MaplePrimes Questions

I seem to be having some trouble with scalar multiplication. Perhaps you all can help out. Here is what I have; with(LinearAlgebra): A:= matrix(3,3,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]); ScalarMultiply(A,3); I was hoping that would work, but after the ScalarMultiply command I get "Error, (in LinearAlgebra:-ScalarMultiply) expects its 1st argument, MV, to be of type {Matrix,Vector}, but received A" Any ideas where I am going wrong? Thanks in advance.
Probably me doing something wrong but just wanted to know.... I wanted to assign a value to a variable... delta x but I wanted to use the greek delta with the x. (e.g. Δx) Maple doen't like it, and flags the error. Error, first argument to _Inert_ASSIGN must be assignable I know it is only cosmetic but I just wanted know if its possible. Thanks, dgiznya
How do I find the numeric value of these equation.I want actual value of all symbols( alpha,beta and gamma) 1) b_2 = -3.464909430*RootOf(-gamma^2+alpha*beta+(-gamma^2-4*alpha*beta)*_Z+(gamma^2+4*alpha*beta)*_Z^2, label = _L1)+1.732454715 2) b_1 = RootOf(-gamma^2+alpha*beta+(-gamma^2-4*alpha*beta)*_Z+(gamma^2+4*alpha*beta)*_Z^2, label = _L1)/alpha 3) Z = -.5772156649*alpha/(2.*RootOf(-gamma^2+alpha*beta+(-gamma^2-4*alpha*beta)*_Z+(gamma^2+4*alpha*beta)*_Z^2, label = _L1)-1.)
Please help me find the numeric values of a_1,a_2,b_1 and b_2, base on the below equation. solve({a_1^2*alpha+a_2^2*beta=a_1,2*a_1*a_2*alpha+a_2^2*gamma=a_2,a_1*b_1*alpha+a_2*b_2*beta=b_1,a_1*b_2*alpha+a_2*b_1*alpha+a_2*b_2*gamma=b_2,b_1^2*alpha+b_2^2*beta=a_1+b_1,2*b_1*b_2*alpha+b_2^2*gamma=a_2+b_2,a_1*b_2<>b_1*a_2},[a_1,a_2,b_1,b_2]);
I'm new to Maple and just starting a ODE class. I attempted to do a Directional Field plot using DEplot. The plot displayed only Q3 and no mater what I tried would not plot the other quadrants. My inputs: with(DEtools): desgn := diff(y(x),x)=-x/y DEplot(desgn,y(x),x=-10…10,y=-10…10); Seems simple enough is there something I’m missing? I tried to change the range by the right click over the plot; did nothing. Sorry if this is overly simple but, I’m still learning… Thanks for any help anyone can offer.
I am teaching a course on wavelets. I have two items that are giving me trouble with using Maple 10. 1. I read a JPEG image into my worksheet, and then I want to multiply it by a filter matrix. I get an error because the filter is a Matrix and the image is an Array. How do I fix this problem? 2. Once I have changed the image, I want to see the result. The only way I have found to do it is to save the resulting array to the hard drive, and then use the Insert tab, and choose image. There has to be a way to do this without having to store the Array. How? Bo Green
I had trouble with Maple in my calculus II class when working an improper integral. See the uploaded worksheet at Download
View file details. Am I making a silly mistake here or is Maple incorrect? Lance N.
How to get the set of non-neg-int solution of x+y+z=n?
I have matrix C: C:= matrix([[a,b,c],[d,e,f],[g,h,i]])=7; and want to find the determinant of matrix K. K:=matrix([[a+d,b+e,c+f],[d,e,f],[g,h,i]]); How do I do this? Im not very familiar with the linalg-package in Maple so I need help.
I am exporting a 3D colored ps figure by using the output command: plotsetup(ps,plotoutput=``,plotoptions=`portrait,noborder,color=RGB`); Without changing the grid size, the figure, in the postcript file, appears with less accuracy than the one that would appear in the Maple environment. Is there an option to be defined that improves the picture resolution without the need of increasing the number of points of the grid?
In the student part of maple 10, it says: " More than just the answer Maple 10, in addition to providing the answer, also displays all the required steps and the “thinking” behind the math problems you are facing." But I can't see anywhere in the program where this is available. Put something in and all it does is give you a final answer: One simple example: solve(y^2 = (x(x+1))/2); just gets you the final answer
Hi everybody :)I'm a student and I study at Ha Noi University of Education in Viet Nam. I'm the 3rd student and I need a help, very pressing...My teacher ask me to search about Maple soft to draw a function graph like y=ax2+bx+c :( But I have to finish it in a short time,about 7 days, it's very difficult for me. I really nead a help. I write English not well so I can express my problem exactly, you can send me a mail through,thanks thanks a lot... It's very important with me,somebody help me...
There must be an easy way to resolve this problem, I just haven't found it yet. > restart;with(LinearAlgebra); > A:=pp->eval(Matrix([[a1(p),0],[0,a2(p)]]),p=pp):A(p); [a1(p) 0 ] [ ] [ 0 a2(p)] > Eigenvectors(A(p)); Error, (in LinearAlgebra:-LA_Main:-Eigenvectors) expecting a Matrix of rationals, rational functions, algebraic numbers, or algebraic functions > Is there a way to make the LinearAlgebra routines treat a Matrix function just like a regular Matrix? thanks
I have defined a function: ft(n,v)=Zeta(0,n+1,1-2*Pi*v*I)/Zeta(n+1) mag(n,v)=sqrt(ft(n,v)*conjugate(ft(n,v))) I want to find the points v at which mag(n,v)=0.5 (i.e. for n=2,3,4, etc.) Any of the so-called numerical solver techniques described in the help file with Maple simply return an expression containing the digamma function symbol (e.g. Psi) Any ideas? Thanks -Monty Wood
Find the solution to a numerical function equation? I have defined a function: f(n,v) = Zeta(0,n+1,1-2*Pi*v*I)/Zeta(n+1) mag(n,v) = sqrt(f(n,v)*conjugate(f(n,v)) For this funciton, n represents an integer, and v is real. Essentially, for different values of "n," I would like to find the numerical value of "v" at which mag(n,v) is equal to 0.5 Using various combinations of Optimize, fsolve, and NewtonsMethod, and interlacing evalf into the definitions, the program continues to give me a symbolic expression using the "Psi" symbol for the Digamma function. Is there a way to define the function strictly numerically so that the symbolic engine does not kick in?
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