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Seldom to ask question after retired math hobby Just waiting for beauty who born in 1994 And waited for her email to What is the difference in ownership among different universe?

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by ComputerUser

Can pacemaker and corosync work with maple?

How to setup pacemaker and Corosync to maple work in Amazon EC2?

i had only one installed License in linux

how to make it work in clusters ?

what is the difference with supercomputing in Amazon ?

which consulting company in Hong Kong can help to use supercomputing in Amazon in my case ? I would like to run batch of batch total 100 script running maple in one instance , but total numbers need to run around 60 years. Any consultant to calculate and setup this supercomputing or pacemaker to make calculations into one day or a few days ? 


How to make maple 12 to use Intel SGX 1 or SGX 2 to run code secretly? If maple 12 can not, which version of maple can use SGX 1 or SGX 2?

I rewrite my code with Grid library using local vCPU of amazon 

discover no license of distributed HPC when setup command show need go to

can Grid still be used and function with local 96 number of vCPU?

then when I test code, I can not pkill mserver in ps -aux in LInux 

can the performance really improved ? Because I suppose 3 to 5 minutes mserver will end and disappear from ps -aux but grid node of mserver still running

originally I can run 100 batches every day., but I have to monitor decrease of memory in order to determine whether can kill mserver for next batch 

I expect run 400 batches per day. But Can not kill mserver when using grid

In my code I had using time limit(30, ...) 

when using Grid seq of function , can lprint work normally to get results into text ?

i notice Grid up to 57, do I need to recalculate and revise code to fit 96 vCPU for grid number 96?

How can maple be trusted app when window 10 device guard enabled?

Is there like   Library available in maple for enumerate in for loop?

i would like to like shift 9 times and create 100 mapping for each sequence 

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