
60 Reputation

6 Badges

7 years, 255 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mschneider

I am looking to develop a histogram from a random data set that contains integers that are approximately normally distributed.  The intent is to develop a histogram from the dataset that looks like a fairly decent-approximation of a normalized curve (but not necessarily perfect)....  the next stage to this is a second histogram that shows a bimodal distribution (but not necessarily perfect)


To this point I have...




N := RandomVariable(Normal(300, 10));

A := [seq(MapleTA:-Builtin:-decimal(0, Sample(N, 500)[i]), i = 1 .. 500)];

Histogram(A, frequencyscale = absolute, bincount = 25, binwidth = 1, tickmarks = [default, default]);


I am certain you will find what I have thus far is far from ideal, as such any help is appreciated.






Can someone explain to me why the following lists do not have the same content?  And suggest how I might be able to fix the problem?



a := (x^2+y^2)^3 = y^2:

b := (x^2+y^2)^(3/2) = y:

listA := sort([seq(evalf(solve({y >= 0, subs(x = i, a)}, {y})), i = 0.5e-1 .. .5, 0.5e-1)]);

listB := sort([seq(evalf(solve({y >= 0, subs(x = i, b)}, {y})), i = 0.5e-1 .. .5, 0.5e-1)]);

evalb(listA = listB);

Hi all,

I am attempting to have the piecewise function

Render using either mathML or Letex in maple, using the syntax:

f := piecewise(-Pi <= x and x < 0, 1, 0 <= x and x < Pi, 0);

la := latex(f);

mml := MathML[ExportPresentation](f);


Unfortunately, as you will notice the latex produces some really annoying "and" words amongst the code.  While the MathML produces some equally annoying "&wedge;", and symbols, amongst the code.

Any help would be appreciated.




I am trying to get Maple to display sin2(x)  rather than (sin(x))2.  In particular I am trying to have it output the latex for the prior using latex(sin^2(x) , output=string), or similar.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.





Hello all,

I am looking for a maple command to do the following

#outline of idea, is a user would pre-define a number of rows and a single Matrix command would automatically generate a Matrix based on the data the user provides.

numRows:= ;#user would enter a number here

row1:=[1,2,3];  #user enters data for each row



#user will enter a few more rows to match numRows, specified above

Matrix([[row1],[row2],[row3],....,[rown]]);#this matrix command would be generated based on the above entered data


I was thinking some form of counter could do this?  Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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