MaplePrimes Questions

from an fsolve where I solve 2 variables (fout and u2)  I get get this anwer.

ddmax := {fout = 0.3873538368e-1, u2 = 9.708916648}

However they are not allways in the same order, somethimes u2 is listed first. So how can I determine which value is listed first.

Thank you for any solutions to this.



A rather fundamental I expect but I have tried reading the help file and cannot understand it - apologies if that makes me rather dim.

I have some data points (not a function) which I would like to plot.

If I simply use plot then the points are joined by straight lines - I'd like it to be a curve. Having looked at this forum I found a post which pointed to the curvefitting help page but I've looked there, tried a few things but failed to plot anything.

I have these three functions:

Phi := proc (z) options operator, arrow; z^(-(1/2)*alpha)*(BesselJ(alpha, 2*sqrt(lambda*alpha*z))-BesselY(alpha, 2*sqrt(lambda*alpha*z))*BesselJ(alpha, 2*sqrt(lambda*alpha*a))/BesselY(alpha, 2*sqrt(lambda*alpha*a))) end proc

w := proc (z) options operator, arrow; alpha*z^alpha end proc


I founda something strange here:




y(x) = sin(2*x)*_C2+cos(2*x)*_C1+1/8*cos(2*x)+1/4*sin(2*x)*x


that's the answer maple give me when i run it for the first time

take a look at the two cos(2*x) tern?

shouldnt that be just ONE constant times it?


ok then if you run it again

somtimes it can collect them together give you single cos(2*x) term with ONE constant

EI {dy(x,t)/dx } +CA{d y(x,t)/dx}= summation of (F(sin(5nvt/r)sin(nwt)))  from n=1 to n= infinity

the derivative here are partial not ordinary

where EI, CA ,Fo , v ,r and w are constants 

Hi guys,

What is the exterior product of


       1  0  3  0

 A=(                 )

      -2  3  1  4


       1  4  -2  2

 B=(                 )

      3  2  0  4

written as A^B?

Hi there,

does anyone know how to write standard multicolumn numerical data sets generated by a "for" loop into an array of data files with names "dataset%.txt", where % is iteratively given by the value of the loop index? Thanks a lot. 


how do i solve the following?



ode:=diff(y(t),t$2)+y(t)=piecewise(t in [0,Pi],t, t>Pi,Pi);

ics := y(0)=0, D(y)(0)=0;





Hi everybody,

I'm not really sure of where sould I post my question.

Let me explain my problem :

I've got a convolution product of my function f and my filter called G (let say a gaussian for example, or a top hat filter). It is as follows :

return x->(1/(2*Delta)*int(g(t),t=(x-Delta)..(x+Delta)));

filtre:=proc(g) local a,G;
return x->int(g(t)*G(x-t),t=-infinity..infinity);

Hi, i have a dgl i want to transform:

y''-7y'+10y = (sin(2x))/x

The laplace command works, but how can i insert initial conditions ? The help page says:


Is there a command to extract the number of (significant) digits for each of the elements in a list?
Thanks for helping me.

Hans van Walen


Hello :) I would like to print my Maple Documents or Worksheets, or export them as a PDF. For sure i allready found the functions for that in the Drop Down Menue on top, but: The prints, as well as the PDFs convert the Font, and lots of things get converted somehow. For example a "Minus" Sign in an "l". I uploaded an example Screenshot here: First row is Screenshot of the expression in Maple 2nd row is what a convertion into PDF of this expression looks like.


i have to do a exercie to draw a sphere with maple. (radius = 5 )

first problem is to get the function for the sphere(implicit and explicit)

for the implicit one google helped me and gave me:
f(x, y, z)=x²+y²+z²-r²=0

i plotted it succesful with
plots:-implicitplot3d(f(x,y,z)=0, x=-5..5, y=-5..5, z=-5..5, scaling=constrained, axes=boxed);

for the explicit function i tried to solve the function for the x variable:

exp_x :=(y,z)->sqrt(r^2 - y^2 - z^2); 



First, is there a simple way to write the double derivative of a function say x(t) so I will receive as output x(t) with the double quote on the top instead on writing it in a long form diff(x(t),t,t)

Secondly, I have a problem with a system of pulleys.  See if you can find where I am missing something.  Here the file:

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