MaplePrimes Questions


I am looking for an explanation for the following behavior :

> f := proc(x) somefunc(x) end proc:
> a := table([variable=z]):
> f(a);
> f(a) assuming z::real;

Why is 'a' replaced with its corresponding table in the second case? And is it possible to use the name 'a' in the return value?

-- Thanks for any reply,

Is it possible to use units on functions/data that will be plotted? I have tried but it seems to flag an error. If it is not allowed, what is the best way to strip the units before plotting? Thanks, Dgiznya
I can pointplot a single curve if I select a single element from the list below. Is it possible to use all the elements of the list and plot several curves on the same graph?
Hi! How do you compare values with units attached: eg. this error message displays x := 4(m) y := 5(m) if x <>
hi again! Is it possible to disregard part of an equation if the denominator is zero? Thanks.
Hi, I was just wondering whether it is possible to limit the simplification of units to display N and mm rather than kg/s^2. Also when i square the units and then square root them is it possible for it to simplify the square root without right clicking and selecting simplify? Thanks!

I´m Trying to do numerical integration for a function defined by a product of characteristic functions. I either receive the message " Error, (in unknown) too many levels of recursion " or "error, (in evalf/int) unable to handle singularity". What should I do?

f_1:=(x,y,z,w)->piecewise(x+w > 0 , 1);
f_2:=(x,y,z,w)->piecewise(x*w - y*z > 0,1);
f_3:=(x,y,z,w)->piecewise((x+w)^2 - 4*(x*w - y*z)<0,1);

I want to integrate prod, with all four variables ranging from -1 to 1.

Thank you, Bernardo

Hi, I am trying to call a Matlab function from Maple. The Matlab function requires 33 input variables, but when I call this function with this many variables I get the following error message: "Error, (in ExecuteCommand) Matlab command string is too long" My objective is to maximize this function using GlobalSOlve but first I want to just call it. I would appreciate if someone can help me with this. Cheers Saqib
Hi! I have a two part question: I am plotting a matrix as multiple graphs: column1 v column2, column1 v column3 etc I have a worksheet set up so that some of the graphs can be completely equal to 0. I am plotting all the graphs on the one set of axes for comparison, and so the null graphs don't appear. However, I am having problems getting a legend. I only want to display a coloured legend (each plot is a different colour) for each graph that is non zero. How can I do this? Second part, I have created a text box next to the graph that displays the names of the non zero graphs as strings. Can I make these strings the same colour as their respective graphs?
I was trying to generate a derivative of randomized order in Maple T.A.
It seems impossible to me since the $ in the Maple syntax of
and the $ in the Maple T.A./brownstone syntax needed to denote a variable are incompatible.

Coding, for instance,
$n = range(2,5,1);
$function = maple("diff(x^5,x$($n))");
$n = range(2,5,1);
$function = maple("diff(x^5,x$$n)");
in the algorithm section makes Maple T.A. complain about a syntax error immediately

$n = range(2,5,1);
$function = maple("diff(x^5,x$n)");
leads to
jvm 1 | To Maple --> diff(x^5,x2)
being passed to Maple (taken from wrapper output).
Hi everyone! I would like to create a worksheet witb multiple worksheets, and I would like to use sections and subsections. Can anyone please tell me how to lock certain sections/subsections closed so users cannot open then? Thanks :)
Hi everyone! Does anyone know how to get Maple to automatically evaluate expressions to a decimal approximation, instead of printing the value with square roots, and 'pi'? Thanks!
Hi! Could someone please tell me how to : Use hyperlinks to refer to other sections with the same worksheet? Thanks :)
Hi dear members of this Forum,

I want to generate a list which depend on "n";
for n=2 I would like to generate the following list

>[[p1>q1, p2>q2],
>[p1>q1, p2<q2],
>[p1<q1, p2>q2],
>[p1<q1, p2<q2]]

for n = 3 I would like to generate the list:

>[ [p1+p2>q1, p1+p3>q2, p2+p3>q3],
[p1+p2>q1, p1+p3>q2, p2+p3<q3],
[p1+p2>q1, p1+p3<q2, p2+p3>q3],
[p1+p2>q1, p1+p3<q2, p2+p3<q3],
[p1+p2<q1, p1+p3>q2, p2+p3>q3],
[p1+p2<q1, p1+p3>q2, p2+p3<q3],
[p1+p2<q1, p1+p3<q2, p2+p3>q3],
[p1+p2<q1, p1+p3<q2, p2+p3<q3]]

for n=4

[ [p1+p2+p3>q1, p1+p2+p4>q2, p1+p3+p4>q3, p2+p3+p4>q4],..
If I have the X and Y variable all done up and I am trying to find a way to figure out if their is a way to make up a quadratic equation with maple. and can maple find the inflextion point of this curve ? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Jp
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