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20 years, 133 days
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

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Will Spaetzel is a Software Architect in the Maple T.A. Team at Maplesoft.

He started at Maplesoft in May of 2004 for a 16 month internship while completing his Bachelor of Computer Science from the University of Western Ontario. During his final year at UWO, he continued on as moderator for MaplePrimes. He joined Maplesoft full-time in May 2006 and moved to the web team in Jan 2007. In December of 2010, Will moved to the Maple T.A. team. 

Will was born and grew up in Ontario, Canada. He maintains a personal blog, dabbles in photography builds web applications in his spare time.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Will

Your post got mangled because you did not escape the angle brackets. These have special meaning in HTML, so they are not displayed. The easiest solution is to click on Input Formats and then choose "Plain Text", this will cause everything you typed to appear exactly as you typed it.

William Spaetzel
MaplePrimes Administrator Software Developer, Maplesoft

.mwz is a proprietary format created by Maplesoft to protect our electronic books from copying. Creating these files requires a tool that Maplesoft has not released publicly. So, it is not possible for you to create .mwz files. However, I am curious as to why you wish to create .mwz files? If you are creating a product that you would like to sell, you should look into the MapleConnect program. Members of this program would be able to have their files distributed in .mwz.

William Spaetzel
MaplePrimes Administrator Software Developer, Maplesoft

As you can see on the Maple 11 Professional Page.

Maple 11 Professional version now includes:
  • Maple 11
  • MapleNet
  • Maple Toolbox for MATLAB
  • Elite Maintenance Program
Maple itself is the same, but if you purchase the professional version of Maple, it includes the additional products.

William Spaetzel
MaplePrimes Administrator Software Developer, Maplesoft

This comment was authored by acer, I reposted it here, moving it from a comment to an unrelated page. Is this the sort of thing that you're after? ft := (n,v) -> Zeta(0,n+1,1-2*Pi*v*I)/Zeta(n+1): mag := (n,v) -> evalf( sqrt(ft(n,v)*conjugate(ft(n,v))) ): fsolve( 'mag'(2,v)=0.5, v=0..0.2 ); fsolve( 'mag'(3,v)=0.5, v=0..0.2 ); fsolve( 'mag'(4,v)=0.5, v=0..0.2 ); The above produced these results, 0.1213463920 0.1006163849 0.08869465478 But that was quite a bit slower than it had to be, because of all the function calls. One could also just use expressions for ft and mag. Ie, restart: > ft := Zeta(0,n+1,1-2*Pi*v*I)/Zeta(n+1): > mag := sqrt(ft*conjugate(ft)): > fsolve( V->evalf(eval(mag,[n=2,v=V]))=0.5, 0..0.2 ); > fsolve( V->evalf(eval(mag,[n=3,v=V]))=0.5, 0..0.2 ); > fsolve( V->evalf(eval(mag,[n=4,v=V]))=0.5, 0..0.2 ); That produced these results. 0.1213463920 + 0. I 0.1006163849 + 0. I 0.08869465476 + 0. I The simplify() routine is one means to get rid of the 0.*I artefacts in those results, after the fact. acer
Maple does not let you assign values to variables that are passed as parameters. If you change your code to
inc := proc(x)
   local output;
   output := x+1;
   return output;
end proc;
It will work fine.

William Spaetzel
Marketing Engineer, Maplesoft

Can you please post a link to the post that you wish to be removed. I will remove it for you.

William Spaetzel
Marketing Engineer, Maplesoft

Here is a procedure that will split up a given number into the given length.

> cutNum := proc( number, length := 3)
local strNum, strLen;
strNum := convert( number, string );
strLen := StringTools:-Length( strNum );
ListTools:-Reverse([ seq( parse( StringTools:-SubString(
strNum, max(strLen - ( i +1 )* length,0 )+1..
strLen-i*length )), i=0..floor( strLen / length ) )]);

end proc:

> cutNum( 345273567, 2);

Maple Equation

> cutNum( 632096185, 3 );

Maple Equation


It is easy to define a procedure that takes a list, if you don't define the type of the argument, it will take anything. Or you can specifiy a list as below:

> listProc := proc( L::list )
nops ( L );
end proc;


Maple Equation


As you can see, this proc needs a list:

> listProc(435);

Error, (in listProc) invalid input: listProc expects its 1st argument, L, to be of type list, but received 435


And takes a list just fine

> listProc([4,6,3,4,7]);

Maple Equation


Maple Equation

This post was generated using the MaplePrimes File Manager

View 1_splitNum.mw on MapleNet or Download 1_splitNum.mw
View file details

William Spaetzel
Marketing Engineer, Maplesoft

And also, make sure to check out the Precalculus Study Guide from Maplesoft.

William Spaetzel
Marketing Engineer, Maplesoft

As I posted in a reply to your blog entry:

The reason for the Maple Equation statements instead of your Math is beacuse the HTML converter does not support all types of Maple equations. But if you download the worksheet or view the file on MapleNet, you will see all the equations.

I definitely see that this is a problem for people posting worksheets, but at this time I don't see a fix to the problem. I will look into it in the future.

William Spaetzel
Marketing Engineer, Maplesoft

What you saw was probably the Maple Classic Worksheet. If you are using Windows you can open it by clicking on "Classic Worksheet Maple" If you are in Linux/Unix, try the "maple -cw" command. You will see that there are many Maple features missing in the Classic interface, it is provided so that users with computers which are not powerful enough to run the Java interface will still be able to use Maple.

William Spaetzel
Marketing Engineer, Maplesoft

Maple Equation

You might find polyhedreaplot usefule

Maple Equation

Maple Equation

Maple Equation

Maple Equation

You can give the command a list of points to be used as the center of the plot, so giving a list of points gives you a number of polyhedra

Maple Equation

Maple Plot

You can use the polyhedrea_supported command to see the different types of polyhedra that are supported

Maple Equation

Maple Equation

Maple Equation

So we can create a prism:

Maple Equation

Maple Plot

Or a GyroelongatedPentagonalCupolarotunda...

Maple Equation

Maple Plot

Maple Equation Maple Equation

Maple Equation

This post was generated using the MaplePrimes File Manager

View 1_polyhedraplot.mw on MapleNet or Download 1_polyhedraplot.mw
View file details

William Spaetzel
Marketing Engineer, Maplesoft

I belive what you are looking for is the time() function. Look up ?time to read about it. I posted earlier a file that demonstrates the use of time(), here it is: View 1_delayPlot.mw on MapleNet or Download 1_delayPlot.mw
View file details

William Spaetzel
Marketing Engineer, Maplesoft

It looks like you have found a limitation in Maple. Currently in order to insert text after output, you will have to make sure that you type the text before you create the output.

William Spaetzel
Marketing Engineer, Maplesoft

As far as I know Maple does not have an option to print page numbers automatically. Which version of Maple are you using? Are you in the Standard Interface?. Can you post a screenshot showing the dialog that you are using to enable page numbers?

William Spaetzel
Marketing Engineer, Maplesoft

If you change "statistics" to "Statistics" you should get the plot that you want. Maple is case sensitive, so you have to make sure to use the right captialization for packages and commands.

I haven't tested this in Maple T.A. but as you can see, it works fine in Maple.

> with(Statistics):

> T:=PieChart(["a" = 2, "b" = 2, "c" = 1], color = red .. yellow, explode = [seq(i, i = "a" .. "c")]):

> plots[display](T);



Maple Plot


Maple Equation

This post was generated using the MaplePrimes File Manager

View 1_Statistics.mw on MapleNet or Download 1_Statistics.mw
View file details

William Spaetzel
Marketing Engineer, Maplesoft

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