Thomas Richard

Mr. Thomas Richard

3496 Reputation

13 Badges

14 years, 139 days
Maplesoft Europe GmbH
Technical professional in industry or government
Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Thomas Richard

Did you really switch to "4 or 16 colors"? I doubt that drivers for current graphics cards support that, but just in case: Maple needs at least 16-bit color mode (i.e. 2^16=65536 colors). Please see here for more info.
What error messages do you get in which step? Please note that the worksheet you downloaded just demonstrates how to use a package (called MmaTranslator) that comes with Maple from version 9.5 on, but does not provide that package itself. So if you are running an older version of Maple, it won't work.
You could reflect a plot with respect to the x axis like this: p:=plot(cos): p; q:=plottools[reflect](p,[[-1,0],[1,0]]): q; Is this what you need?
You cannot use assign(solve1) here, because it does not generate a function. (Try evaluating dp[n] afterwards for other arguments than l and x!). Instead, use dp[n]:=unapply(rhs(solve1),l,x) I didn't check the rest of the solution, though.
Could you provide the full code that you entered, so that we can try to reproduce the error message? Thanks!
I think this is a known problem. Please see here.
From Maple 9.5 on, the int command recognizes such integrands, so you could use Diff(int(%,x),x), but there should be some more elegant approach...
This sounds like a bug to me, because it worked in earlier versions. A workaround for Maple 10 is convert(convert(Diff(f(x)+g(x),x)-Diff(g(x),x),D),Diff)
You said you are running Maple 8 and Matlab 6.5. That is most probably the source of the problem. Please note that the link in Maple 8 supports Matlab 6 only. This is documented at the top of the ?Matlab,setup help page. Maple 9 and 9.5 support Matlab 6.5, and Maple 10 supports Matlab 7 and 6.5, depending on the platform. Unsupported combinations may or may not work. For example, Maple 8 works with Matlab 5.3, but with 6.5, we have seen problem reports from other customers.
I don't know about your first question, but the second is easy: just use plotsetup(window);. To switch back to the default, use plotsetup(inline);. The same is available through the Display tab in the Tools/Options menu.
If you briefly describe what genvecs does, chances are good that you get replies from non-Mathcad-users like me.
Yes, such equations can be solved like this: rsolve({Y(t+1) + Y(t) = (-1)^t, Y(0)=2}, Y(t));. You might want to apply expand(%); to the result.
I think the easiest way is to load the Natural Units Environment. Please see ?Units,Natural and ?examples,NaturalUnits. The example worksheet also points out that explicit conversions may be preferrable if efficiency is an issue. BTW: I guess your input lines were meant to be x:=4*m and y:=5*m rather than x:=4(m) and y:=5(m), resp.. The latter variants are interpreted as constant functions, and automatically simplified to that constant value. In the Natural Units Environment, the output of the former variant will be displayed as x:=4[m] and y:=5[m], using square brackets.
Simply apply "Unix Network" update, called Maple1002UnixUpgrade.tar.gz. I have not applied this to my 64-bit Linux machine yet, but it worked that way the last time (10.00->10.01), and the installer script for 10.02 uses the same technique.
I'm not an expert on this topic, but I'd say that searching for such beasts on a single PC requires A LOT of patience, no matter what software you have. The largest known primes are usually those of Mersenne type, and according to the GIMPS Project, Maple 10's built-in list of Mersenne numbers is up-to-date. See ?numtheory[mersenne] for more information. In particular, numtheory[mersenne]([42]) will return the currently largest known prime. But even displaying it will require some time...
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