MaplePrimes Questions

Hi ! Sorry for my english... I'm finding roots of polynoms like X²+ aX + b, a and b can be very complicated, with a lot of square roots inside. When maple gimme the roots, or when i assign some variables, it try to simplifie the output, creating "subsections" named %1 or %2 etc... For example : 4582_example2.JPG Or How can i get the output without theses "simplifications" ?

Hi, can anyone help me with the following what is the purpose of the (1) getmath(var) command (2) getmaple(var) command (3) exportmath(var) command (4) exportmaple(var) command in addition, can i author questions for export to mathML using the standard maple package? or do i need to download and install maple TA as well? here is a sample of the type of questions i am trying to author. any inputs would be welcome. you could also send your replies to thanks ! sudarshan shidore Please replace this text with the link to your file. The li
Hi, I'm just writing a question bank for some simple integration exercises. This causes some problems with the constants of integration and the syntax of maple graded questions: If I ask for int(1/sqrt(x^2+4),x) one student could give the correct answer ln(x+sqrt(x^2+4)) and another one could give arcsinh(x/2), which is correct as well but with another additive constant. In formula mode one of these results would not be acknowledged as correct. Therefore I tried to use maple graded questions and compare the differentiated results. I used the syntax like in the manual at
I recently purchased Maple 10. In the user manual is described that 95% of Maple is open-coded, but in fact only eval(packagename[command]) really show the program in Maple for related toolpackages.It is far away from 95%! Where am I wrong?
Good day, Working in Document Mode. I'd like to know how to break up a long expression into multiple lines for improved readability. Does Maple support a character ... or sequence of charaters to indicate continue expression to next line and delay evaluation? .... much link Matlab's "..." sequence. For example: Format coefsoln := solve({xxi = subs(t = 0, f), dxi = subs(t = 0, df), d2xi = subs(t = 0, d2f), d3xi = subs(t = 0, d3f), xf = subs(t = tf, f), dxf = subs(t = tf, df), d2xf = subs(t = tf, d2f), d3xf = subs(t = tf, d3f)}, {a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5], a[6], a[7]})
I can easily adjust the field strength in a fieldplot, with(plots):fieldplot([x/(x^2+y^2)^(3/2),y/(x^2+y^2)^(3/2)], > x=-1..1,y=-1..1,fieldstrength=log); but the same command does not work in a dfieldplot. with(DEtools):dfieldplot(diff(y(x),x)=1/2*(-x-(x^2+4*y(x))^(1/2)), y(x), x=-3..3, > y=-3..2, title=`Restricted domain`,color=1/2*(-x-(x^2+4*y)), fieldstrength=log); How can I adjust the field strength in my dfieldplot? For simplicity, I took these examples out of the help pages in Maple10.
i have a project due in my calculus class on simple harmonic motion. i have to imput the equation of s=8cos((sqrt(2)/5)*pi*t) into maple, which i can do but then i am asked to solve the equation when t is equal to 0. now i know the answer is 8 but i have no idea to make maple do that using the equation already typed in. in addition to this, i then need to differentiate the s function in order to find v and a. i am also having a hard time doing this. if anyone knows how to put these in so they will work that would be a big help.
I have two equations with 3 variables(or perhaps n equations with n+1 variables) eq1:=0=c1*A1+c2*B1+c3*C1; eq2:=0=c4*A1+c5*B1+c6*C1; I can solve by e.g. solve({eq1,eq2},{A1,B1}) or any other combination of two of the variables. But if I follow the above by solve({eq1,eq2},{B1,C1}) I get then get an error. How do I find C1 as a function of A1? There must surely be a very way simple to do this. Did check the help pages but must have missed it if it is there.
Hi I am new to Maple (just 3 days!) and am working my way around the Maple TA that allows one to author questions. (that's what i am aiming to do - author questions!) These questions need the use of components as well as the DocumentTools package. So far, I have been able to insert some basic components such as textbox, listbox and sliders (though have not changed their values programatically - not yet anyway!) some questions at the end of my first session: (a) what is a math container? what are the uses? how can i define one? from what i can see, some of these containers have names like eqm1 and others have names like mathcontainer0. yet others have names like user_response_0 (this seems to be a variable where the learner can write his answer)
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View file details In the uploaded WS you will find an objective in the end that must be maximized for x 6 to 8 on every percentile, thus 6.00, 6.01, 6.02 etc., I know I have to use a loop but I can't get it to work. Could somebody shine his light on this problem and give me a shove in the right direction?
My college's computers have Maple 10, but my home computer has Maple 11. I tried opening a Maple 10 document in Maple 11, but it didn't open properly. Is there any way to use Maple 10 documents with Maple 11 without screwing up the document?
Hi guys i've read ll the "Essential Tutorials" for Maple 11, but i just can;t get my head aroudn how i can do the following Integrals in Maple 11. it keeps spitting out the exact same value i put in. i've tried diffrent ways of inputting the values but i either get it all wrong or just get the exact same input value back. i've attached the 3 questions that i need help with here : can someone tell me how i can get Maple 11 to find the solution to these 3 problems attached? Please help. thank you
hey can someone plzz help me asap. I need to write a procedure to determine the lcm and gcd of 2 integers. But only 1 will do bcz they are similar. I have already written 2 procedures, one to determine the prime divisors returning the set which contains them, and the other determining the multiplicity of each divisor. also, what if each integer has the same prime divisors with different multiplicities how do i fix this problem?
Hi, I've this problem with maple11; when I try to assigne the elements of any array (Tent in this case) using a procedure inside a for loop: Tent:= array(1..7); for i from 1 to 7 do Tent[i]:= proc(v) global i; christoffel[i] + v^i; end proc; end do; Maple dont understand that the 'i' inside the procedure is the same of the for loop. So after I've execute the for, i is actually 8, and if I write Tent[3](p); maple return christoffel[8]+ p^8 instead I would christoffel[3]+p^3 I've undersand that when I invoke Tent[3] (or Tent[2], etc) maple control the actual value of i (that is 8), so I think this is a problem of scope of the i variable.
Hi, I am using Maple 10 on Windows XP, and every time I try to open the Classic worksheet, the program opens, but whenever I try to run code, open an old worksheet, save a new worksheet, or pretty much do anything, the program crashes and I get the standard Windows message that "cwmaple.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. If you were in the middle of something, the information you were working on might be lost." Then it asks me to send the error report to Microsoft. I have reinstalled several times using my original disk, contacted Maple support for help and reinstalled using the link they gave me, turned off my firewall, and nothing has helped. What else should I do? I have 1G of RAM and 1.67Ghz processor speed. Thanks so much, I would really appreciate any help as I need the classic worksheet to do the work for my final exam.
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