MaplePrimes Questions

I'm faced with the problem of trying to plot a graph of the form, for values of b against a. a^2:= (b^2*c^2) + (a*d^2)/(a-e^2); Unfortunately, when I try and enter the above, Maple gives an error and tells me when that the equation is recurrsive. If I re-arrange the equation and then try and get an equation with a purely on one side, using the isolate command, Maple cannot isolate a. The re-arranged equation is of the from a^2 - a*e + (b^2*c^2*e)/a - d^2 - b^2*c^2 = 0; Perhaps I have re-arranged the equation incorrectly.
Hi all, I am asking this for my engineering friend. We've posted on Maple newsgroup and we just heard that here is another place where Maple experts appear, so we posted it again here to seek more advice -- because we have a struggling problem which annoyed us for several days already! Thank you! ---------------- Here is what I want to compute: t22 := Re((1/2*(a^2+2*sigma2*(c+g*(ee+i*v)))^(1/2)*exp(.5*a*t)/ (1/2*(a^2+2*sigma2*(c+g*(ee+i*v)))^(1/2)*cosh(1/2*(a^2+2*sigma2*(c +g*(ee+i*v)))^(1/2)*t)+.5*a*sinh(1/2*(a^2+2*sigma2*(c+g*(ee +i*v)))^(1/2)*t)))^(2*a*xbar/sigma2)) Assuming all variables are real and positive...
Let's say you want to compute Re(Gamma(a+b*I)) where a and b are real. Is there a way to obtain a good form of the real part and imaginary part?
Hi, I need help!. I'm plotting 3d Strange Attractors(a complex dinamical system), in order to get an acceptable result I need to create about 500,000 points in a third dimentional plot, the problem is that it takes a long time to generate(sometimes hours and even days), so... Here is an Strange Attractor with only 2000 points took 20 seconds. ¿What can I do to generate such plots in a reasonable time? ¿Is there a way to comunicate Maple with OpenGl(or other fast graphical engine)? Suggestion are welcome! Thanks.
I recently purchased a Maple e-book, and I noticed a few lovely features of which I would like to take advantage. The first is the ability to create a compressed worksheet. There seems to be a painfully simple mechanism behind compressing and uncompressing the worksheet, since when the worksheet is opened with a text editor, the first characters are (if I recall correctly) "<compressedworksheet". I cannot find any documentation inside of Maple detailing the compression and uncompression of files. Thus, I ask you, Maplesoft: How can I compress my worksheet files in this manner? The second feature of which I would like to take advantage is the use of a license file. Looking at the XML code of the compressed worksheet, it seems that one only needs to make reference to the location of a license file in order for Maple to look for the license file. The license file itself is very short--only about 4 lines--which makes me assume that the license file checking mechanism is similarly simple. Again, Maplesoft: How can I make and use my own .dat "license" files?
I'm trying to create an interactive tutorial for students. Let's say, for the sake of example, that I want to show step by step how to complete the square. First, the user enters an expression into a text field or math container. Then, when the user clicks a button, Maple takes the expression and outputs multiple lines detailing the steps in completing the square. Preferably, all of these steps would be shown in the same math container. I can find no easy and direct way of setting the value of a math container to have multiple lines of math. I'm continuing to search, but does anyone know of a way?
Hello, I want to be able to use the student's answer from one question in the evaluation of the correct answer for the next question. I have found code online for question chaining between separate questions. Unfortunately I can't seem to be able to do this for either inline or multi-part questions. Is this possible?? Help would be appreciated. Thanks, Ray Cohen PS See the attachment for the question bank containing our attempted code. Download 5165_Question_Chaining_Example.txt
How do I change the font permanently so that every time I open a new worksheet I get, say, Arial instead of Times New Roman? Thanks!
I have a problem where I am performing some matrix operations and the resulting matrix is of rank n-1, where n is the order of the matrix. I want to solve M*x=x, where M is the resulting matrix. Since teh order of M is n-1, I keep getting zero values for all but two of the variables. What is the best way to get around this problem? I am a Maple novice. Please let me know how to do it in Maple. Thanks.
During the evolution of my code I have ended up with numerous versions of similar files, each with minute differences to the next. Is there a way to compare these worksheets?
Hi, I have been developing some advanced questions for a computational mechanics subject. Unfortunately these questions are running _much_ slower than the sample questions supplied with Maple T.A. It has been difficult enough to get these questions to actually work, only to find that they are intolerably slow. We suspect that it may have something to do with the use of the command maple("printf(MathML:-ExportPresentation($f))"); throughout the questions. Can someone please offer some advice on how to fix the questions up? Thanks, Ray Cohen The University of Melbourne PS The question bank may be found by following the link below:
I have the following matrix problem that I am having trouble with. I have the following equation. A-1 * C * D * A * v = v A, C and D are of the same order. A & D are diagonal matrices. D is a diagonal matrix with values that are the row sums of matrix C. I get answers that are reasonable in some instances and zeros in others. I have uploaded a Maple file with what I am doing with some data. Would appreciate help. Thanks. Brian Download 2031_Matrix problem.mws
Simple-simple......How do I get the LaTeX code for an input equation? If I type in the derivative of x squared, right click and select Conversions>LaTeX I get the LaTeX code for the output, i.e. for 2x, not for the derivative of x squared. Thanks!
Hello! I have some trouble with getting an explicit solution to a PDE: f=f(u,v) in IC^4 (IC=complex numbers) So i have a system of 8 equations, first order, integrable (i.e. solution exists by theory). I'm getting the following, when calling pdsolve(PDE, fcns), where PDE is the set of the PDEs and fcns are the 4 complex functions f[i], i=1,2,3,4: "Error, (in pdsolve/sys) duplicated elements (ranking)" What could it be? Thx, yadaddy.
I am using the new Physics package for Maple 11 to do indicial calculations for a continuum mechanics problem. I need two sets of coordinates for Lagrangian and Eulerian frames. In Maple, I have defined two sets coordinate (X and Y) each with dimension equal to three. Summation is not performed over the time variable, which is treated differently. If, X is a point in Eulerian frame, it is related to the Lagrangian frame (Y) by: X=X(Y,t) How could I calculate "X[k],K" ? Where the smaller index is in Eulerian coordinates (X), the capital index is in Lagrangian coordinates (Y) and "comma K" (,K) denotes the derivative of X[k] with respect to Y[K]. Could someone show me its implementation using the d_ command.
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