
220 Reputation

9 Badges

17 years, 248 days
Kharkov, Alaska, United States
PhD in Numerical Optimization

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by KonstantinW

Hi all

Can anybody suggest an algorithm allowing to detect, that two matrices of the same size can be obtained each from other by permutations of rows and columns? Maybe, such an algorithm there exists in LinearAlgebra package?

Maple has a powerful package for manipulation with logical expressions (Logic package). But it lacks for transfomation a boolean expression to algebraic normal form (ANF). In fact, this transfomation is very simple and implements by applying simple rules

to disjunctive normal form.

I suppose that this can be reached by introducing some custom operators and transfomations, if it is possible in Maple.


Can any workarounds in Maple for debugging the code without procedure? 

I noticed, that FileTools[Text][ReadLine] cannot read Cyrillic letter "я" in text files.

My test file containes 6 lines (Codepage 1251):

 Николай Петрович ТРУБЛАИНИ
 Ч А С Т Ь П Е Р В А Я
 Ветер налетел неожиданно. С неимоверной быстротой запенились волны. Они приближались к пароходу, стоявшему в миле от берега. Между реями мачт и в надстройках...

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