
202 Reputation

12 Badges

15 years, 295 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by tatan2501

Thank you very much.



Good Luck

Good Luck

You have a little mistake in the dsolve.


Good Luck

I wrote the following code in maple.

a and b are the initial points. (a left, b right)

f is the function.

epsilon is the Maximum permissible error.

Good Luck

I can´t watch your excercise.

could you write your problem here?

Good Luck.

Good Luck.

Good Luck.

Thank you very much.

good luck,


Thank, but now I have other problem.

That´s perfect when I have one non-linear inequal.

How do I do that when I have a System of non-linear inequalities?

Good Luck,


I don´t know why I used PLOT(CURVES).


I alway use plot, because it´s more simple.


Thank for the correction, Robert.

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