MaplePrimes Questions

I'm still making the transition from VB thinking to MAPLE thinking. In VB I delcared an 9 x 9 array of type square, where square was defined by Private Type square NumPossible As Integer Possible(9) As Boolean Number As Integer End Type I am trying to do the same thing in MAPLE with the code below. Since MAPLE is more flexible than VB, a certain possibility occured to me. With the code I have written below, does MAPLE have to store in its symbol table at run time 81 copies of the symbols 'Number', 'Possible' and 'NumPossible' ? Square:=Array(1..9,1..9); InitializeArray := proc ()
I'm not sure where to start on this problem. Can anyone help?
I was just curious what Maple 11 for linux looked like? Does it look the same as Maple 10 or better? I ask because I've noticed that a lot of the commercial linux versions of products are given a crappier looking interface. Any screenshots that someones aware of? Thanks in advance
Hi. >sol2:=dsolve( {diff(c(x),x,x)=c(x) , c(0)=5, int(c(x),x=0..1)=3 },c(x)); Error, (in PDEtools/sdsolve) the input system cannot contain equations in the arbitrary parameters alone; found equation: _F1[x]-3 this is a DE of second order, so it requires two conditions to find the constants.. I wanted to give one of the conditions in the form of an integral, but i get the error above. Any idea why? thanks
I wonder if someone would be kind enough to explain the output I am getting in the simple attached file. I understand the array that is being output - that is what I want. But why the 9 below it, and the pair 'true,true' near the bottom? -Thanks View on MapleNet or Download
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Hello peeps, In some of my calculations, I need to find and answer that is greater than or not equal to a certain value.... for example differentiate a function which gives x=-2 & x=3, if I now wish to define has to be x>0, how would I incorporate that into my maple command? Thanks in advance
Hi, I am trying to find out how to plot a vector function. I have the following vectorfunction: ([t^2-3],[1/2*t^2+2*t+1]) How do I plot this vector in maple? Thanks in advance
I'm trying to find y as a function of x in an equation. Here's the outline of my method: Suppose I have the following ode: ode := x^2*(diff(y(t), t, t))-3*x*(diff(y(t), t))+2*y = x^2 IC := y(0) = 7, (D(y))(1) = 2 dsolve({ode, IC}, y(t)) But I get the following: Error, (in ODEtools/info) y(t) and y cannot both appear in the given ODE. I'm not sure about what I'm doing wrong here in the syntax? Any hint would be appreciated. Thanks.
I'm trying to use dsolve on the following equation, but it gives me the following: "Error, (in tools/map) too many levels of recursion" - deq := (diff(y(t), t, t))+2*(diff(y(t), t))+26*y(t) = 6*exp^(3*t) dsolve(deq, y(t)) I'm usually better with Matlab but Maple is driving me nutttts! Any help would be much appreciated.
Would anyone be able to help me integrate ones like the following: Int(1/exp(eta)*eta*hypergeom([1, 1, 1],[2, 2, 2],eta),eta); I've tried using convert, simplify, etc. but nothing works. Many thanks, Sandra
Suppose I want to use a proc to change an element in a list. I run into this problem > TestProc := proc (s) s[3] := 5 end proc; > s := [1, 2, 3, 4]; [1, 2, 3, 4] > TestProc(s); Error, (in TestProc) illegal use of a formal parameter I realize I could make s a global variable, but what if I want my proc to be able to operate on *any* list? In C++ one would use a pointer, but I don't see that kind of capability in MAPLE. Is there another way to do it? -Thanks
Hi - I'm new to Maple. I can't seem to solve an ode with Maple because it gives me this error: Error, (in combine/exp) too many levels of recursion Lets say I have the following equation: > diffEq := (diff(y(x), x, x))-7*(diff(y(x), x)) = 7*exp^(3*t); I try the following and include the ICs: > with(DEtools) > dsolve({diffEq, y(0) = 1, y'(0) = 3}, y(x)); I wanted to know why this doesn't work? Correct syntax would be great. Thanks.
Hi, I have a lognormal distribution of which I know the 5% ,50% and 95% value of X.Can I work out the equation of pdf and cdf for the particular distribution? Thanks in advance, Nasos
I have a set of data points which form an *almost* straight line, but as the line is extended out the data points vary more and more from the median. I've figured out that they're actually forming a sinusoidal wave, which grows in "bandwidth" as it goes further out, and which is centered on a y=mx+b line. I'm guessing the fuction is along the lines of y= (ax)*(sin(bx))+cx+d How do I get that formula out?
I was wondering if anyone might know how to print the intermediate steps when using the dsolve function in to solve a 4th order ODE. I get the result of the dsolve function, but I want to see the actual steps that maple takes to get there. Is this feasible at all, or is there another much simpler method that I'm just not finding? Thanks in advance Jimmy Navarski
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