MaplePrimes Questions

Hi everyone, I'm a newbie at Maple and am building a model for the transmission and reflection of EM waves in layered media. I'm trying to separate something like: R[s] = (-I*sin(q[m]*l/Z[m])*Z[1]*Z[t]-cos(q[m]*l)*Z[1]+cos(q[m]*l)*Z[t]+I*Z[m]*sin(q[m]*l))/(I*sin(q[m]*l/Z[m])*Z[1]*Z[t]+cos(q[m]*l)*Z[1]+cos(q[m]*l)*Z[t]+I*Z[m]*sin(q[m]*l)) into complex and real parts. Re and Im don't seem to work. In fact if I take an equation like: f:= cos(x) + 2*sin(4*x) and run Re or Im on it, it doesn't seem to work. Any assistance would be much appreciated! Thanks,
How can I do an array in maple? Tanks...!!!
his is the eqaution given X=a+bI and my proffessor want this to be inside the double loop. variable a is from 1 to 2 with a interval of .02. the variable b is from -1 to 1 with a interval of .02. this is what it should look like for a from 0 by 0.2e-1 while a
Hi my name is Franklin and I'm student in NYC. Now I'm doing a project assignment from my math professor. He didn't explain to us how to use the maple 10 at all. Now I come here to look for help. How I set up a double loop with the parameter "A" running from 0 to 2 in steps of 0.02 and "B" running from -1 to 1 in steps of 0.02? How I set the Xo=a+bI within the double loop? How I can compute the 10 Newton's method iterates? For me it is difficult but maybe for you guys this will be easy since you all are experts in it.... Best Regards, Franklin
Hello, Is it possible to use the densityplot function with imaginary values? I've tried with numerous functions, and all it ever seems to output is a solid black field. Any help/suggestions/links to resources would be -greatly- appreciated! Thanks! Joe H.
I need to solve following ODE: ODE:= y(f)*(diff(y(f), f, f))+50.0*f -50.0*f^2= 0 Subject to boundary conditions: BC:= (D(y))(.5) = 0, y(0) = 0 I used BVP method : dsol2 := dsolve({ODE, BC}, numeric, method = bvp[midrich], y(f), range = 0 .. .5) But I got " Error, (in dsolve/numeric/bvp) division by zero" Can someone please tell me what I can do. Thanks,
I need to solve following ODE: ODE:= y(f)*(diff(y(f), f, f))+50.0*f -50.0*f^2= 0 Subject to boundary conditions: BC:= (D(y))(.5) = 0, y(0) = 0 I used BVP method : dsol2 := dsolve({ODE, BC}, numeric, method = bvp[midrich], y(f), range = 0 .. .5) But I got " Error, (in dsolve/numeric/bvp) division by zero" Can someone please tell me what I can do. Thanks,
I'm trying to find Eigen vectors and values for 50x50 matrices (and larger) that are very sparse (at least 80-85% zeros). Using the Eigenvectors function [ (v, e) := Eigenvectors(L) ] function is prohibitively slow, but it seems there must be some way to speed things up by taking advantage of the sparse quality of the matrices. Thoughts?
hi, I've got a question: does anybody know how to receive more than one object as an output of procedure? ex. I need to get a plot and print some parameter values or to get more than one plot, but one under another, not using display command. thx.
Hello, I was wondering if I need to uninstall Maple 10 before I install the upgrade Maple 11. Or afterwards.... Or can I leave Maple 10 on? Thanks a lot, Steve.
I'm relatively new to Maple so the answer to this question may be simple. Why do I not get the expected results of 23.30 and 24.40 when displaying the Matrix? The results are the same if I declare it as an Array. myMatrix := Matrix(1 .. 1, 1 .. 2, datatype = float[8]); myMatrix[1, 1] := 23.30; myMatrix[1, 2] := 23.40; print(myMatrix);                                               [ 23.3000000000000007     23.3999999999999986 ]
I am considering buyuing a notebook computer and all the ones I have taken a look at come w/ the VISTA OS. As I understand it from certain posts on this forum, if I were to buy one of those notebooks I would not be able to run MAPLE11 on it until some unspecified time in the future. Is my understanding correct? If so, I would hope and expect that the folks at Maplesoft give this matter high priority, inasmuch as it appears that most new computers come w/ VISTA installed.
Something I hadn't tried until today was calling into a DLL with Maple. I was surprised at how easy it is. Once inside a DLL, the sky is pretty much the limit as far as passing the data around between applications for realtime plotting and even passing to device drivers for other processing or even I/O in WinXP.
Is it possible to get/set the view option of a plot component using the DocumentTools package? I'm trying to plot a function containing a parameter whose value is controlled by a slider component. When I adjust the view using rightclick->manipulator->scale and then move the slider, the graph reverts back to the hard-coded scale in the original plot command. I'd like to set a default scale, then allow a user to set the scale using the scale manipulator and have that new scale persist through the next slider manipulation.
I'm relatively new to Maple and have a question about a result from the menu DE solver. In the attached file, FODE puzzling result, I don't understand ln(e)-1 in the denominator. Thanks, Rich View 1292_FODE puzzling result on MapleNet or Download 1292_FODE puzzling result
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