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Seldom to ask question after retired math hobby Just waiting for beauty who born in 1994 And waited for her email to What is the difference in ownership among different universe?

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by ComputerUser

g1 := x^2-w*y;
g2 := x*y-w*z;
g3 := y^2-x*z;
S12 := SPolynomial(g1, g2, plex(x, y, z, w));
eq1:= S12 = u1*g1 + u2*g2 + u3*g3;
T:=GenerateMatrix([eq1],[u1,u2, u3],augmented);

(u1,u2,u3) should be (0,0,-w);
the goal is find a u1,u2,u3 to make eq1 equal S12, where u1,u2,u3 should be in terms of x y z w
g3 := y^2-x*z;
X3 := LeadingPowerOfProduct(g3, plex(x,y,z,w));

X3 should be y^2

3*rho1 - 2*rho2 + rho3 - rho4 = -1

4*rho1 +   rho2 - rho3        = 5

original without cost function:

K := {y1-(x1^3)*(x2^4),y2-(x2^(1+2))*(w^2),y3-(x1^(1+1))*(w^1),y4-(x2^1)*w,(y1^1000)*(y2^1)*(y3^1)*(y4^100)- x1*x2*w + 1};
G := Basis(K, plex(x1, x2, w, y1, y2, y3, y4));
Reduce((x2^(5+1))*(w^1), G, plex(x1, x2, w, y1, y2, y3, y4));

after have cost function 1000*rho1 + rho2...

K := {y1-(x1^3)*(x2^4),y2-(x2^(1+2))*(w^2),y3-(x1^(1+1))*(w^1),y4-(x2^1)*w,x1*x2*w - 1};
G := Basis(K, plex(x1, x2, w, y1, y2, y3, y4));
Reduce((x2^(5+1))*(w^1), G, plex(x1, x2, w, y1, y2, y3, y4));

subs({rho1=1,rho2=1,rho3=0,rho4=2},3*rho1 - 2*rho2 + rho3 - rho4);
subs({rho1=1,rho2=1,rho3=0,rho4=2},4*rho1 +   rho2 - rho3       );

can also reduce with G8,G7

R1 := Reduce((x2^(5+1))*(w^1), {G[7...

i am doing a Q Laplace and finally summation it

however, i find an AccurateQSummation which is not like Summation

Should i use it, if not, use SumTools' summation how to simplify it?


qexp := QPochhammer(-(-p*t), q, infinity);
f:= qexp*t;
b := subs(t=q^n,f);

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