mehdi jafari

769 Reputation

13 Badges

11 years, 273 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mehdi jafari

can we load part of a package not the package whole !? for example from physics package i only need diff tool not all of the package tools,can i do sth for that !? 

why does not send me email notifications ?! could anyone help ? i do not receive email notification of related posts.

hi,i want to take differential with respect to another differential using physics package,but using D instead of diff,could anyone help me do that ? for example :

restart; with(Physics):
A1 := -(1/24)*1*rho*((diff(phi[1](x, t), t))^2)*(h^3)-(1/2)*1*rho*((diff(u[ref](x, t), t))^2)*h-(1/2)*rho*((diff(w(x, t), t))^2)*h+(1/24)*1*1*((diff(phi[1](x, t), x))^2)*(h^3)+(1/2)*1*(1*((diff(u[ref](x, t), x)+(1/2)*(diff(w(x, t), x))^2)^2)+K*1*((diff(w(x, t), x)+phi[1](x, t))^2))*h-1*q*w(x, t):


here i want to compute A2 using D command,not diff and i do not want use convert command ! i just need to calculate A2 directly using D command. tnx for your help.


i want to solve this pde,but i do know how to write my boundary or initial conditons,actually my dependent variables were x and y, i changed x to t,since i faced an error that pde solver needs time=varname , but i could not solve my problem,do anyone know how to insert my boundary conditions ?! please help,thnx

i have 3 equations which contains both numeric and symbols, how can i seprrate these to ?
for example :

> restart:
> eq1:=a[1]^3+a[2]+a[3]^2+50;

> eq2:=a[1]^2+5*a[2]+a[3]+44;

> eq3:=a[1]+a[2]+a[3]^2+74;

i want maple to seprate these three equations in two vectors,first vector including symbols and second one includes numerics , like this :



so that 


gives me the answer true.
tnx for help.

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