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6 years, 66 days

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Mississauga Carpet Cleaner is devoted to keeping your carpets clean, weather residential or commercial, our team can tackle both. We offer a variety of not only carpet cleaning but also upholstery, furniture, rug cleaning, stain protection and much more. For our commercial clients we offer monthly maintenance plans at an affordable rate, we will clean your small brick and mortar business or your 40 floor business building. We have been proudly serving Mississauga for over 10 years, we also serve Brampton, Toronto, North York, Vaughan, Scarborough, Markham, Richmond Hill and the rest of the GTA. Our office is located at 25 Watline Ave Mississauga, ON L4Z 2Z1. Not sure if we service your area? Call us today and we will be happy to assist you

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