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Seldom to ask question after retired math hobby Just waiting for beauty who born in 1994 And waited for her email to What is the difference in ownership among different universe?

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by ComputerUser


i understand now,

by the way,

do you know how to predict a future matrix 

belong to which one of 3 matrix?

actually eigenvector has very small difference in 

Decimal value , can linear regression help to predict the exact eigenvector values?

i find book mention magnetron , neucleon these words, but I use Time series only to find Pauli equation. Is it the end after find Pauli equation ?

how to use Pauli equation for Time series?


i succeed to do and completed today




A := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = (1/6)*sqrt(3)+(1/2)*I, (1, 2) = (1/6)*sqrt(3)-(1/2)*I, (2, 1) = (1/6)*sqrt(3)-(1/2)*I, (2, 2) = (1/6)*sqrt(3)+(1/2)*I}):
A3 := Matrix([[0,0],[0,0]]):
for i from 1 to 2 do
 for j from 1 to 2 do
  A3[i,j] := Im(A[i,j]);
counterd := 0:
for i from 1 to 2 do
 for j from 1 to 2 do
  if A2[i,j] mod ((1/6)*sqrt(3)) = True then
   counterd := counterd + 1:
  end if:
if counterd = 4 then
 for i from 1 to 2 do
 for j from 1 to 2 do
  A2[i,j] := A2[i,j]/((1/6)*sqrt(3)):
end if:
A2 := Matrix([[0,0],[0,0]]):
for i from 1 to 2 do
 for j from 1 to 2 do
  A2[i,j] := Im(A[i,j]);
counterd := 0:
for i from 1 to 2 do
 for j from 1 to 2 do
  if A2[i,j] mod (1/2) = True then
   counterd := counterd + 1:
  end if:
if counterd = 4 then
 for i from 1 to 2 do
 for j from 1 to 2 do
  A2[i,j] := A2[i,j]/(1/2):
end if:
Error, invalid input: modp received 1/2, which is not valid for its 2nd argument, m;
i do it in another method
mod has error in maple 12
how to mod in maple 12 for fraction ?


moreover , is it possible sqrt(3)/6 and 1/2 combine into one term and the rest is one matrix result?


Your doing is correct.

A := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = (1/6)*sqrt(3)+(1/2)*I, (1, 2) = (1/6)*sqrt(3)-(1/2)*I, (2, 1) = (1/6)*sqrt(3)-(1/2)*I, (2, 2) = (1/6)*sqrt(3)+(1/2)*I}):
Error, (in rtable/Product) invalid arguments
in maple 12
how to run in maple 12?


your doing is not factorize, or collect

i mean apply on this example matrix

Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = (1/6)*sqrt(3)+(1/2)*I, (1, 2) = (1/6)*sqrt(3)-(1/2)*I, (2, 1) = (1/6)*sqrt(3)-(1/2)*I, (2, 2) = (1/6)*sqrt(3)+(1/2)*I})

expect a general method.

and the expected output is like


though this is wrong matrix for above example

actually i am finding like pauli matrix

hope to extract (1/6)*sqrt(3),  (1/2) out of matrix and leave matrix like

Matrix([[1,-I],[-I,1]]), one or zero or imaginary 1


i have already finished 

and would like to delete this question

but it do not allow to delete question as there are reply

what should I do ?


in previous post, there is definition

i searched that there are extra 7 possible matrices 

need further research whether these 7 matrices are useful or not.

@Joe Riel 

i change to use printf to print matrix


in fact, I find extra 7 matrix, possible are new hope besides 1 i has known from observation.


i successfully found invariant matrix 

besides zero matrix, there are also one and zero matrix

but it is just the beginning, i am very excited.

you want to know more what i will do?


i successfully find using another method.



final := choose(result, 10):

result in above is to store basic matrices after elementary operations

i try to make all different kind of elementary operation on matrix

then choose 10 equations,

why 10 equation?

for example if 3 equations , and choose 1 at right hand side of equal, eq1 = eq1 will make 3 equations system to 2 equations system


[eq2 = eq1, eq3=eq1, eq1=eq1]

so, to make 9 equations for 9 variables, need to choose 10 equations,

however using double for loop, it will result a list with number of equations more than 9,

so choose again for 9 different equations only.


looking for Invariant matrix

this wiki is correct.


there is a case that we may not find

if power of 2 term has coefficient

such as 5*2^3+7*2^5 etc

is it possible to find?

if further assume these coefficients are prime only, can this be find?

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