Thomas Dean

327 Reputation

10 Badges

19 years, 243 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Thomas Dean

I think the GF function, input, accepts out-of-range inputs.

From ?GF: The G:-input and G:-output commands convert from an integer in the range 
  "0 .. p^k - 1" to the corresponding polynomial and back

The first GF was from a typo. I think it should have produced an error message, according to help.
If I understand correctly, GF(7,1) should only have 7 members.
The second GF is to allow the input 28856.

Tom Dean

This worksheet loses contact with the kernel. I asked Tech Support. How do I report a bug?

The last line was a typo, but, it should not lose contact with the kernel...

After executing the print statement,

> 1

produces the error message.

Tom Dean

> kernelopts(version)
   Maple 2023.2, X86 64 LINUX, Nov 24 2023, Build ID 1762575

I got results I did not expect using &^ and mod. So, I created a simple example.

&^ ... mod does not seem to allow () to set order of execution where ^ ... mod does.

How does &^ ... mod arrive at the values that are different than ^ ... mod?

Tom Dean

I want to execute a function at least one time. So, I use do ... until ...

However, the function sometimes returns FAIL. So, I looked at help FAIL.

The while loop works. The until loop returns an error. evalb(testeq(...)=FAIL) seems overly complicated.

Tom Dean

Maple 2022.2

> restart
> expr = x^4-10*x^2+1
> plot(expr)

produces an error message:
com.maplesoft.maplets.ComponentAccessException: not a valid plot structure

plot(expr, x) works Ok.

Tom Dean

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