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Seldom to ask question after retired math hobby Just waiting for beauty who born in 1994 And waited for her email to What is the difference in ownership among different universe?

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by ComputerUser

Last time i see this question, then no one further answer this.

I just can say that i really want to know whether my concept wrong or book wrong or the script i write is wrong

It's glad to know any one of them wrong without knowing how to do actually, so that i can rethink and reread again

actually i worry that intersect is not only one command to do this. is other redundant except correct output?

i mean this is to calculate the Groebner basis of kernel of this map

Q[r,u,v,w] -> Q[x,y]

= G intersect k[r,u,v,w]

Leading power of product should be the term with a variable has the highest degree

i mean this map


r  ->  x^4
u -> (x^3)*y
v -> x*y^3
w -> y^4
this question is only allowed to use basis to solve this problem
correct output should be := {v*u-w*r,v^3-u*w^2,-u^2*w+v^2*r,u^3-v*r^2};
actually i am not sure whether k[r,u,v,w] is K[1],K[2],K[3],K[4] of above list
do we or can we need to further eliminate G2 to correct output stated above

i mean the term which contain the a variable which power is the highest among all the terms

in above case should be y^2

however after i search manual no function result in this

product means a product term only has product, for example a*b, a*b*c, a*b*c*d ,etc

i mean the term which contain the a variable which power is the highest among all the terms

in above case should be y^2

however after i search manual no function result in this

product means a product term only has product, for example a*b, a*b*c, a*b*c*d ,etc

if there is a framework to let me plug in integration rules in it, then it is very convenient

if there is a framework to let me plug in integration rules in it, then it is very convenient

After read[HypergeometricTerm]


it do not have q-Laplace, i need inverse q-Laplace, it has q for q-hypergoemetric

why look LREtools?

actually i need q integration, how to implement a new kind of integration like maple do such as

After read[HypergeometricTerm]


it do not have q-Laplace, i need inverse q-Laplace, it has q for q-hypergoemetric

why look LREtools?

actually i need q integration, how to implement a new kind of integration like maple do such as

i use continuous fourier transform continous to discrete, failed

i := 2;

disnetwork := int(exp(-I*s*u)*contnetwork, s=-infinity..infinity);

ztrans(disnetwork, s, z);

then i use dynamic system's function, can not convert because not a system object

network := sqrt(2*p)*((s-p)^(i-1))/((s+p)^i):
sys := subs(i=2, network):
disnetwork := ToDiscrete(sys, 1, method = forward);
disnetwork := ToDiscrete(sys, 1, method = backward);
disnetwork := ToDiscrete(sys, 1, method = bilinear);

then i try matlab, it can convert but not the expected

syms s p;
contnetwork = sqrt(2*p)*((s-p)^(i-1))/((s+p)^i);

i use continuous fourier transform continous to discrete, failed

i := 2;

disnetwork := int(exp(-I*s*u)*contnetwork, s=-infinity..infinity);

ztrans(disnetwork, s, z);

then i use dynamic system's function, can not convert because not a system object

network := sqrt(2*p)*((s-p)^(i-1))/((s+p)^i):
sys := subs(i=2, network):
disnetwork := ToDiscrete(sys, 1, method = forward);
disnetwork := ToDiscrete(sys, 1, method = backward);
disnetwork := ToDiscrete(sys, 1, method = bilinear);

then i try matlab, it can convert but not the expected

syms s p;
contnetwork = sqrt(2*p)*((s-p)^(i-1))/((s+p)^i);

when try to reverse find back alpha and x from existing equations

x and alpha are very complex

solve({sqrt(2*p)*exp(-p*t) = exp(x)*(x^(-alpha))/0!*exp(-x)*(x^(0+alpha)), sqrt(2*p)*(-2*p*t+1)*exp(-p*t) = exp(x)*(x^(-alpha))/1!*diff(exp(-x)*(x^(1+alpha)), x$1)},{alpha,x});

i still suspect this rodrigue formula is the source

when try to reverse find back alpha and x from existing equations

x and alpha are very complex

solve({sqrt(2*p)*exp(-p*t) = exp(x)*(x^(-alpha))/0!*exp(-x)*(x^(0+alpha)), sqrt(2*p)*(-2*p*t+1)*exp(-p*t) = exp(x)*(x^(-alpha))/1!*diff(exp(-x)*(x^(1+alpha)), x$1)},{alpha,x});

i still suspect this rodrigue formula is the source!293!292

here it is,

once you got it, tell me, i will delete it after you got it.

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