MaplePrimes Questions


How merge or combine two or more 3D plot together ? and How many 3D plot exist for describe graph ? and how we can transfer this combine plot to another program like matlab?

Maple is  good for decribe plot  and very faster from other program but for visualization and some other stuff we need other language program, so how we can combine the plot and how we transfer this plot another program like matlab i know the matlab have special template for this kind plot but i didn't have the template if any one have it it will be  awesome?


If we have the system of difference equations

xn=yn-1xn-1+2,             yn=0.5 xn-1+yn-1+1,      n=1,2,...,

 where x0 and y0 are positive initial valyes.

How can I plot the solution {xn,yn} ??

The usual ODE must be solved:
y´´*(y^3-y)+y´^2 *(y^2+1)=0
"Dangerous places" of the definition domain must be described: Where are the general solution y(x) and its derivatives continuous?

This is probably asked before but can't find it. 

After making a plot, then RIGHT-CLICKing on it, option menu comes up that allows one to modify the plot (like adding gridlines, or change the line style).

How does one find the Maple command after doing such changes, so one can use the command in the code?

Here is an example. I modified a little acers plot in this answer and added the points to the plot

eq:=-0.0004*x^2 - 2.7680*10^(-28)*x^12 - 2.1685*10^(-43)*x^18 - 1.3245*10^(-37)*x^16 - 1.6917*10^(-32)*x^14 + 0.7650 + 6.6773*10^(-18)*x^8 - 2.5543*10^(-23)*x^10 - 8.0002*10^(-13)*x^6 + 3.6079*10^(-8)*x^4 = 0:
p2:=plot(the_roots,style=point, color=red, symbol=solidcircle, symbolsize=20):


I was lazy to look up the grid option syntax. So right clicked on the plot and found option to add gridline. So said, great. And the above is the result.

But now I'd like to see the command used so I know where the grid option goes and how its syntax is. There does not seem to be option in the interface to display the Maple command used.

How would one find it?

Maple 2024.1 on windows 10



how can I just find the real roots of this equation in Maple:

eq:=-0.0004*x^2 - 2.7680*10^(-28)*x^12 - 2.1685*10^(-43)*x^18 - 1.3245*10^(-37)*x^16 - 1.6917*10^(-32)*x^14 + 0.7650 + 6.6773*10^(-18)*x^8 - 2.5543*10^(-23)*x^10 - 8.0002*10^(-13)*x^6 + 3.6079*10^(-8)*x^4 = 0:

I want to solve it first with fsolve (with options) command and second other command than fsolve. 


I am trying to plot the shearforce of a hollow section circular beam along the hight of the cross section.

I don't seem to be able to solve the equation. I get the message:"Warning, solutions may have been lost"
Can anyone help?

The tricky part is the distance of the "point of grafity of the area above y' to the 'point of grafity of the cross section (y=0)'. This distance is a function of y and is called y_

this is de code:

restart: with(LinearAlgebra): with(plots, textplot, display): #Digits :=5: evalf(%): with(RealDomain):
Rin :=Rout-12.5:

bout:=2*sqrt(Rout**2 - y**2):
bin:=piecewise( y<Rin,2*sqrt(Rin**2 - y**2)  ,  y>=Rin,0):
#bin:=Re(2*sqrt(Rin**2 - y**2)):
A_ :=piecewise(  y<=0,0   ,    y<Rin,evalf( int(b ,  y=y..Rout ) ) ,    y>=Rin,int(bout , y=y..Rout)    ,    y>=Rout,0);
y:=y_: AA_:=A_;
eq1:=2*AA_ = A_:
sol1:=solve(eq1, y_ );
y_ := sol1:

Let us say f(x) is a procedure that can take two possible values for x.
How do I store the stats of CodeTools:-Usage(f(1))  and CodeTools:-Usage(f(2)) for ease of comparison?  Hopefully, I am not missing any help statements/examples.

Hi all
I have a simple problem with the following matrix entries. I probably have a problem with the indices. Because the matrix is ​​not calculated correctly. Anyone have suggestion?

Drear freinds,

I want to simplify f (a long experssion) in the form of f2. How to determine M1^2 and M0^2?

Dear all,

I try to run the example but still fails with the error:

Error loading libraries: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jopenmaple in java.library.path: /Library/Frameworks/Maple.framework/Versions/2024/java:/Library/Frameworks/Maple.framework/Versions/2024/java:/Library/Frameworks/Maple.framework/Versions/2024/java

the file jopenmaple.jar is located in 


the maple part of my .bash_profile :

# set Maple Home

export MAPLEDIR="/Library/Frameworks/Maple.framework/Versions/2024"



export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="/Library/Frameworks/Maple.framework/Versions/2024/bin.APPLE_ARM64_MACOS"

export CLASSPATH="/Library/Frameworks/Maple.framework/Versions/2024/JAVA"

The eclipse part:

JDK 22 and Compiler 22

Classpath Variables in Eclipse Java Build Path Settings:

DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH /Library/Frameworks/Maple.framework/Versions/2024/bin.APPLE_ARM64_MACOS

JAVAC /Library/Frameworks/Maple.framework/Versions/2024/java/Maple.jar

MAPLEDIR /Library/Frameworks/Maple.framework/Versions/2024

So I don't know what to do.

I want a plot of the function & the approx. calculus of integral:

E0 := evalf(int(T2, x = x0 .. x0 + 1.542976947*10^(-13))); it doesn't compute in in normal

in the program:

a := -1.44670357887361*10^(-7);
b := -1.049267156*10^(-9);
c := 1.890440485*10^(-12);
d := -6.233924848*10^(-16);
Ea := 0.00762014687*t + a*t^2 + b*t^3 + c*t^4 + d*t^5;
E1 := diff(Ea, t);
E2 := subs(t = 435, Ea);
E3 := subs(t = 528, Ea);
E4 := subs(t = 2860, Ea);

It seems that Maple needs more help than necessary:



`Maple 2015.2, APPLE UNIVERSAL OSX, Dec 20 2015, Build ID 1097895`


expr:= A+B*limit(f(x), x=+infinity);
eval(expr, limit(f(x), x=+infinity)=1)

A+B*(limit(f(x), x = infinity))




expr:= A+B*limit(2*f(x), x=+infinity);

eval(expr, limit(f(x), x=+infinity)=1);     # Shouldn't this return A+2*B
eval(expr, limit(2*f(x), x=+infinity)=2);   # Can I avoid doing this?

A+B*(limit(2*f(x), x = infinity))


A+B*(limit(2*f(x), x = infinity))




expr:= A+B*limit(f(x)^2, x=+infinity);

eval(expr, limit(f(x), x=+infinity)=1);     # Shouldn't this return A+B
eval(expr, limit(f(x)^2, x=+infinity)=1);   # Can I avoid doing this?

A+B*(limit(f(x)^2, x = infinity))


A+B*(limit(f(x)^2, x = infinity))




expr:= A+B*limit(2*f(x)^2, x=+infinity);

eval(expr, limit(f(x)^2, x=+infinity)=1);    # Shouldn't this return A+2*B
eval(expr, limit(2*f(x)^2, x=+infinity)=2);  # Can I avoid doing this?

A+B*(limit(2*f(x)^2, x = infinity))


A+B*(limit(2*f(x)^2, x = infinity))






Why don't the commands labelled "Shouldn't this return.." do the job?


Hi everyone...

How can the coefficients of below nonlinear equation be obtained?

c1*diff(f(x), x$4) + c2*diff(f(x), x$3)/x +c3*diff(f(x), x$2)/x^2 + c4*diff(f(x), x)/x^3 +c5 *f(x)=0

I want to calculate separately, c1,c2,c3,c4,c5 


How can I substitute equation (5) into equation (4) to obtain the final form [see image in]?

Additionally, how can I use subscript notation for derivatives, such as expressing diff(f(tau,sigma), tau)  as  f[tau]​?

By using the 'declare' command in Maple, one can utilize subscript notation. However, in this case, the function must be written in terms of τ and σ on each step.

In the final plot in this worksheet, the electric field is displayed using blue headless vectors.

Instead, how can the gradient of the dipole's potential field be displayed in field lines?

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