
Bryon Thur

1728 Reputation

17 Badges

20 years, 5 days
Waterloo, Montana, United States

Social Networks and Content at

Maple Application Center

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by Bryon

The new version of MaplePrimes is rapidly approaching the finish line and I am happy to announce that we will be launching it to a group of Beta testers (edit: the Beta program is now live).  A reminder that if you would like to participate in the Beta, please send me a private message and I will add you to the list.  For those who have already asked to participate, thank you.  Everyone will receive a message tomorrow with details about how to access the Beta site.

The bloggers at have been busy recently, and we've seen the addition of some great new posts.  Here are some links if you're interested.

Back in September, I posted an announcement about our plans for the new version of MaplePrimes.  Well a few months and many, many hours of development later, we are approaching the end point!

The Maplesoft corporate blog has seen the addition of many interesting new posts recently, and I thought I'd share a few of the most recent ones with MaplePrimes.

Visualizing a Parallel Field in a Curved Manifold
Posted by Robert Lopez, Maple Fellow

Speaking of Languages...
Posted by Tom Lee, Chief Evangelist

An analytical model of mornings in the Wright household
Posted by Derek Wright, Application Engineer

MaplePrimes is a community where thousands of members share their expertise and knowledge of Maplesoft products, and of math & technical topics in general.  To help nurture the environment, and to maintain a quality resource for MaplePrimes members, we have decided to extend content moderation to the community.

I expect that the roles of moderators will evolve as we move forward, but to start, moderator’s will have the following capabilities:

  • Remove commercial messages (spam) or otherwise inappropriate or offensive content as described  in the MaplePrimes Community Guidelines.
  • Re-categorize posts to the correct forum category.
  • Select high quality blog posts or message topics to appear on the front page of MaplePrimes.
  • Correct bad formatting within messages.
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