MaplePrimes Questions

I need to calculate derivative of a scalar function psi, which depends upon the scalar theta and tensor G[i] using the diff command and indicial notation capability of the recently included Physics package. My actual equation is longer, but here I am only including the terms needed to present my question. Please see below:



> with(Physics):


The code below is just to illustrate the issue. Is there any way to keep the chosen scaling and view when the plots are placed within an array? As the code below will show the scaling and view for a plot in an array has a mind of its own! I tried plotting a and b with both plots in them but with one in white - so it looked as if there was only one plot - but that did not work. restart; > with (plots): a:=plot(x^2/10,x=1..50,scaling=constrained,view=[0..120,0..800]): > b:=plot(-x^2+50*x,x=1..60,color=green,scaling=constrained,view=[0..120,0..800]): > display(a,b); > > g:=array(1..2):
Hello Maple community, although I'm using Maple (now version 11) for quite a while now, I still have problems in designing and writing efficient procedures. Within the context of quantum information theory, I want to write a procedure that parametrizes unitary matrices of arbitrary dimension NxN (in order to perform an optimization over this space). For the beginning, I just want to create random unitary matrices of a given dimension. For this, I implemented the formulas for the "Generalized Euler angle parametrization" (math-ph/0205016). This involves first the creation of N^2-1 matrices that serve as generators for SU(N) and, in a second step, several matrix exponentials and matrix products. These two steps I put in two procedures ("hermitian_basis" and "parametrize_unitary_Euler") (see the linked worksheet).
I am writing a large number of variables to file to load into excel - it all works fine - with the code below. But there just has to be a neater way to do it. Can anyone help?
> for t from 1 to nops(files) by 1 do
> fprintf(fd
> ,"%a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t %a\t \n"
I have succeeded in generating a nice plot of a surface in which I am interested, and have calculated geodesics on the surface. Is it possible to display one (or more) geodesic curves on a 3D plot of the surface? If so, would someone point me in the right direction to do so. I've looked at "multiple", but don't see how it's applicable to my problem. Don Ritchie
I'm using Maple 9.5 (xmaple linux version). I can run application with no errors, but when I try to calculate anything, maple doesn't generate any output or results. Even the simplest examples doesn't work (like 2+2;) What may causes problems? Please help me!!
We have a maple 10 site license and I recently started to use maple for some challenging symbolic manipulation. Specifically I wanted to find the 3-dimensional eigenvectors A(u,w) and eigenvalues \lambda for a system of 8 partial differential equations. I was disappointed when maple completed most of the problem finding all 8 eigenvalues but only 6 of the 8 eigenvectors. In fact explicitly issuing Eigenvectors(A) command didn't seem to work as it ran for a long time with out returning so I ended up just issuing a series of LinearSolve(A-\lambda I|0) commands. This worked for the first 6 eigenvalues but for the last pair of eigenvalues maple just didn't do anything simply printing the command I issued. Maple didn't print any diagnostic information to let me know what went wrong. My question is when Maple doesn't evaluate a command how does one obtain information about what went wrong?
Hello to evereybody!! I'm newbie with Maple and I've to do a program that calculates the rank of a Matrix, I can't use the comand rank or similar. I think it's something like: repeat If det(A) =/= 0 then rang := nº rows else reduce(a) until rows=1 or det(a) =/= 0 But i don't know how to codificate it in maple!! Help!!! Thanks for reading my problem... Sorry...If my english is bad i'm not from England or Usa
I was wondering if one could animate a tubeplot. if so i am trying to animate this tubeplot that i created so it can look like a tornado in action. tubeplot([20*t*cos(t+7),20*t*sin(t+7),20*t],t=0..20*Pi, radius=-100*exp(.00001*t), tubepoints=20, numpoints=100, color=grey); and if you can't does anybody know how I can animate a space curve similar to this to make it look like a tornado.
In this case there is a singularity at t=0, but the command singular() does not give it: singular(1/cos(1/t)); {t = 2/(Pi*(1+2*_Z1))} With the numeric range option it gives the correct answer: singular(1/cos(1/t), -1 .. 1); {t = 0}, {t = -2/(39*Pi)}, {t = -2/(37*Pi)}, {t = -2/(35*Pi)} etc. The command discont also gives the correct answer: discont(1/cos(1/t),t); {0, 2/(Pi*(1+2*_Z2))} I have maple 11.
I am trying to recreate a transcendental equation from a paper on buckling analysis. I have not been able to successfully manipulate equation (10) given on page 692 of the attached files into the final forms of equations (12) and (13), using the boundary conditions given in (11). Could someone take a look at my Maple worksheet and offer some suggestions that would yield an elliptic integral? Download 4865_Lo_p692.pdf
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Say I have a directory of files with names: sim01.m, sim02.m ... sim20.m I can automate the collection of the names of the files with >file_list:=FileTools[ListDirectory]("D:\\MapleVariables\\Data"): but how do I automate the reading of the files ie how do I append each file name in file_list to the end of the command: >read "D:\\MapleVariables\\Data so I can then read it
Using Maple 10.05 with Windows XP Pro, how do I write a Maple command containing the _ character, without having it make a subscript? Specifically, there are some defined procedures whose names contain the _, such as geodesic_eqns(.....) in the tensor package. I've tried all kinds of key combinations, without success, to get that _ not to act as a subscript designator. Don Ritchie
HI all, I have the following formula in Maple: Assume(eps>0, v>0, k>=0, n> 0, k, 'integer', n, 'integer', k
I have searched and googled all over places, just couldn't figure out how to save all the variables in the current workspace. save all, "myfilename.m" doesn't work at all. There is no such usage in the documentation. When you have many variables, how do you save them all? ----------------- Two quick side questions(without opening a new thread): Q1: If you have two statements joined together, how to separate them? I am using GUI in Maple 11: Example: statement_x; statement_y; how to break them into: statement_x; statement_y; Every time I hit "Enter" after statement_x, both got executed. After long waiting(they happened to be both huge and messy), messy results were printed out, I have to scroll many pages, but these two statements were still together. Annoying!
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