MaplePrimes Questions

I have a number of expressions.  An example is:




I would like to substitue the expression h=xj-xjm1, which in this case would result in




Does anyone know how I can make this sort of substitution in Maple automatically?


Hopefully, anyone can help me with the following problem:

I have two functions:  Inta=f(Pa) and ETa=f(Pna). Both can not be solved analytically, but I can plot them separately when I use >plot (evalf(Inta), Pa=0..100) and >plot(evalf(ETa), Pna=0..100). So far no problem.

Furthermore, Pna can be described as >Pna:=Pa-Inta, so in fact ETa=f(Pa). But I fail to plot ETa against Pa (or at least it takes ages..since it keeps 'evaluating'..... for days) . I tried several things like:


When I export maple files into html files (with gif images), I often get jibberish text after "a>b". Maybe it's rendered as a html tag or something, I don't know.

I have an implicit equation;

> tan(beta)=-2/alpha*(beta);


> beta:= sqrt(lambda*alpha-(alpha/2)^2);

for some dimensionless variable alpha.
I want to solve the equation for lamba and plot it as a function of beta.... but I don't know how to go about it.

Thanks for your help

So I have read (correctly?) that I can create an object with maple?

How do I go about that?  Just a push in the right direction, im not looking to do anything crazy at this moment, just an object with an array of numbers, some variables also with meaningful information.

Am I headed in the right direction investigating modules?



Hi all,

How do I set the worksheet font in initialization file? Thank you all!



i've a mathe exercise with the taylor series that i did on paper. i use maple to solve my tasks but now i have a situation where i am sure that i am not wrong but maple tells me something other

my function

f(x) = sqrt(x-1)

x_o = 5

i derivated the function tree times

f'(x) = (1/2)(x-1)^(-1/2)

f''(x) = -(1/4)(x-1)^(-3/2)

f'''(x) = (3/8)(x-1)^(-5/2)

for my x_o
f(5) = 2

f'(5) = 0.25


f'''(5) = 0.011171875

Hello everyone

I have a small, yet tricky question and hope someone knows a quick answer.

A calculation gives me a vector of say 10 complex numbers (floats). I want to store the amplitudes ( abs() ) and the phases ( argument() ) of these complex values in two seperate lists. Next, I want to sort the complex numbers by ascending amplitude, but I do not want to lose the phase belonging to each amplitude, for example:

Is it possiable to create a matrix be setting the eigenvalues you wish to end up with?

I am trying to create a 3X3 random matrix with a set of repeated eigenvalues and was wondering is it's possible to set the eigenvalues and then generate  matrices for them.

I am writing a small procedure to help out some friends in a Diff EQ class and I want to print out little notes (their prof is letting them use maple on the test).  In other languages if I wanted to print something plaintext I could usually enclose them in quotation or tickmarks, or I would precede them by a backslash.

I am trying to say "implies F is equal to [crazy long function]" and I would like to use that cool little implies sign that maple has but whenever I do that I get a weird error message

The attached worksheet uses several procedures to develop a solution which is presented as a parametric plot of two procedures ("alpha" and "strain").  The current solution uses some constants declared at the beginning of the file which I would like to vary and then generate multiple plots associated with the different constants. 

I obtained the following result

> dsolve({diff(y(x), x, x)+e^x*(diff(y(x), x))+(1+x^2)*y(x) = 0, y(0) = 1, (D(y))(0) = 0}, y(x), series);
y(x) = 1-(1/2)*x^2+(1/6)*x^3+((1/12)*ln(e)-1/12)*x^4+O(x^5));

A procedure named curve(x) in the attached worksheet solves several equations, each dependent on the solution to the previous equation.  The problem is that when I issue the plot command for a range of the dependent variable x, the equation result that gets plotted is not for the result of the solution to the last equation for P.  Specifically, I would like to issue the "plot(curve,0.0..0.5, <other format commands>);" and get a plot of k vs. P.  Currently the plot is of k vs. P_bar.  Your comments are appreciated.

(1) Maybe the following problem is closely related to "An easily corrected limitation to symbolic derivatives in fsolve() when solving a system of equations" in TomM's blog.

(2) The problem: I would like to solve a set of equations with


      with the procedures

I was wondering - where has the list of "my subscriptions" gone?  Has this been removed with the recent forum upgrade?

I had quite a few of the threads I use for reference bookmarked there, but can no longer find any of them.  I see a "Recent posts" under my account navigation, but that seems match the list over to the right side of active topics.

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