MaplePrimes Questions

I am using dsolve(numeric,number=12,procedure=solproc,start=0,initial=ic,procvars=dvars,output=Vector(50, (i -> i/10.))): to solve for position from a set of motion equation and it works very nicely. Is there any way to end the dsolve procedure before all the time steps have been calculated if a specified variable is less than a specified value? I know I could run dsolve to find the time at which the variable has the specified value and then rerun with the specified time value but calculation times are lengthy so I don't want to double the time.
In order to further my understanding of the subtleties of the MAPLE programming language, I attempted to fool around with the code of one the the MAPLE procedures, specifically BesselJ(nu,x). I set interface(verboseproc=2) then I executed the command eval(BesselJ) and got, as output, the code of the procedure. I then copied the code to an input prompt and then in front of the code I put BesselJ:= When I attempted to compile this code I locked up MAPLE. I have an idea of what was happening. The code contains the statement BesselJ(nu,x):=0 and when MAPLE encounters this kind of construction it wants to know whether this should be interpreted as function construction of remember table assignment. Unfortunately, there was so much code being compiled that the box that appeared in the middle of the screen extended from the top to the bottom of the screen. The check boxes were out in space some where below the screen so there was no way I could get to them. So MAPLE kept waiting for an input that I had no way of giving it, and my only remedy was ctrl-alt-delete and then telling WINDOWS to shut down MAPLE. This happened on 2 different computers. I wonder if there is anyone out there who could help me with a workaround for this.
I was curious about what people put in their maple.ini files. For example, here is mine. interface(verboseproc=2): kernelopts(assertlevel=2): kernelopts(gcfreq=10000000): Testzero:= proc(O) evalb(simplify(O)=0) end proc: _Envsignum0:= 0: DataSummary:= (Statistics:-DataSummary)@(x->`if`(type(x, 'Array'), x, Array(x))): Would anyone have comments on this? What code do others use?
I installed Maple 11 on Vista Business 32bit version. I couldn't even save or load worksheet files!!! Does anybody get the same problem as I ? Thanks.
I know I have done this before, but I'm not having any luck today. I am using Maple 10. I want to check if a user-entered function is positive for values in a bounded or unbounded interval. I do not want to do too much that is fancy, just functions that are likely to show up in the integral test for convergence of a series. Specific question: How can I get Maple to report that 1/sqrt(k) is decreasing for all k>1? I have tried working with both sqrt and surd, and with various assumptions. But, nothing gives a useful result.
f := 1/sqrt(k);       # no information
solve( diff(f,k)
Hi, I have a task and I haven't found a good way to work with it. I need to solve cubic functions like this a*x^3+b*x^2+c*x+d=0, where a,b,c,d are calculated from other data by excel, thus can be changed if I changed other parameters. So I have to solve every cubic function defined by these {a,b,c,d} data. And the nature of the experiment need only positive rational root. First I tried to use maple addin for excel. The problem is, it seemed that maple addin doesn't support multiple parameters for expression. For example, it's ok to use =maple("&1*2",A1), but I can't use =maple("solve(&1*x^3+&2*x^2+&3*x+&4,x)",A2:D2). Is it possible to calculate an expression from multiple cell data?
I want to define a sequence of Vectors,for example ,n Vectors just as a1,a2, to do? Thanks!
assume(c, 'real')
solve(272*c^3-213*c^2+52*c-4 > 0, c)
but i get the result:

why not the desired result?

{c < -(1/1632)*(101709+(3264*I)*sqrt(1407))^(1/3)-979/(544*(101709+(3264*I)*sqrt(1407))^(1/3))+71/272-(1/2*I)*sqrt(3)*((1/816)*(101709+(3264*I)*sqrt(1407))^(1/3)-979/(272*(101709+(3264*I)*sqrt(1407))^(1/3))), -(1/1632)*(101709+(3264*I)*sqrt(1407))^(1/3)-979/(544*(101709+(3264*I)*sqrt(1407))^(1/3))+71/272+(1/2*I)*sqrt(3)*((1/816)*(101709+(3264*I)*sqrt(1407))^(1/3)-979/(272*(101709+(3264*I)*sqrt(1407))^(1/3))) < c}, {(1/816)*(101709+(3264*I)*sqrt(1407))^(1/3)+979/(272*(101709
I can write evalhf(sin(.25)) and get an answer with more precision than simply writing evalf(sin(x)). When I create a loop and time it I see that evalhf is much faster. Unfortunately, I can't seem to take advantage of this when doing numeric integration. e. g. evalhf(int(sin(x),x=0..4)) doesn't work. Some numeric integration problems are very slow and it would be nice to speed them up with hardware evaluation. Any way to do this? -thanks
i wanna know about how can i build programmning in random generator cases.i'm new in this programmning field with no experience. i've to build programmning in random generator which the data is distributed randomly.can you help me?
I keep running into trouble where I try to evaluate a seemingly reasonable integral numerically and Maple (9.5) runs arbitrarily long before I have to give up on it. Sometimes tweaking the expression to simplify it fixes the problem and produces an answer promptly, sometimes it doesn't. How do I troubleshoot such a thing? It's very frustrating not being able to get an result and not knowing why. My current example is this: (often they're simpler!) evalf(int(int(log(1 + 1/((x-4)^2 + y^2)^(3/2) / (10^(-6.5) + 1/((x-4)^2+y^2)^(3/2))), y=-50..-1), x=-50..50)); Any thoughts? Thanks! --Micah
Did anyone here attend the 2006 Maple Conference ? If so, is anyone willing to share some of the papers from the collected proceedings ? I would just like to see what new exciting developments were created from the global Maple community. v/r,
Again I'm going through chapter 4 of David J. Griffiths, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, on the section dealing with the spherical bessel functions. Can someone look at my try at a personal creation of a procedure for the spherical bessel functions and tell whether it is correct and also recommend any critiques / improvements ? the user defined procedure is called n[l]. I'm also having trouble zooming in on the plots of the spherical bessel functions created using my procedure. can anyone also help with this problem ? thanks a lot. v/r, Here is the worksheet. View on MapleNet or Download
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I wrote a procedure that should generate a series of functions. Now I would like to integrate over the sum of a specific series of the functions. Unfortunately I can't get Maple to evaluate the last integration command even though I can plot the sum of the functions. >iLk_waveform_func:=proc(Ue,Ua,Ia,L,T,t,n,k) > local liL; > # n := number of phase > # k := index of iLk > if not (t::numeric and n::numeric and k::numeric) then > return 'procname'(args) > end if; > > > if (t
i create an availability function for my markov model in which use constraits like 2 maintenance tresholds and some maintenance duration, mean time between failures. i want to determine the mean time between inspections value which max. the availability and plot its graph... should i have to give exact numerical values or is there any other ways to solve it..
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