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11 years, 278 days

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Seldom to ask question after retired math hobby Just waiting for beauty who born in 1994 And waited for her email to What is the difference in ownership among different universe?

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by ComputerUser

I rename text file as mws when I click it , it show a few button and then need to extra click maple input and then need to click enter in order to run.


how to run directly when I open it with maple?

I find eval(Diff(x,x)) still is Diff(x,x)

how to make become 1

or how to evaluate Capital Diff ?


and I find sum(diff(x^k,x)/k! , k=1..n)

return exp(x) *gamma(n,x)/gamma(n)

why not exp(x)?


and diff( m(x+ diff(...) ...) / diff without m(x) , why return 0

i still have not define m(x)


if there is a equation subs(...)

how to make a similar symbol like Diff(f(t),t) and diff(f(t),t) use for a new solver procedure use?

   1 1 1 2 2 3 3  

(  1 3 3 2 2 1 2 )

how to input this permutation into permgroup ?


Digits := 600;
ss := 1:
windowlength := 50:
ma := []:
me := []:
counter1 := 1:
Z := Vector(windowlength, datatype = complex[8]);
Z5 := []:
for i from windowlength+ss to 1+ss by -1 do
eq2 := x:
eq2a := x*2:
god := solve(eq2a=y, t);
ma := [op(ma), evalf(subs(t=100, eq2a))]:
me := [op(me), 100]:
Z[counter1] := [Complex(evalf(subs(t=100, eq2a)),0)];
counter1 := counter1 + 1:
Z2 := FourierTransform(Z);
Z5 := []:
for i from 1 to counter1 do
Z5 := [op(Z5),Re(Z2[i])]:
p := dualaxisplot(listplot(Z, color = red), listplot(me, color = blue), style = line, gridlines = false):
p3 := dualaxisplot(listplot(ma, color = red), listplot(me, color = blue), style = line, gridlines = false):
> Z[counter1] := [Complex(evalf(subs(t = 100, eq2a)), 0)];
Error, unable to evaluate expression to hardware floats: [0.1395407376854069872222364799062994087470140319577366200576294159849633469734297167456440703192248821030980068084453175485138428545865904609881858312543669285411895851509107873579430804484462212873775830538595858575740816705029437533106045686220745333574567547827085763824574616984653193169818770743931611305635956093618789559193701301264280264321394773730076308141252308187470580964653518965117431518571850910086488220847415724949651796448259541027929735646487459091205173804995401770417274097230705447077344465381061736283732438996738107330437055827420813951050981604075837450139995544638...
> Complex(evalf(subs(t=100, eq2a));
Error, unable to match delimiters
Typesetting:-mambiguous(Complexlparevalf(subs(tequals100comma eq2a)),
  Typesetting:-merror("unable to match delimiters"))
> Complex(evalf(subs(t = 100, eq2a)), 0);
  43899673810733043705582742081395105098160407583745013999554463814123790354 10   
   + 0. I
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