
202 Reputation

12 Badges

15 years, 288 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by tatan2501

Try this:

> factorielle:=proc(n)
       if(n=1) then 1; else factorielle(n-1)*n; end if;
   end proc:


Good Luck,



I don´t recommend use Dsolve, becouse if you use Dsolve, you will not know what is doing Maple.

Try this:

If you want more Accuracy, you can do more iterations:

Good Luck,


You can use the Eval Command to solve your problem in the proc.

 local A,a,w,ode,ics,sol:
 end proc:
> evalf(yexa(2))


Good Luck.


> f:=x->subs(dsolve({ode,ics},y(x)),y(x)):
> plot(f(x),x=1..5);

Good Luck,



Very good idea. I will try it.


Thank you.

if you calculate the limit of the function when X tends to zero by left:



And if you calculate the limit of the function when X tends to zero by right:


Hence, the limit of the function when X tends to zero doesn´t exist. For that, when you calculate, with maple, the limit of the function, your result is "undefined".

Moreover, f(0) is equal to 0, because you didn´t define, in the piecewise, a value to f(0).

Good Luck,


You can use two commands to determine the function derived (D or diff):

The WorkSheet is a picture that I uploaded with the FileManager.


Good Luck


If you don´t specify a value for f(a) when you define the function, Maple assumes that the value of f(a) is 0.

Good Luck,







Good Luck.


Thank you very much.

That's perfect.

Thank you very much

Using Rectangular Coordinates:


Using Cilyndrical Coordinates:


>Median:=proc(xa,ya,xb,yb,xc,yc) description "A=(xa,ya);B=(xb,yb);C=(xc,yc)": local xab,yab,xac,yac,xbc,ybc: xab:=(xa+xb)/2: yab:=(ya+yb)/2: xac:=(xa+xc)/2: yac:=(ya+yc)/2: xbc:=(xb+xc)/2: ybc:=(yb+yc)/2: plot([[[xa,ya],[xb,yb],[xc,yc],[xa,ya]],[[xa,ya],[xbc,ybc]],[[xb,yb],[xac,yac]], [[xc,yc],[xab,yab]]],color=[blue,red,red,red],thickness=3,scaling=constrained); end proc: >Median(0,0,3,3,6,0);

The easiest way is transform the nonlinear equation to a linear equation around the critics points.

Our nonlinear equation is y´´+(y´)^5+y=0 (1). We can transform (1) to a system of differential equations:


The critics points are the points that meet with the following equations:


Hence, the only critic point is (0,0).

The Diferential Equations System around (0,0) is:

| y´ |      |  (df/dy)(0,0)       (df/du)(0,0)  |     | y  |
|     | =   |                                                  |  * |     |
| u´ |      | (dg/dy)(0,0)      (dg/du)(0,0) |     | u |

| y´ |      |  0    1  |     | y  |
|     | =   |            |  * |     |
| u´ |      |  -1   0 |     | u |



k1*sin(x) - k2*sin(2*x)=cos(x-Pi/2)*(k1-2*k2*cos(x))

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