
Mr. Ho Yeung Lee

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12 years, 75 days

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Seldom to ask question after retired math hobby Welcome August, February, July, May born girl And waited for her email to

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These are questions asked by ComputerUser

Which sorting related with famous sequence

for example 

sorting differential equation in a list

then access the list with famous sequence as index such as using

after access with sequence as index, use choose function to get combinations then most result are isomorphism differential ideals?

is there methods about this sorting in Richard Stanley Combinatiric book? which page of it?

Last month I still can read file


read “c://Users//hello//Documents//h.m”


now it return error

no read access c://Users//hello//Documents/


in security I add the m file into readable 

I saw open file at c drive has many shell folders 

i just add m file

but still the same error

i unencrypted m file by window properties

still the same error

i save file into maple roaming directory under 12 folder , still the same error

i save into maple installation directory maple 12 , still the same error

How to calculate potential function of Maxwell equations?

is there calculation examples of strong and weak force examples too?

which library can calculate intersection numbers of familes of potential function of Maxwell equations?

is there any examples?

I use indices of Table


but it return 3,6

how to keep [3,3,3,6,6]?

any other method for indices?

any non hash table which map value to value?


i would like to research the ordering mechanism of this kind of series Before sorting.

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