Thomas Richard

Mr. Thomas Richard

3496 Reputation

13 Badges

14 years, 139 days
Maplesoft Europe GmbH
Technical professional in industry or government
Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Thomas Richard

That's right, they are not supported in Maple Flow.

For this particular example, you can get the result by entering 4*~L, however. The tilde operator will take care of mapping.


do you really want to print the tests?

If working interactively in Maple is also an option, take a look at the PracticeSheet command. It's covering several topics (mainly from calculus), and will take care of the randomization.

This is covered by the expand command:


eq := (cosh(zeta+d)-2*sinh(zeta+d))/sinh(zeta+d)



eeq := expand(eq)











One way to obtain these coefficients is as follows:










{b[0] = 27, b[1] = 54, b[2] = 117, b[3] = 116, b[4] = 117, b[5] = 54, b[6] = 27}


assign(sol); # optional step





Please see ?solve,identity for more details.



Yes, the free Maple Player is covering this. It is actually a bit more than a static viewer; please see the description. All mainstream platforms (Windows, Linux, macOS) are supported.

If I understand that correctly, you can prescribe some k<>0, and then search for the remaining variables:

k := 17:
eqn := (x+a)*(x+b)*(x+c)*(x+d)+k = 0;
sol := isolve(eqn);
eval(sol, _Z1=-4); # plug in any integer for _Z1
eval(eqn, %); # check eqn

Is that what you meant?

Maple is trying to tell you that the input framed in red does not make sense syntactically.

You need to insert a statement separator (colon or semicolon) at the end of the first assignment in the loop.

Next time, please upload a worksheet, as opposed to a screenshot.

[It seems that you had edited your question while I wrote my reply.]

I can only comment on the technical aspects. For purchasing the upgrade, please contact the sales department (or the reseller for India, I guess).

Like all toolboxes, the QCT requires the same Maple version it was made for. In particular, QCT 2023 will only work with Maple 2023 - and I vaguely guess that's what you are asking about...

In Maple 2023, you can tackle some of them with new (or newly documented) int option method=Pseudoelliptic (see ?updates,Maple2023,AdvancedMath).

I have not tried to simplify the results, though.

No, it cannot be suppressed. Don't you find it useful?

It may not be too obvious, but you can save a lot of work by proceeding like this:

expr__1:=int(sec(x + y)*sec(x - y)/(sec(x)*sec(y)),x = 0 .. Pi/4, y = 0 .. Pi/4);


BlockImporter is a Maple toolbox that reads a Simulink .mdl file, along with initializations in an .m file (Matlab code). The model equations are extracted, simplified (in an optional step) and can be fed into Maple's DynamicSystems package. There are some restrictions on the set of supported Simulink blocks, however; also linked from the page you already found.
Its builtin documentation is available here.

It certainly supports Windows 10 - what made you think otherwise?

There is no equivalent in MapleSim, although its Simulink connector toolbox (covering the opposite direction) can re-import Simulink parameters to update your plant model - a kind of co-simulation where the controller is typically modelled in Simulink.

You had entered some expressions as e^something where Maple expects exp(something); it will emit a warning message.

If you correct that, the isolate call will succeed, but it returns t2 = -50.*ln(RootOf(p)) where p is a polynomial of high degree. Is that what you need?

By the way, the factor ln(e) may be removed.

@vs140580 About question 2: calling Maple from other programming languages is done via the OpenMaple API, and Maple 2023 extends this to cover Python. Please see here for an overview.

If you want to create a GUI in Maple itself, there are two approaches: Maplets and DocumentTools.

Maple 2023 returns 2268 (in ~3 minutes on my laptop).

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