MaplePrimes Questions

Hello all, I'm having a lot of trouble using the shading function. I'm trying to shade a circle a particular color but there is always an error. I found this website but I didn't figure out how to do it myself: I'm making a picture of a cartoon and my plots are all finished but the shading part is throwing me off; when I put in filled=true instead of filling the circle it makes a box the size of the radius on top of the circle. Can anyone help me?
From the forum message  HERE , I learned about both  is(...)  and  assuming...  and became interested in how they work together as compared with the way that  if  and  assuming...  worked together. Finally using the combination of  if  and  assuming...  to find the place at which  n of  x^2-n  needs to be within a range of .1 to 1 with a resolution of  .01 and with x=-1..1
Hi can we solve elliptic PDEs in maple 10.I have the laplace equation of 2 dimension
Hi, This is the condition for the components of a vectorfunction Ax,Ay and Az. vgln := RTABLE(151543900,MATRIX([[-3*y^2-2*z], [2*z-3*x^2], [3*x^2+3*y^2]],["x", "y", "z"],"field"),Vector[column]) = RTABLE(163769092,MATRIX([[diff(Az(x,y,z),y)-diff(Ay(x,y,z),z)], [diff(Ax(x,y,z),z)-diff(Az(x,y,z),x)], [diff(Ay(x,y,z),x)-diff(Ax(x,y,z),y)]],["x", "y", "z"],"field"),Vector[column]) Can someone help me solving this equation? Thank you,
Hello to everybody, I am a new user and I am a bit confused. I have a smooth plane curve f(x,y)=0 defined over a finite field k and containing (0,0). x is a local parameter at (0,0). The local ring (k[x,y]/(f))_(x,y) can be viewe inside the Laurent series field k((x)). How can I compute the expansion of an element of (k[x,y]/(f))_(x,y) in k((x))? Which packages should I use? I have Maple 9. Thank you, Paola
So I have a matrix that contains coefficients for polynomial functions and bounds for where each polynomial is defined. How do I make a piecewise out of this automatically? I could enter them by hand but the number of functions can be as high as 100. FOr example, The first row of the coefficient matrix may contain the numbers 1,2,3,4,10,11 where 1,2,3 4 would be the coefficients of the first polynomial and it would be defined from 10 to 11. Thus, if I were to enter it by hand it would look something like this: f:=x->piecwise(x>10 and x
I am a high school math teacher with a subject degree. I have enrolled in a Calculus on the computer class and the course requirements required me to get maple 10. I was excited to get it. As I went through my calculus classes I don't believe maple was around. Anyway, the math of the subject is extremely easy as it should be. The hardest thing is getting the syntax of the commands. Remembering to put the ; at the end and stuff like that but im trudging through. The reason for this email is this. I am highly considering Maple 11 in the fact that it allows text and stuff on the plots. So with this in mind I am also not seeing the way that I can learn this program well enough to make it useful in my classroom. I would absolutely love to use it for my classroom. I just don't see how to make it look good with the combination text and math in the worksheet view or even getting the document view going. I am a real newbie to this program and want to do so much more with this program. Is there anything that you'll can suggest?
How can I find a 5x5 symmetric tridiagonal T matrix with eigenvalues that equals with the zero points of the fifth T5(x) Chebyshev polynom. I'm sure it is easy but I'm just a student and I would appriciate any help. Thenk you in advance. P.S.: A solution using orthogonal polynoms would be even more appriciated.
This is driving me crazy. I've searched here, online in general, and all the help files, but obviously it's so simple no one has ever bothered to explain it before! I'm a pretty naive Maple user, but I've been using it just fine to run some relatively simple numerical simulations. I've narrowed the problem down to this: 1.000000005 - 1 gives 5.10^-9 but 1.0000000005 - 1 gives 0 Clearly some rounding is taking place here. I've tried playing (systematically!) with all the options under tools>options>precision, but none of them seem to help. What am I missing?
I have recently been informed by people on this forum of the usefulness of Command Line MAPLE when compiling large programs. Thanks once again. As a test program I used WordPad to create f:= proc(x); x*5; end proc; then saved this as TestProc.mpl in C:\Program Files\Maple11 I then gave Command Line Maple the following commands > read "TestProc.mpl"; > f(x); and got the result 35, which I was hoping for. In a new command line session, I did the following... > interface(verboseproc=2); > writeto "BesselJ.mpl" > eval(BesselJ); > writeto (terminal); I then closed the session, picked up "BesselJ.mpl" with WordPad. I changed replaced every occurence of BesselJ with BJ2, stuck "BJ2 := " in front of the text and then saved it. Then I went back into command line Maple and did this
how can i create datasets for random number?i want to plot histogram from random number..
I am using dsolve(numeric,number=12,procedure=solproc,start=0,initial=ic,procvars=dvars,output=Vector(50, (i -> i/10.))): to solve for position from a set of motion equation and it works very nicely. Is there any way to end the dsolve procedure before all the time steps have been calculated if a specified variable is less than a specified value? I know I could run dsolve to find the time at which the variable has the specified value and then rerun with the specified time value but calculation times are lengthy so I don't want to double the time.
In order to further my understanding of the subtleties of the MAPLE programming language, I attempted to fool around with the code of one the the MAPLE procedures, specifically BesselJ(nu,x). I set interface(verboseproc=2) then I executed the command eval(BesselJ) and got, as output, the code of the procedure. I then copied the code to an input prompt and then in front of the code I put BesselJ:= When I attempted to compile this code I locked up MAPLE. I have an idea of what was happening. The code contains the statement BesselJ(nu,x):=0 and when MAPLE encounters this kind of construction it wants to know whether this should be interpreted as function construction of remember table assignment. Unfortunately, there was so much code being compiled that the box that appeared in the middle of the screen extended from the top to the bottom of the screen. The check boxes were out in space some where below the screen so there was no way I could get to them. So MAPLE kept waiting for an input that I had no way of giving it, and my only remedy was ctrl-alt-delete and then telling WINDOWS to shut down MAPLE. This happened on 2 different computers. I wonder if there is anyone out there who could help me with a workaround for this.
I was curious about what people put in their maple.ini files. For example, here is mine. interface(verboseproc=2): kernelopts(assertlevel=2): kernelopts(gcfreq=10000000): Testzero:= proc(O) evalb(simplify(O)=0) end proc: _Envsignum0:= 0: DataSummary:= (Statistics:-DataSummary)@(x->`if`(type(x, 'Array'), x, Array(x))): Would anyone have comments on this? What code do others use?
I installed Maple 11 on Vista Business 32bit version. I couldn't even save or load worksheet files!!! Does anybody get the same problem as I ? Thanks.
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