1/2)*t*x*tau/`ℏ`)^2*sin((1/2)*t*sqrt(4+x^2)*tau/`ℏ`)^2/(4+x^2);

I am trying to import data from Vernier's LabQuest for curve fitting in Maple 11. I can get a .CSV file which appears to be loaded in Maple  11 but I cannot get it in a format that I can use the polynomial interpolation command. Is there a step-by-step instruction set somewhere that I can follow that will walk me through the import to final polynomial fit? The data is titration data with over 1000 pairs of data ... way to much to imput by hand.


Thanks for any help.



Consider plot3d(....); if I write plot3d(....,color=red); it will be colored in red. Now I want instead to be colored according to pop-up menu for graphics: say Z[hue]. How can I specify this? Thank you. Victor

I'm optimizing a procedure so that it can work as fast as possibly can. 

How do I find out how long it takes for maple to make a calculation?

I did evalf(3^1000000,1000) or something like that on a laptop.  It was taking a long while so I pressed the interupt (stop hand) button.  Nothing happened, it didn't stop.  It did finish what it was doing but it didn't immediately stop.

Unless it was trying to update the screen with all the numbers I think maple should have just stopped whatever it was doing and give me back control.  

1) How to instruct Maple to assign hotkey Cmnd-N (on Mac) to New Worksheet rather to New Document? 2) How to create a new document/worksheet in the new window rather than in the new tab? 3) How to open a already open tab in the separate window?

Is there an equivalent Maple command for the "angle" command in Matlab?

I'm trying to get the phase angle out of a complex number.


I want to be able to do the following in Maple 1) Set up the current value hamiltonian H:=u(c(t))+lambda(t)*(f(k)-c(t)-delta*k) ; 2) Take the foc with respect to c(t) which should give me u'(c(t))=lambda(t) 3) Differentiate with respect to time which should give me u''(c(t))*diff(c(t),t)=diff(lambda(t), t) 4) Divide both sides by u'(c(t))=lambda(t) should give me u''(c(t))*diff(c(t),t) / u'(c(t)) =diff(lambda(t), t) / lambda(t) I have tried to set up the hamiltonian in maple but I find it quite hard for numerous reasons: A) I cannot differentiate a function w.r.t a function i.e

Absolutely amazing. Absolutely every single time I go to Maple to invert a matrix,

the syntax changes. Sometimes it can recognize M:=[[1,3],[2,5]] as a matrix. Then the next time it never will. It requires M:=Matrix([[1,3],[2,5]]); Sometimes it is MatrixInverse(A). Other times it is MatrixInverse[A]. Other times a matrix must be written as <<1,3>|<2,5>>. Sometimes the command is with(LinearAlgebra). Other times with(LinearAlgebra[Generic]). Some of these commands on in the Help menu. Other times they cannot be found.

Hi, I'm trying to find the first few roots of the Bessel function (1st kind) for a few different values of v, but I'm new to Maple and am having some trouble.

This is what I've tried:


u:= v->BesselJ(v,x);




I am brand new to Maple and am having difficulty with the syntax for entering an equation and plotting.

Can anyone assist me with the syntax for the following (the equation syntax and plot syntax):

Given that the slope of a line is -3 and passes through the point (1,4), find the equation of the line in slope- intercept form and plot the line.


I have already worked the problem by hand; x=2.333, y=7 and I need to plot the line through points 1,4.

 I need to get the surface area and volume of a tetrahedron - coords: a=(2,0,0), b=(0,3,0),c=(3,6,-1),d=(1,2,3). Also, it's height starting from point 'd'.

 The second problem is: how to create an animation of a torus that spins around the Oz axis.

How do I do that? Any help appreciated :*

Also g1 and g2 are costants. I need the expression of  T,that solves the equation,  in function of  x1, P, g1, g2 because later I've to use this expression in Fortran. However I find some mistakes in the equation. The correct equation is funz=0


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