Daniel Skoog

Daniel Skoog

1766 Reputation

22 Badges

13 years, 289 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Daniel Skoog

@claus christensen : Can you upload a zipped copy of your workbook for us to test out? For some reason, MaplePrimes doesn't seem to like the .maple file format - the file above doesn't contain anything.

@J F Ogilvie Thanks for your reply. It's definitely true that there are more ways to evaluate a fitted model. As far as I know, the only implementation for AIC that's currently in Maple is in the TimeSeriesPackage (see AIC), so I'll definitely be checking out the code that you have in your application.

@Mac Dude : The %USERFOLDER% is just my own way of saying the root user directory on your specific platform - I'm actually not sure where I picked up that notation from, but I've been using it for a while.

I believe that the PackageTools:-Install command has a "where" option that allows for the specification of an arbitrary folder for the installed package. If you use an arbitrary folder, you may need to add that folder path to libname though. I would definitely still recommend for most users that they simply use the standardized file path of /maple/toolbox (the default), but if you wish to store the installed files in a different folder, then you should be able to do so with the command (the gui install defaults to the standard folder).

@dharr : I've reproduced the error that you're seeing and passed it along to the developers for further investigation. This is seemingly a corner case that the workbook container can't handle.

Thanks for posting this. We'll fix up the documentation.

Here's another example that was passed along to me from one of our developers. It uses the Fractals:-LSystem subpackage commands: Iterate and LSystemPlot


MapleLeaf := proc(n)
  local state, angle, rules, conditions, actions, constants, i;
  state := Vector(convert("1",bytes)):
  angle := 90:
  rules[convert("1",bytes)[1]] := convert("0[[+01]-01]001", bytes):
  rules[convert("0",bytes)[1]] := convert("00", bytes):
  conditions := Array(1..6, ["0", "1", "[", "]", "+", "-"]):
  actions := Array(1..6, ["draw:.3", "draw:1", "push:position;push:angle", "pop:position;pop:angle", "turn:60", "turn:-60"]):
  constants := [seq(convert(conditions[i], bytes)[1]=actions[i],i=1..6)]:
  for i to n do
    state := Iterate(state, rules);
                 axes=none,scaling=constrained, colour="#DC2828", thickness=0);
end proc:

@vv : Nice examples - I was hoping someone would share these. The latter example is also featured on the plots,polarplot help page.

@EugeneKalentev : Do you have the OrthogonalExpansions package installed? The help for the OrthogonalExpansions package is only visible after the package has been installed and cannot be found in Maple's online help documentation (though this would be a nice addition).

If you are running Maple 2017, you can install the OrthogonalExpansions package through the MapleCloud window or by running the following code:


If you have an older copy of Maple, you'll find the zip file containing the package here: http://www.maplesoft.com/applications/view.aspx?SID=33406

After you have installed the package, you'll be able to access the help in the way that @Markiyan Hirnyk  mentions.

@claus christensen : I'm not sure. If you can reproduce any of that behaviour, feel free to let us know. I'm glad to hear that it works and look forward to testing out your package once it's available.

@claus christensen : I'm not sure why you're not seeing the option. Would you mind sending us a copy of your workbook and we'll test it out? You can send it to support (at) maplesoft.com - please add Attention:Daniel to the subject line so that it is forwarded on to me.



I neglected to mention that you can also save a module into a workbook using the variables palette in the workbook tab. To do so, open the Workbook tab, then under the Variables palette, you should see the name of your module. Right-click on the module and select 'Save'; this saves the module to the Workbok, making it into a "package workbook".

I'll also add that if you are just curious about what data is in the country dataset, the GetHeaders command returns a list of available datasets and the GetElementNames command returns the list of countries.

As of Maple 2017, it is now possible to install the CodeBuilder package from the MapleCloud. It is also possible to install CodeBuilder using the new PackageTools:-Install command:

PackageTools:-Install( 5723849212559360 ):

As of Maple 2017, it is now possible to install the DirectSearch package directly from the MapleCloud. It is also possible to install DirectSearch using the new PackageTools:-Install command:

PackageTools:-Install( 5728547235692544 );

@Markiyan Hirnyk : Maple's geographic data is backed by the GeoNames geographical database. GeoNames is an open-source project that collects geographic data from a large collection of data sources. Collecting all of this information is a great endeavour, but it does also mean that data can get out of sync from time to time - this accounts for the differences in what Wikipedia reports vs. the GeoNames data. However, this is something that we can all contribute to. If anyone is interested in taking part, there are numerous ways that you can contribute to GeoNames; see the following frequently asked question, "How can I help?", on the GeoNames forum for more detail. Maplesoft does not plan to formally curate GeoNames data in any way, though we will continue to support this great project and I wouldn't be surprised if several of our employees may regularly contribute in their off-hours.

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